how so , when he's in control of any and everything... he's either the aplha and the omega or he's isn't.. and I know he is.
God is either in control or he isn't.
I said God has given things on earth to the control of man
Psalm 115:16 NKJV
The Heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's BUT the earth He has given to the children of men.
Meaning God is in full control in Heaven...there is no crime ,poverty, rape, murder etc.
Here on earth, there is all sorts of evil.....this is why we are told to separate our selves from the world and He will be our God.
Deuteronomy 30 :11-15 and
30: 19-20
These passages state it is our choice. It clearly states that it is up to us to make the choice of life or death, blessing or cursing. This has to be an every day thing. Not I did that when I got saved and thats it. We have to chose to walk in His ways daily....
Revelation 3:20 states He is at the door knocking.......IF you answer....He Will....
Our entire life with God is full of IF'S....If we do this then we will see these results. Everything is a choice. God decided to give man free will and so man has free will. This means we have the right to choose His way or our way. If we chose His way then He will be involved in it but if we do not chose His ways then He is not going to be in it.
When you walk with God you must learn to hear His voice. Remember 9:11?
There was a born again man and spirit filled Godly man working on this day.
God spoke to Him and told him to get every one out now and run. He knew Gods voice so he began to do this....Now the authorities were saying stay put everything will be fine. God said GO NOW.
He tried and tried to get people to leave with him. Most made the choice to listen to the authorities and NOT what God had been saying. So a few people believed what this man had said and they climbed down the stairs and once out side he heard the Holy Ghost say RUN NOW....They did and then the second plane I believe hit and the building went up and all the people that stayed DIED....
Now don't you think there were some good people in there ? Some were Christians too....They made a choice and their choice cost them their lives...
God is NOT in control of everything here on this planet. Yes He is God and can do what ever He wanted to...HOWEVER....He decided to NOT ever go against His word. He decided to give man free will or the freedom to make choices.....He wont go against His word.....
Have you ever been rushing around trying to get ready to go some place and everything seems to keep slowing you down ? Stop and pray......Do not ever get frustrated with delays if you are walking with God.....He is trying to keep you from something.... I have seen many times.....those who stop to listen missed a big wreck or a fire or what have you.
It's when we do not give His voice a thought that we make poor choices and get into trouble. If you are walking out side of His blessing you are not protected as much as you think. Doubt, unbelief, UN forgiveness, not walking in Love and so forth will place you out side of His blessing....
This is all I was saying...