DEVIL!!! I will not shut up.
The devil has attacked me from every side. Now, he has deceived my son and he followed in the ways of his father, the devil. He is now facing life in prison or lethal injection. This is not easy for a mother to swallow; esp. when he is her only begotten. I told him of a vision I had 2 yrs ago. He would not yield, nor would he listen. He scoffed at me and treated me like the enemy. Well, I suppose I was the enemy to the spirit possessing him. Now, he cries "I wish I would have listened to you mom".
My faith is being tried and my worst fear has come to pass; my son has been taken from me. I could not save him. God sent him a Savior, but he would not yield to the call of the Lord and now finds his life, his freedom, and all the things he wanted to do is gone. He wakes up to bars everyday and may very well do so for the rest of his life.
Much grief I have in my heart. Depression tried to consume me. Just now a nephew calls me a fake. Really? you think your words harm me? Your words only harm you. Of course your gay lifestyle and doing the things that are unnatural is an abomination to God. However, you can be forgiven and saved but you must repent and turn from your sins. The choice is yours. If you do not, you will suffer the wrath and vengeance of God. We are a corrupt and disobedient people and final judgment is coming. REPENT, crying out Abba Father, and be saved.
May the Lord God be exalted now and forever. I will praise the name of my Lord. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for HE is with me...
Those who say they are with me; are not. Those who say they love me; do not. How can anyone love, when they have never known true love. Your love is carnal and temporary; it fades as fast as melting snow. God's love is consistent and unfailing. HE picked me up and carried me; not you, nor myself; for I had not the strength to crawl, little own walk.
I thank you Lord for loving me and comforting me. This world rips and tears at my broken heart and spits in my face. Lord, they do not harm me. I pray for mercy upon their wretched souls.
He, who is a soldier and warreths for God, doesn't get entangled with this life's affairs.
The only way to walk in the fullness of God is to FORSAKE ALL and follow HIM. He will bless us with what little bit we are willing to give Him; but some of us are chosen to give our life to Him and forsake ALL.
Just as Jesus walked; so are we to walk. He went to them, told them what the Father had sent Him with and got away from them. Jesus didn't tarry and partake with their ways or worldly talk. He went back into the wilderness with the Father. He separated Himself from the world; and ask us to do the same. To not be converted to it, but separate from it.
Who is doing it? not one!!! Will there be any faith found when He comes? Can faith alone save us? Faith without works is dead. If we will have faith enough to speak; God will do all the works.
Lord have mercy upon us ALL.
All praise, glory and honor be to God. Amen
The devil has attacked me from every side. Now, he has deceived my son and he followed in the ways of his father, the devil. He is now facing life in prison or lethal injection. This is not easy for a mother to swallow; esp. when he is her only begotten. I told him of a vision I had 2 yrs ago. He would not yield, nor would he listen. He scoffed at me and treated me like the enemy. Well, I suppose I was the enemy to the spirit possessing him. Now, he cries "I wish I would have listened to you mom".
My faith is being tried and my worst fear has come to pass; my son has been taken from me. I could not save him. God sent him a Savior, but he would not yield to the call of the Lord and now finds his life, his freedom, and all the things he wanted to do is gone. He wakes up to bars everyday and may very well do so for the rest of his life.
Much grief I have in my heart. Depression tried to consume me. Just now a nephew calls me a fake. Really? you think your words harm me? Your words only harm you. Of course your gay lifestyle and doing the things that are unnatural is an abomination to God. However, you can be forgiven and saved but you must repent and turn from your sins. The choice is yours. If you do not, you will suffer the wrath and vengeance of God. We are a corrupt and disobedient people and final judgment is coming. REPENT, crying out Abba Father, and be saved.
May the Lord God be exalted now and forever. I will praise the name of my Lord. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for HE is with me...
Those who say they are with me; are not. Those who say they love me; do not. How can anyone love, when they have never known true love. Your love is carnal and temporary; it fades as fast as melting snow. God's love is consistent and unfailing. HE picked me up and carried me; not you, nor myself; for I had not the strength to crawl, little own walk.
I thank you Lord for loving me and comforting me. This world rips and tears at my broken heart and spits in my face. Lord, they do not harm me. I pray for mercy upon their wretched souls.
He, who is a soldier and warreths for God, doesn't get entangled with this life's affairs.
The only way to walk in the fullness of God is to FORSAKE ALL and follow HIM. He will bless us with what little bit we are willing to give Him; but some of us are chosen to give our life to Him and forsake ALL.
Just as Jesus walked; so are we to walk. He went to them, told them what the Father had sent Him with and got away from them. Jesus didn't tarry and partake with their ways or worldly talk. He went back into the wilderness with the Father. He separated Himself from the world; and ask us to do the same. To not be converted to it, but separate from it.
Who is doing it? not one!!! Will there be any faith found when He comes? Can faith alone save us? Faith without works is dead. If we will have faith enough to speak; God will do all the works.
Lord have mercy upon us ALL.
All praise, glory and honor be to God. Amen