So I had been praying all week for a clear day today for the solar eclipse… but when I woke up I saw that it was cloudy. My faith did not waiver, until… the “show” started at 9:30am my time, and about 9:25 I was getting bummed and went to the weather map. Clouds everywhere! I asked the Lord if I had some hidden sin and didn’t understand. Then about half an hour later, someone from the office yelled “LOOK! The eclipse!” It was still cloudy out, but when I looked, this is what I saw:
I repented of my doubt and asked forgiveness and the Lord said, “You didn’t have special glasses to see, so I provided clouds for you!” Glory to God, He is sooooo good, even when we don’t deserve it.

I repented of my doubt and asked forgiveness and the Lord said, “You didn’t have special glasses to see, so I provided clouds for you!” Glory to God, He is sooooo good, even when we don’t deserve it.