Street Preachers

The question is he being obedient to God? Hey may say he stands for the right thing, which he might, but we're also taught how to go about doing it.

His downfall isn't that he is being direct and bold -- that's something we should all do -- and we shouldn't pander to those who disagree "Well, it's your life so it's OK and God probably understands." His downfall is his diversion from the Gospel to strictly focusing on individuals who are sinning and not leading to any real conclusion except out of anger.

Sin gets all of us angry when we know it is objectively wrong and we see it, but we're not supposed to lose our heads and insult because we can't control our tempers.

Sometimes things need to be blasted double-barrel, and sometimes tables need to be flipped. But this is not what this guy was doing. He took his own person annoyances and masked it as preaching.

Well said!
No, I absolutely agree, but the problem is he didn't. He didn't do it at all based on what I watched. He didn't go into what sin was, how we're bound to it, but that the we can be delivered from it if we accept it. Instead, he took the entire time being just as crass as the gay guy.

Tough love: always good. Hateful and masking it as tough love: deceiving and absolutely wrong.

This is true. And it's also true that sometimes no matter how kind we are, the truth oftentimes comes across as hate and divisiveness to the person being addressed. Nevertheless, God will hold us accountable for NOT giving the truth which may help a person find salvation. It is our responsibility to find ways of delivering the truth via the Holy Spirit. Even then, we may not always get to know how the truth impacted someone. But will it not be great to see someone in Heaven who greets us and says, "Hey! I remember you! Remember when....?"
It is easy to get 'sucked in' by a video. Who here saw the actual beginning of the encounter, not the beginning of the video recording, but the actual beginning of the encounter and interaction between the players?
My TomCat couldn't take his eyes of the monitor while it was playing.......does that say anything about it?;)
This is true. And it's also true that sometimes no matter how kind we are, the truth oftentimes comes across as hate and divisiveness to the person being addressed. Nevertheless, God will hold us accountable for NOT giving the truth which may help a person find salvation. It is our responsibility to find ways of delivering the truth via the Holy Spirit. Even then, we may not always get to know how the truth impacted someone. But will it not be great to see someone in Heaven who greets us and says, "Hey! I remember you! Remember when....?"
I'm so sick of all the street preachers on youtube who go to gay rallies and talk about how filthy and wicked they are.

We are supposed to give people the knowledge of God's grace, not talk about how hellbound they are. While it might be true, that is not how you present the Gospel, you do so in love and understanding.

If I was going to preach to the gay crowd I would not say "You are all going hell! Repent, and believe in Jesus, you filthy sinners!" because that is basically masking the Gospel over your own hateful heart.

I would say "The son of God was crucified on your behalf, for the sin and evil of all men! He died for me and you, so we could turn from our selfish ways and live lives that glorify the one who is Love!"

It's almost like these street preachers are afraid of Love and grace, things they obviously do not understand.

Tell me what you think about this video.

And please know, I'm not some liberal who thinks all things go, I just think the way people like this man is preaching is wrong. The point is to make people realize all men are sinners and need God's grace, not cursing one person in front of a crowd. I doubt this man would even publicly admit his own sin. The way he preaches literally makes me sick.

What would Jesus do? What would Paul do? Jesus did say we are hell bound unless we repent. Yet He helped Mary from being stoned to death. A punishment He surely agrees with as He gave Moses the commandment. Paul said 1 Cor 15:10 'There go I but by the grace of God' and that 'he was the chiefest of sinners' 1 Tim 1:15. Paul would had sympathized with these homosexuals, no matter what their insults or actions were.

A street preacher ''needs'' to know how to balance the two like Jesus did. Like Paul would.