If we carefully define repentance, it is the act of showing remorse meaning you are deeply regretting the act you have committed. Yes it is true that our God is a forgiving and gracious God that doesn't count your sins but lets not fool ourselves OUR GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED. Jeremiah 17 ves 10 says "I am the Lord who searches the heart". You will never lie to God. Repenting is turning away completely. Yes, at times we find ourselves repeating the same sin over and over again even though its not unintentional. But what we have to pray for is for God to give us Wisdom to Fear him for if we Fear him we would not continue to sin against him. Remember Genesis 4:7 "If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desires is for you, BUT YOU MUST RULE OVER IT". God knows that we are living in a sinful world but he has given us the Power to rule over it. I think we should at it from this view: God is a gracious God who searches the heart and there is NOTHING unforgiveable to God, but let us learn to Fear him he who can destroy both the flesh and the soul in hell. God hates sin.