I have written 8 volumes over 20 different characters. I do not think that it is right just to talk about the one's with no fault but about all. If there is a fault their is also a moral to that fault. take a look at my work… godschosenheroes.comI've had an ideal I've not been successful at standing up to:
Never put people on pedestals; they fall off.
However, that's for living people, not people like David, who is written in the Book and finished. G-d said that David was a man after His heart, but that was because David was so faulty yet so able to see the truth and repent. For a biblical hero, I would wait for maturity in my child before I brought David up. Rather, I would bring up our Messiah. Now THERE's a HERO!!
For little children:
I would bring up Daniel, who must have had faults, but I don't know them.
The Three Hebrew Children, whose faults we don't have to deal with.
Paul, who was a murderer and hateful against believers in Messiah, but he met the Messiah, repented, and walked carefully.
How about John the beloved?
Thomas the twin, of whom we know a few faults.
And as children mature, sure, I would teach them about the others.
I commend you for including the whole story.
This is why I decided to tell everything to get them to understand. They can understand that yes David was wrong in all that he did in this situation, but when he repented he never sinned again and because of the blood that he brought down on his family that was the consequences of his wrong doing.
Okay. Thank your for your reply! My best friend in high school was of that religion, so I understand your answer. By the way, I am still in contact with her. She has left the church, but her sister is a pastor's wife there. My church, when I was a child, was similar to a point.Pentecostal Apostolic is my belief if you look in Deu. 22:5 it talks about men wearing garments meant for women and women wearing garments pertaining to a man. Pants are made for men and dresses for women. If a person do the opposite it is an abomination in the sight of God.
What I mean is for a young child it would be confusing to say that the good guy is a lustful, manipulating murderer and the bad guy is bad just because he's from somewhere else.
Lets use another David example. Should we show our kids a terrorist beheading video so that they understand what David did to Goliath after hitting him with the stone? I don't think so. It's unnecessary to the point of the story and I honestly have mixed feelings about putting incredibly violent imagery in a young child's mind even if it is in the Bible.
I see…but I like it. Thanks for taking the time to talk. Hope to see you around in other topics.Okay. Thank your for your reply! My best friend in high school was of that religion, so I understand your answer. By the way, I am still in contact with her. She has left the church, but her sister is a pastor's wife there. My church, when I was a child, was similar to a point.
Well, I hope you enjoy your time here! We are a very diversified group!
What about what they see in the real world…sex, bulling, and need me to say that they will learn it in school. Who better teem then the parents. There was a reason for beheading Goliath, his lust, all of it was for a reason.
I'm not trying to argue with you or anything. I just would explain things depending on the age. Everybody teaches their children differently and every child is different. I just can't see describing a beheading to my young child before he drifts off to sleep. They will see enough evil in the world in their lifetime, so I don't think putting it in their minds early helps anything.
I agreeI understand. Thanks and it was great talking to you and I think that we gave our opinions respectfully.
I was searching for Biblical stories to read my First born in 2008 but everything was straight to the point. I decided to write them myself focussing on importent people that gave a meaning. I wrote about murder (Cane), lust (King David), plots (Jacob & Esua). Is that too much for children to know? Please take a look at my 1 min. video and let me know what you think. Thanks
I was searching for Biblical stories to read my First born in 2008 but everything was straight to the point. I decided to write them myself focussing on importent people that gave a meaning. I wrote about murder (Cane), lust (King David), plots (Jacob & Esua). Is that too much for children to know? Please take a look at my 1 min. video and let me know what you think. Thanks
Amazing. Why?? The whole Book is about Messiah!
Thanks for bringing this thread up, however; I forgot about it....
The Good News is the primary focus for Christians.
That is NOT in the OT. That's the old news and the old ways and can confuse children easily about what The King had in mind.
To talk about slavery to a child under ten and then flash forward to Jesus would become very unnerving.
It would make it look like the Jesus that says love your neighbour as yourself, is adding, unless he is a slave, then it is OK.
Not a good clear message.
You also have to be careful because of outside influence and because of social morals.