So I Read The Gospels Today

There will be no happiness in hell. I didn't think it was possible for someone to even consider it. I'm not gonna copy and paste scripture that describe hell for you.

Heaven is going to be worse than the actual hell if all I do is just praise and worship the lord for all eternity. So I rather take the hell route anytime. I just have to remember that if I do go to heaven, I will be in hell. The actual hell is just lesser of the two evils.
Heaven is going to be worse than the actual hell if all I do is just praise and worship the lord for all eternity. So I rather take the hell route anytime. I just have to remember that if I do go to heaven, I will be in hell. The actual hell is just lesser of the two evils.
That's your problem. Like all the wicked you don't think God is good and true. You think you know better, and because of that he will give you what you want. Eternal emptiness. You aren't God, and have no power without him!
oh, so I am "evil" because I decide what is right for me and what is wrong for me and because god is omniscent and all knowing, I would be "wrong" no matter what. Hell seems to be a much better choice for me in that case. I am just standing for what I believe in and not changing who I am for someone else. It is wrong for anyone to change who they are just for someone else.
oh, so I am "evil" because I decide what is right for me and what is wrong for me and because god is omniscent and all knowing, I would be "wrong" no matter what. Hell seems to be a much better choice for me in that case.
Don't you understand that when everyone decides what is good and what is evil for themselves then there is no true good and evil? Everyone will war their ideas against one another, and there will be no peace. That's the world we live in today! Because we don't trust God's morality, and what he knows is Good and what is Evil. Don't you see?
There's no chance of your eternity being ruined by going to heaven as long as you keep rejecting Christ. Sleep easy tonight, knowing you will burn for an eternity in the lake of fire.

I praise God that I will be with Him for eternity, praising and worshiping Him. This is not a chore, it's not boring. I have a relationship with the creator of the universe. He has prepared a room for me.
I don't trust god's judgment about premarital sex (especially when the couple are in love, or if the couple wants to have sex because too horny, or if they want to reproduce before marriage) since I see no consequence of it, same thing with having homosexual urges.
I don't trust god's judgment about premarital sex since I see no consequence of it, same thing with having homosexual urges.
Okay, so there is your sin. The same sin Eve had in the garden of Eden, aka PARADISE! She didn't trust that God was good and so she wanted to be good on her own. Now we live in this world, congratulations. Enjoy your homosexuality and premarital sex while it lasts...
how would you explain the OT god's massive killing spree? the OT god has killed thousands and thousands of people in the past and at least, Satan didn't kill much.
yeah, I read the OT. it said lots of bad stuff. the 7 plagues to egypt or something. There's more. He obliterated the city of sodom.... he turn lot's wife into a pillar of salt. He killed job's life just because god want to win a best against satan.... which I find to be very poor judgment. Job was never going against god either....
how would you explain the OT god's massive killing spree? the OT god has killed thousands and thousands of people in the past and at least, Satan didn't kill much.
Again the same sin as before. Questioning God's judgments.

Don't you realize God was trying to protect his people? I'm sure if he didn't order killing sprees they would have all killed eachother anyways! Or much worse, his chosen people!

Do you really think yourself so smart as to say that something God did was wrong??? Do you have the mind of God? Sin is in your veins, and Jesus died so you wouldn't suffer with it for eternity.
Yeah. I think god's judgment is poor. If I was god, I would never resort to killing anyone and teach them not to kill each other. they would all die natural deaths.
Yeah. I think god's judgment is poor. If I was god, I would never resort to killing anyone and teach them not to kill each other. they would all die natural deaths.
I'd love to see how you would handle being God, when you saw that all the people surrounding your family would rape and murder them. You'd put them to death.
if I am going to carry judgment, I would not carry out lifelong punishment for finite crime. The people that are in hell doesn't deserve eternal punishment. They deserve punishment but not lifelong. The people that are in heaven have a unfair advantage because they can't sin if they enter heaven.
How did you came up with that conclusion of eternal punishment being better than death? what is death to you? does death mean total nonexistent?
How did you came up with that conclusion of eternal punishment being better than death? what is death to you? does death mean total nonexistent?
At least in eternal punishment you are alive and feel the consequences of your sin. Death is unexistance, and justice wouldn't be served if you didn't feel sorry for what you did.
wouldn't it be better if god never created anything? so there wouldn't be any sinners to punish? Why did he created human in the first place? he never needed them anyways.