Sickle moon and disk/star

Google what?

Couldnt you just show me? You mod and all. I thought you knew EVERYTHING.

What do I put? What is the center of the world? I will get a globe.
We not really west at all, we kinda south, could be east or west depending on what direction you travelling.
Actually, we south east from jerusalem. You could go the other way but would take longer and more miles. Maybe although as planet is spinning and theres aircurrents maybe not.

West of nz is the middle east. So that make no sense.

Heard centre of earth dateline is greenwhich, but...thats from UK. Who obviously think THEY are in the center of the world. But china called THEMSELVES the middle kingdom.

Oh well. Nz is the location of middle earth for LOTR, so its all relative.
The harlot is the religion of Islam. The beast is the politics of Islam. They are one in the same. Her wine is oil. She's decked out in find gold and precious stones and pearls. I live in Bahrain which is the only place on the planet you can get natural, not farm-grown, pearls. The seven mountains is Mecca, from where the beast rose up out of the sea of desert.

Isaiah 34 and 63 speaks of how the Messiah will take vengeance on Edom and Bozrah, the ancient capital of Edom. Today, Edom is Jordan. Ezekiel 25 speaks how the Messiah will destroy Ammon and Moab, which are also part of Jordan. Joel 3 speaks how the Messiah will deal with Zidon and Tyre, which is Lebanon today, and the coast of Palestine, which is Gaza today. Balaam, the cursing prophet, spoke on this wise in Numbers 24:14 “…come therefore, and I will advertise thee what this people (the Hebrews) shall do to thy people(The Midianites) in the latter days.” Midian is hard to point out, but it is outside of Egypt so it is my opinion that it’s the extreme western part of Arabia and southern Jordan along the eastern shore of the Sea of Aqaba. Ezekiel 30 shows that Egypt, Libya, and Ethiopia will also be destroyed. These verses in Ezekiel have a dual message – past and yet future.

Now if the antichrist and the false prophet were to come from Rome, why would the Messiah devastate all the kingdoms and nations mentioned above, including all those of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar when He returns? In almost every Old Testament book, any nation marked for destruction is currently Islamic. Up until September 11, 2001, Islam was not well known to the West and sadly, most Christians are completely ignorant to their beliefs. This lack of knowledge is a direct result of why pastors 400 years ago, and still today, believed the false prophet is the Pope, and the antichrist is to be a European. A key to understanding if we are indeed in the end times is the unlocking of the book of Daniel when you read it with the eye on Islam. Christians, not patient enough in years past, have been led astray with this Roman false teaching of the end times, a tactic of the devil to deceive and misdirect the followers of Jesus Christ. Now that the West is at war with Islam – though they do not yet know this – the books have been unsealed for us to understand the truth.

Revelation 17:1-2 “… the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”
The waters are many people and nations. What nation hasn’t adjusted their convictions for oil? In May 1908, a British investor succeeded in drilling for oil in Iran, and so the great whore was born. Engineers from the United States, commissioned to drill for water, ended up creating Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, because everywhere they drilled, they got oil. Dhahran was born to support the vast number of American employees and they created the American Oil Company (Aramco). The Middle East is not the place just for oil, but gold, precious stones, and the only place to still get natural pearls (Bahrain).
Revelation 17:3 “So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.”

To the Lord God of Israel, everything about Islam is blasphemous. They worship a man (Muhammad), a meteorite in Mecca they call the “Black Stone”, and their god (Allah) is clearly Satan with the OT name of Baal. Muhammad took the Scriptures and turned it inside out to become the Koran. I don’t know how much more blasphemous a religion could be! As to the seven heads, they are seven kingdoms that John prophesied on later in verse ten, and the ten horns are kings: five are fallen, one is, and one is yet to come. The seven kingdoms were the countries below and the ten kings (Daniel 7:20) were those listed below:
  • Egypt 1 King – 1 Kingdom
  • Assyria 1 King – 1 Kingdom
  • Babylon 1 King – 1 Kingdom
  • Media-Persia 1 King – 1 Kingdom
  • Greece 4 Kings (Alexander’s four generals) – 4 Kingdoms
One is (at the time of John’s writing):
  • Rome 1 King – 1 Kingdom
One is not yet come (at the time of John’s writing):
  • Islamic Caliphate - Ottoman Empire 1 King – 1 Religious System of varying Kingdoms
The ten horns were/are the leaders. When Greece’s leader died (Alexander) his kingdom was divided amongst his four generals so in the Lord’s count, Greece gets a count of four because the empire of Greece did not remain whole. Rome has many "kings" but they were still only one system. Islam, though a non-unified group of nations, they were the kingdom "yet to come", they came, and now they are not, but their Caliphate will re-emerge.

Now I’m going to deviate from the norm concerning Rome. In Daniel’s statue, the bronze belly and thighs are Greece. What people forget is that this “Roman leg” division happened at the "thighs" of Greece, with its division into the East and the West. At the knees, the body splits off into two bones – the tibia and the fibula. I believe the western leg was the political Roman system until the knees. The division into two bones became the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox systems. The eastern leg is Islam, and at the knees, divides into Sunni and Shia systems. All these groups “pray” on their knees.

The eighth king comes from the seventh kingdom and it is this eighth king that will go into perdition. The sixth kingdom was Rome, so the seventh to rule over Israel was Islam (Ottoman Empire), therefore the eighth kingdom will be the rise of Islam. The Caliphate is the seat of power for all Islam, a ruler who is like a president, a general, and a spiritual leader. The position is inclusive. The first Caliphate was Muhammad in Medina, Arabia around 630 AD. After his death, there were successive Caliphates, but in the end, Islam split into the Shi'a and Sunni belief systems that still thrive today. The Caliphate ended in March 1924 with the creation of the secular Turkish government after the abolishment of the Ottoman Empire. Hence, the feet of clay – so mixed and weakened without purity of beliefs. In fact, in Hebrew, “arab” means “mixed people”. Someday soon, the Turkish people will elect a Sharia government, which will reinstate the Caliphate. In an excellent article in the Hudson New York, Steven Simpson writes in his article Turkey: Islamism's Consequences for the West, “For now, Turkey, still a powerful member of NATO, and still presumably a friend of America, teeters between East and West. A ‘neo-Ottoman’ Empire -- like a ‘neo-Czarist’ Russia that appears in the making -- is something that America, the West, and Israel, should take seriously.

If you want more, read my free book starting on page 110.
Indeed you have touched a lot on what I wanted to say.
For the record, how many times did God call the nation of Israel a prostitute? Why?
Because of their worship of other gods. Makes you think. Who worships other gods, to the order of the Egyptians right at the beginning of time.
The many waters are indeed the nations - I was wondering if that can be the nations that make up Islam?
You mention something else, I found it also, every time God comes to destroy a nation, prophetic of what will happen at the end, it is a muslim nation. Now, how many times in those scriptures does He say it will be by the hand of His nation, Israel. Makes you think. I would say that at some point those muslim nations are going to attack Israel - interesting, maybe they will be at the loosing end and their man of perdition will stand up to sign a peace treaty with Israel, but they will not recognise him for what he is..
Spot on with the seven kingdoms - but the eight is also a kingdom and of the order of the seven, all those kingdoms served the moongod when they ruled against Israel, so the coming eighth kingdom will be muslim.
I got another sort of feeling, when the Bible talk about the world, it refers to the middle east, not the whole world. Has anyone noticed that, or is it just me?
Turkey has something special to it, even the Greek PM has very strong root in this country as his family comes from there - more interesting and yet another link to moslem nations.
So then it is clear to say, the man of perdition will be one of the muslim order, we just do not know when it is his time to stand up and do all the things he is going to.
The Word of God is truly great. I cannot see how anyone can stand against Him.
Indeed you have touched a lot on what I wanted to say.
For the record, how many times did God call the nation of Israel a prostitute? Why?
Because of their worship of other gods. Makes you think. Who worships other gods, to the order of the Egyptians right at the beginning of time.
The many waters are indeed the nations - I was wondering if that can be the nations that make up Islam?
You mention something else, I found it also, every time God comes to destroy a nation, prophetic of what will happen at the end, it is a muslim nation. Now, how many times in those scriptures does He say it will be by the hand of His nation, Israel. Makes you think. I would say that at some point those muslim nations are going to attack Israel - interesting, maybe they will be at the loosing end and their man of perdition will stand up to sign a peace treaty with Israel, but they will not recognise him for what he is..
Spot on with the seven kingdoms - but the eight is also a kingdom and of the order of the seven, all those kingdoms served the moongod when they ruled against Israel, so the coming eighth kingdom will be muslim.
I got another sort of feeling, when the Bible talk about the world, it refers to the middle east, not the whole world. Has anyone noticed that, or is it just me?
Turkey has something special to it, even the Greek PM has very strong root in this country as his family comes from there - more interesting and yet another link to moslem nations.
So then it is clear to say, the man of perdition will be one of the muslim order, we just do not know when it is his time to stand up and do all the things he is going to.
The Word of God is truly great. I cannot see how anyone can stand against Him.
Thanks for the kind words and when one believes the word of God and every (yod and crown) jot and tittle, they'll glean things only God can give, for His glory! :)
It goes right back to Ishmael and Isaac.
but also Jacob and Esau - two great nations in one womb. Remember they were twins.
Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage (bowl of lentil stew) and then went off presumably went to live with his uncle- Ishamael? Both became a great nation.
But Jacob got (or stole) the birthright blessing.

All very complicated, all very human, dysfunctional family!!!
I think I recall that according to their legend, he will be reincarnated as the new caliph. That in its singularity confirms the caliphs credentials as the antichrist. Whoever he will be, but one things is certain, he will call for our necks.
yea thats what I heard too.
They really hate all christians. If you become a christian in an islamic nation, you have to secretly believe. I once worked with muslim ladies and one would tell me I was going to hell for not fasting, and another spat on Jesus name and worried her daughter would start following Him. Apparently she married a christian (background, don't think he was born-again, cos thats unequal yoking and you would never do that) and forced him to convert to her religion. They split up now.

I noticed, many muslims, really kind to your face but behind your back, watch out.
At the library where I worked, heard one muslim complained showing the nativity was offensive to them so they weren't even allowed to put up a display at Christmas.
Also a friend working in daycare gets so much trouble from muslim co-workers, they say shes disturbing them while they at prayers - which they have to pray five times a day.

Also...they disarmed the church bells in London and insisted that their mosques be allowed to ring their calls to prayer instead. ???It's not even their country. And they want to wear the hijab or burka things even in banks where you not meant to wear disguises, even people with hoodies and motorbike helmets are asked to remove them for safety. They look like bank robbers honestly all in black.
Seeing what's happening worldwide, I really wonder how anyone with 1/2 a brain can think the end-time religion is anything other than Islam.
yea thats what I heard too.
They really hate all christians. If you become a christian in an islamic nation, you have to secretly believe. I once worked with muslim ladies and one would tell me I was going to hell for not fasting, and another spat on Jesus name and worried her daughter would start following Him. Apparently she married a christian (background, don't think he was born-again, cos thats unequal yoking and you would never do that) and forced him to convert to her religion. They split up now.

I noticed, many muslims, really kind to your face but behind your back, watch out.

Yes it's interesting you elude to the kind to your face, but hates you to your back. A former muslim said that the wine the kings of the world are drunk on are actually the fact that everyone hails islam a peaceful nation and because they stand up for that peaceful nature, etc. I think it's fair to say that Islam is not peaceful - after all, the Prince of Peace they know not. I once heard something and it goes like this, "by peace he (dem oll serpent) deceives many". How interesting.
Also a friend working in daycare gets so much trouble from muslim co-workers, they say shes disturbing them while they at prayers - which they have to pray five times a day.

Also...they disarmed the church bells in London and insisted that their mosques be allowed to ring their calls to prayer instead. ???It's not even their country. And they want to wear the hijab or burka things even in banks where you not meant to wear disguises, even people with hoodies and motorbike helmets are asked to remove them for safety. They look like bank robbers honestly all in black.
Drunk on the wine of the prostitute I tell ya.
Seeing what's happening worldwide, I really wonder how anyone with 1/2 a brain can think the end-time religion is anything other than Islam.
Yes, I just think it's interesting to speculate at who will include themselves with that harlot.
When they arrive in your (reads anyone's) country, are you going to save your life or give it up for the name of Yeshua?
That is the question for everyone.
I dont know, of course Id rather be with the Lord before all that stuff happens, if it does affect my country..I would want to take steps to completely free myself and others from the beast system.

That would mean..having the wisdom and enough self suffiiency not to be dependent on oil which they sell or any of their rich worldly goods or drugs And sorcery (pharmaceuticals). And living without money. Also, since the image of the beast is something people gonna be forced to worship, im not gonna be watching or be sucked into any tv or media hype. I think an easy way for anti christ to take control is countries being in debt cos they building massive infrastructures they cant pay for and since muslims so rich can hold other countries to ransom. Or maybe its the banking elites in cahoots with them. Idk. Thy already do this to third world countries that have gone to ruin and famine cos their govts are corrupted.

I dont know about the elderly folk its a blessing they dont have to live through what my generation faces. Most govts have sold out to the idea of a one world religion. They preach peace and tolerance to all except born again christians.
Okay, interesting thing, all related.
Check out Acts 7:43 and then Amos 5:25-27.
It's about the star god Raphan and Kaiwan - same thing different languages I believe.
Now Raphan is present by a drawing very similar to the star of david - Lanolin, told you have something in that thread.
Looks to me like this again , like the sickle moon pulls through to the Egyptian period and gods.
Also keep in mind the sickle moon and disk can be found in drawings of Taurus and isis - and these were worshiped from Egypt right trough to the greek empires, likely also roman, but I have to look.
These are all interlinked and very prominent today in muslim sanctuaries and mosques, and sadly various institutions associated with Christianity.
I'm posting this, because I believe people need to research and become aware of what is going on in their church groups - lambs led to the slaughter comes to mind.
Your post made me think of halal slaughter and how horrible that is for animals that are bled while still alive. it seems they are sacrificed to Allah.

I was thinking on this as walking past a kebab shop in town that has the crescent moon and star as its symbol.