Stephen Fry vs God

Um ok.
I just thought if you really cared and put your action to your faith..I challenge you to pray for this man and also post your prayer here instead of debating about it and maybe feeling a little superior. These people are lost - they are in unbelief and rebellion and we don't need to apologise about God to them. God certainly is not going to apologise for being God. He already sent his Son.
I don't pray such wishy-washy prayers like that myself.
Sorry. I don't pray prayers I don't believe will be answered. Not that I'm name it or claim it or anything, but I have hope and I know Jesus can do anything. Such is his amazing grace.
Um ok.
I just thought if you really cared and put your action to your faith..I challenge you to pray for this man and also post your prayer here instead of debating about it and maybe feeling a little superior. These people are lost - they are in unbelief and rebellion and we don't need to apologise about God to them. God certainly is not going to apologise for being God. He already sent his Son.

I'm sorry, Lanolin. I didn't mean for my reply to come off as me trying to debate you. I only meant to respond.

My prayer is for Stephen Fry and all of the Stephen Frys of the world, who don't know God, that they may find Him and submit themselves to Him. Whether they are angry at the concept of God, angry at those who believe in Him, or simply refuse to understand Him for whatever reason.

I don't know who is apologizing for God, though no one should. We should be apologizing to God for our sins.
I don't pray such wishy-washy prayers like that myself.
Sorry. I don't pray prayers I don't believe will be answered. Not that I'm name it or claim it or anything, but I have hope and I know Jesus can do anything. Such is his amazing grace.

Forgive me -- I'm not sure what you mean by wishy-washy prayers.
My prayer is for stephen fry and others like him to get to know Jesus and then he will know who God really is and how much He loves us.
Lord, open his ears and his eyes to see and hear and soften his heart by your compassion and mercy and grace, so that he will be moved and convicted in his spirit, and his conscience, to know what you did for him. No sin is too great to be forgiven if he did it in ignorance and unbelief. Heal his inner wounds and traumatic experiences whatever they may have been. In Jesus name, we are trusting you for his salvation. Amen.
Matt 5:44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

If we got technical, we all now know Mr Fry. We are all offended at his blasphemy of our God. We should all be praying / have a heart of yearning for him to be saved.

I don't believe Jesus meant for us to always literally pray for them. It reads more as a heart condition. Love them as opposed to hating and not caring for them. Preach to pray for them over preaching to ignore and write them off to the devil.
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When I was young, my father was a research scientist with both the DOD and later NIH. Because of his position I met many of the top scientists, academics, and politicians in the US during the 60s and 70s. The one defining characteristic that almost all of these men (almosty exclusively male group) had was pride. Pride of intellect, pride in their positions, and pride in their accomplishments among their peers. It is very hard to teach a proud man ANYTHING, and harder for a proud man to see past his pride and into his own utter emptiness. To see the blazing star that is God you first must be able to see past the smoldering candle that is the self.
When I was young, my father was a research scientist with both the DOD and later NIH. Because of his position I met many of the top scientists, academics, and politicians in the US during the 60s and 70s. The one defining characteristic that almost all of these men (almosty exclusively male group) had was pride. Pride of intellect, pride in their positions, and pride in their accomplishments among their peers. It is very hard to teach a proud man ANYTHING, and harder for a proud man to see past his pride and into his own utter emptiness. To see the blazing star that is God you first must be able to see past the smoldering candle that is the self.

I think you're spot on with this.
My prayer is for stephen fry and others like him to get to know Jesus and then he will know who God really is and how much He loves us.
Lord, open his ears and his eyes to see and hear and soften his heart by your compassion and mercy and grace, so that he will be moved and convicted in his spirit, and his conscience, to know what you did for him. No sin is too great to be forgiven if he did it in ignorance and unbelief. Heal his inner wounds and traumatic experiences whatever they may have been. In Jesus name, we are trusting you for his salvation. Amen.


For those of us who KNOW the truth, it's very disturbing to see Stephen Fry and other militant atheists digging their own eternal graves. It's like seeing the neighbour's house on fire and not being able to do anything about it.
persons such as Stephen Fry might well be asked what they did with their gifts and abilities to make the world a better place to live in.
Fry: Why did you create such a bad place where insects destroy the sight of children?
The Lord: You see those over there? They have their sight restored and are receiving their inheritance and it is an eternal inheritance.
What did you do for them in your time on Earth?

Fry: I grizzled and I grumbled and I complained about you and I dedicated my life to turning people away from having faith in you...that is what I did.

The Lord: OKAY, so now these are blessed for ever, but you have all the misery that you surrounded yourself with all your life as your eternal inheritance. Go, have your life long desire. Go through that doorway over there; it leads to a place where all the negative things you have focused on are stored. It leads to a place where there is no awareness of good, no awareness of Me, a place where hope can never exist .
People like Fry do not realize that they are an integral part of the misery that is in this world.
It is like a person holding a fire extinguisher while in a burning house, demanding that the fire department come and put out the flames.