How would I show them God's love? Sorry, I have not been baptized with the Holy Spirit yet and I'm not really sure.
My name is Rebecca John and I am from Kimbe, West New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea. I am a Spirit-filled member of the Revival Fellowship PNG, Port Moresby Assembly.
I was one of those millions of people around the world suffering from HIV/AIDS and God healed me completely when I first heard and obeyed the Bible truth of repentance, baptism by full immersion and receiving of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
I was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 2004 when my body failed to recover from malaria treatment that I received from my doctor. When I did not recover from the malaria treatment I received, my doctor requested me to get tested for HIV/AIDS, which I agreed. When my blood test result was ready, my doctor called me up and asked me to go to his clinic to collect it. I went and sat in front of him eagerly to hear the result. He quietly told me with a soft voice, "My sister I am very sorry to reveal to you that you have the HIV/AIDS virus in your blood". Upon hearing this news, I was shocked, confused, weakened, angry with myself, and very much afraid that I was going to die. I had no hope and felt useless. All these negative feelings quickly suppressed my body immune system and my body started to deteriorate quickly with physical signs of rapid weight loss, hairs falling off, sores and peeling off of my flesh, fingernails and toe nails. I couldn't walk and was bed-ridden for many months.
I had only few weeks to live when a brother from the Revival Fellowship Port Moresby Assembly witnessed me of the Bible truth of restoration and healing by the power of God through repentance, baptism and receiving of the Holy Spirit with the Bible evidence of speaking in other tongues. I did not hardened my heart because I was in great pain and needed help immediately so I followed God's Bible instructions to be saved both physically and spiritually. On the 11th of April 2004 I repented and got baptized by full immersion. As soon as I came out of the waters of baptism, I received God's Holy Spirit with Bible evidence of Speaking in other Tongues. When I received the Holy Spirit, God restored all my body strength and I started walking again. I stayed truly committed in the Lord in fellowship and after few weeks I regained my body weight, all sores on my body disappeared, my hairs started to grow again, my finger and toe nails started to grow again, and my whole body and soul was fully healed and restored back to normal by the power of God.
After almost a year in the fellowship, I went back to the hospital to get my blood tested again for HIV/AIDS. The doctors were amazed when my first blood test result came back negative. They asked me to go back again for another test after 3 months, which I did and the result came back negative. The doctors could not believe still, and again they asked me to go for the final test after 6 months. I did, and again the result came negative.
Rebecca John
Papua New Guinea