Struggling to believe God truly cares

Thats not always true, two people can start smoking at the same time.. one, could live to be 100 yrs old ..while the other develops lung cancer and dies young

he shows mercy to some and internvenes in the lives of some idk why but he does.. you don't always need to be under his umbrella .

GOD had nothing to do with either one living or dieing.....
God alotted man 120 years on this is up to us to live them. We choce to live long or short. it is our choice.
Yeah, why is very fruitless, useless question... to harp on.. thats why I don't really want to know..
I just kinda wish I never saw those

So I could still hold on to my idea of an all loving god..

Find all of the scriptures that tell you of God's unfailing love for you, then meditate on them. Then you can hang onto a loving God. He is a very loving God, but when we allow the doubt to enter, then it's hard to see the truth. God being all loving also means that He is true to His Word, and that He is just. If God flipped this way and then decided to flop that way, (being wishy washy) wouldn't you have a difficult time trusting in someone like that? I know i would.
GOD had nothing to do with either one living or dieing.....
God alotted man 120 years on this is up to us to live them. We choce to live long or short. it is our choice.

how so , when he's in control of any and everything... he's either the aplha and the omega or he's isn't.. and I know he is.
God is either in control or he isn't.
Show little mercy gain little mercy.
God's mercy is just that Mercy. The amount you may or may not see in yourlife depends on YOU and no one else. You can notjust do what you want or pick and chose what you think is for you and expect God's best in your life. God's mercy is always there.....

How does it depend on me when His word says, He'll show mercy to whom ever he chooses...?
its all his decision...
how so , when he's in control of any and everything... he's either the aplha and the omega or he's isn't.. and I know he is.
God is either in control or he isn't.

I said God has given things on earth to the control of man
Psalm 115:16 NKJV
The Heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's BUT the earth He has given to the children of men.
Meaning God is in full control in Heaven...there is no crime ,poverty, rape, murder etc.
Here on earth, there is all sorts of evil.....this is why we are told to separate our selves from the world and He will be our God.

Deuteronomy 30 :11-15 and 30: 19-20
These passages state it is our choice. It clearly states that it is up to us to make the choice of life or death, blessing or cursing. This has to be an every day thing. Not I did that when I got saved and thats it. We have to chose to walk in His ways daily....

Revelation 3:20 states He is at the door knocking.......IF you answer....He Will....

Our entire life with God is full of IF'S....If we do this then we will see these results. Everything is a choice. God decided to give man free will and so man has free will. This means we have the right to choose His way or our way. If we chose His way then He will be involved in it but if we do not chose His ways then He is not going to be in it.

When you walk with God you must learn to hear His voice. Remember 9:11?
There was a born again man and spirit filled Godly man working on this day.
God spoke to Him and told him to get every one out now and run. He knew Gods voice so he began to do this....Now the authorities were saying stay put everything will be fine. God said GO NOW.

He tried and tried to get people to leave with him. Most made the choice to listen to the authorities and NOT what God had been saying. So a few people believed what this man had said and they climbed down the stairs and once out side he heard the Holy Ghost say RUN NOW....They did and then the second plane I believe hit and the building went up and all the people that stayed DIED....

Now don't you think there were some good people in there ? Some were Christians too....They made a choice and their choice cost them their lives...

God is NOT in control of everything here on this planet. Yes He is God and can do what ever He wanted to...HOWEVER....He decided to NOT ever go against His word. He decided to give man free will or the freedom to make choices.....He wont go against His word.....

Have you ever been rushing around trying to get ready to go some place and everything seems to keep slowing you down ? Stop and pray......Do not ever get frustrated with delays if you are walking with God.....He is trying to keep you from something.... I have seen many times.....those who stop to listen missed a big wreck or a fire or what have you.

It's when we do not give His voice a thought that we make poor choices and get into trouble. If you are walking out side of His blessing you are not protected as much as you think. Doubt, unbelief, UN forgiveness, not walking in Love and so forth will place you out side of His blessing....

This is all I was saying...
How does it depend on me when His word says, He'll show mercy to whom ever he chooses...?
its all his decision...
He says He will show Mercy on who He wants and Compassion on who He wants.
As a born again Christian His mercies are renewed each and every morning for you.
Now then you can not do what ever you want.
how so , when he's in control of any and everything... he's either the aplha and the omega or he's isn't.. and I know he is.
God is either in control or he isn't.
I think you have a misconception, as God is not in control of everything, only those to who have put their trust in him. Even then we will still come across people who are under the control of the wicked one, and they do sometimes cause us trouble. Jesus experienced this in his life, and he was always controlled by the Holy Spirit.

1Jn 5:19 We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. (NiRV)
I know what the bible says... but...

I sometimes feel we're no more than just pawns for God to do as He wills with.. (and He can seeing as he is God.. who's gonna stop him?)

1)If God cares so much about everyone... why is their a hell to begin with?(yes I already know it was intended for fallen angels)

2)why would people He claims to love be tormented for eternity? I can understand maybe a few years, but forever? That is hellish ...I think if you truly loved someone you would be able to see the happy w/ or w/o you....

3) Everyone talks of free will; But not one human being asked to be here... (so that kinda negates that IMO..and the responsibility falls back on God, you have to take care of what you produced) Because if we knew what was in store, and given and option Im quite most would opt out.
It just sucks because we only have one life..thats it. one go around, and to be tormented in the end, thats just messed up... we aren't dolls , this isn't a game w/ a reset button.
The fact god can play w/ anyone's life like that is disturbing and not right (( But I kinda knew nothing..and i mean nothing is too good to be true))

4) The last thing that does it for me is Judas, what he did was horrid, just the epitome of wrong.
but even before he did his deed... Even jesus said, "better for him not to have been born"....
what sense does that make..when you created him? Prophecy had to be fufilled so he was chosen as the son of perdition.. someone had to do it

Like i don't even want to know why, because as Good he doesn't have to explain nothing to anyone..he can do as he wishes, I feel we just pawns.. pawns to be recipients of his higlight his kindness and others for wrath to highlight his holiness .... b/c I just don't believe we have free will, the fact were here w/o being asked is kinda ..proof..

But Im not trying to sway anyone or anything like that, all i want is to make it heaven plain and simple,,I just want rest for my soul... and I guess to like God again.. its kinda hard when you realize all of this.

so any advice is welcomed.
1. We are beings made of dust who have marred the image of God. We, being sinners against an eternal God require an eternal punishment. The fact he loves any of us is a testament to his Grace! We in the flesh are all humanists. We all want to believe we are as good as we can be and God is just really pleased with us all and wants us all saved. The truth is he only loves those who he saves. He hates the religious hypocrites, the wicked, and anyone who doesn't ultimately come to accept the Truth. He will be perfectly satisfied with sending them to hell. Why? God is Holy.

2. Seems like your logic is working well. It would seem pretty silly for God to love someone yet not save them. However scripture testifies that God has chosen his loved ones from eternity past. All his people from the world will be saved because he has eternally loved them. Those he sends to hell he sees as nothing more than sinful humans in bondage to their depravity. Any other view and we would have to submit to the idea that God's love cannot save. Again, the fact he loves anyone is a testament to his GRACE! Giving us love WE DON'T DESERVE. But, this love is not for everyone.

3. God has a purpose in this fallen world. Do you believe that? Or do we submit to the idea that this is all a series of unfortunate events God had no control over? We don't have to fear hell knowing God has provided a means of escape through his son Jesus. If you have faith in him you have nothing to fear, only an eternal love that rests on you forever.

4. Judas is a good example of how human beings are without the Grace of God. Although he witnessed the power of Jesus and walked with him, he still did not believe. He, like all of us was greedy and selfish. Yet all those around him believed, why? Because God chose them.

Most people just believe whatever theology is comfortable to them. But, knowing the Truth about God can bring a greater joy than anything else. How does it feel to know that despite all this evil and sin, God has loved you and will always love you? How does it feel to know with certainty that God works everything for good?

Can God make a mistake? Can God fail? No. We can trust that whatever God does he does for reasons greater than we could ever imagine. He has planned eternity and has made you his child. Imagine the riches of his glory he will pour out on you! We have not even begun to experience all of who God is.

Why fear hell or anything else in all creation when it is not able to separate us from the Love of God in Jesus Christ? That Love is our freedom, our eternal life, and our joy! God is our protector, savior, and father!

Wrestle with these questions, because in them you will find the Truth. Israel in fact means "He who wrestles/struggles with God". The fact we even care is because of God!

You have any questions sister and I will be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. just seemed double minded thats all.
God is light, in him is no darkness at all.
At the moment, you are working out your salvation with fear and trembling. That is a good thing. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

OUr God is a holy God.
Also, hes a Father. What are the attributes of a true dad. A real dad only wants your good, he doesnt want to lose you, and would do everything he can to protect you from the evil one or going astray. Do you know any deadbeat dads that dont look after their children, let them do anything they want, basically, they dont care.
Our God cares. And cos he is God, he can have mercy on who, he chooses.
Those deadbeat dads, the father of lies, have no mercy on anybody, as they dont even know what mercy is.
Its a two way relationship. Our part is to trust, God does the rest. If you dont trust him, well, even mercy is not going to do you any good.

How do I know to trust God? Cos hes way better than trusting Satan! Satan is a liar, God always tells the truth. Jesus said he is the way, the truth and the life. If you know the son, then you will know the Father.

Jesus has never let me down.
1. We are beings made of dust who have marred the image of God. We, being sinners against an eternal God require an eternal punishment. The fact he loves any of us is a testament to his Grace! We in the flesh are all humanists. We all want to believe we are as good as we can be and God is just really pleased with us all and wants us all saved. The truth is he only loves those who he saves. He hates the religious hypocrites, the wicked, and anyone who doesn't ultimately come to accept the Truth. He will be perfectly satisfied with sending them to hell. Why? God is Holy.

2. Seems like your logic is working well. It would seem pretty silly for God to love someone yet not save them. However scripture testifies that God has chosen his loved ones from eternity past. All his people from the world will be saved because he has eternally loved them. Those he sends to hell he sees as nothing more than sinful humans in bondage to their depravity. Any other view and we would have to submit to the idea that God's love cannot save. Again, the fact he loves anyone is a testament to his GRACE! Giving us love WE DON'T DESERVE. But, this love is not for everyone.

4. Judas is a good example of how human beings are without the Grace of God. Although he witnessed the power of Jesus and walked with him, he still did not believe. He, like all of us was greedy and selfish. Yet all those around him believed, why? Because God chose them.

Most people just believe whatever theology is comfortable to them. But, knowing the Truth about God can bring a greater joy than anything else. How does it feel to know that despite all this evil and sin, God has loved you and will always love you? How does it feel to know with certainty that God works everything for good?

You have any questions sister and I will be happy to answer them to the best of my ability.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head.... it would too easy for God to get rid of all the problems were being subjected too. His arm isn't too short and he can hear us all just well...
His agenda seems to be proving that He is God and he is holy ( pharoah is a good example) whether it includes saving some to demonstrate his mercy and damning others to demonstrate his justness ...

But then I wonder ... why would it be important to God to have everyone know that He is god when he only wants a select few going to heaven to begin w/ (when he reserve his love/saving grace for a select few)
idk God doesn't seem all that kind to me anymore. he just seems to have his own plans and we're stuck in the middle.

And this doesn't bring me joy.. it just makes me sad and disappointed at god...that he values his holiness more than human regard
if you were gonna do this, why give us the sentience to feel all this sufferng on a grand scale all seems cruel

i honestly wish, i didn't see those verses..

Idont feel God loves me, sometimes i feel like he's leading me on.. in the past ive tried to serve god , gave money... i still feel like in the end my name may be blotted out...
I feel like he didnt choose me sometimes... i.. idk...

bbut thnx for answering..
Oh, i just think you head being messed with calvinst doctrine. Im just gonna say it. That stuff is wrong.

I had a similar struggle when i came across it and tried to figure it out.
God resolved it for me...listen to him, read the bible and dont bother with what any other so called educated teacher might try to tell you. Their agenda is to get you thinking maybe you not even chosen, that God just picked a few from the start. Messed up scriptures out of order. They just wanna think they ALREADY chosen just cos they grew up or raised christian and didnt need to repent like real christians do.
In the bible when its talking about being chosen its talking about the Israelites. But since Jesus is the only begotten son, amd also israelite, we get chosen too trhough him. does that make sense?
Only difference is, we must trust him and that trusting part is up to us. God has always demonstrated He is compeltely trustworthy, and even sent Jesus to show in the flesh he could be trusted.
My comment wiil be satan bite the dust........

God is truthfull, holy, everlasting love. He is forgiving. And He only wants relationship with us. He promised that we will arive well but our journey could be hard.

His word tells us about His love but also that satan is there to decive us all. Roaring as an lion seeking who he can destroy. So satan bite the dust. Dpn't you see that he is making you doubt? Just like he did witj Eva.
We Are the Children of God.

These doubts of you or thoughts are tipical of that old snake.

God loves you whoever.

So again satan bite the dust and I remind you on your future....