Just curious as to what methods of study everyone uses... Some people do Bible journaling & art, others use the "soap" method of study, verse mapping, and alot of other techniques.
If you have a particular method of studying or learning scripture that you prefer, I'd love to hear about it. Or if anyone has any photos they would like to share, I think it would be nice.
In order to get to know someone you must communicate with them right? So when we chat you begin to see the nuances of the type of person they are: shy, introvert, extrovert, etc. The word of God tells us about God. So they only way to learn about Him is through His word. Sometimes it's through the written (bible) other times it's through what He spoke into existence (nature). So we know that everyone has different faces: sad, happy, joy, meh, etc. and though God is unchanging, His interactions with humans depends on us: a vengeful God, Rom 12:19, loving God, Psa 36:7, my Protector, Psa 91, my Lawyer, 1 John 2:1, my Judge, Rom 14:10, etc.
In fact in Hebrew, there is no word for "face" it's always plural "faces" because there are many sides of us. As complex as humans are, it pales to the complexity of God, things we cannot even imagine. Now, acknowledging this, we can begin to understand this verse:
Proverbs 25:2 (KJV)
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.
So what is God's plan for humans? After the fall and Adam's curse, God wrote it into the names of those from Adam to Noah:
Adam אָדָם ruddy, man, person, or mankind
Seth שֵׁת Substituted or appointed – Gen 4:25; put; who puts; fixed
Enos אֱנוֹשׁ mortal, sickly, despaired of; forgetful
Cainan קֵינָן to chant a dirge; lament – Amos 8:10; Ezekiel 27:32; 1 Samuel 1:17
Mahalaleel מַהֲלַלְאֵל From מַ, praise הֲלַלְ, God אֵל – literally “From Praise God” or “Praising God”
Jared יָרֶד a ruling; commanding; coming down
Enoch חֲנוֹךְ teaching
Methuselah מְתוּשָׁלַח dwelling-places; afflicted; his death will bring
Lamech לָמֶךְ poor; made low; good for nothing
Noah נֹחַ repose; consolation; rest
Putting it all together:
Man, appointed mortal [and] sorrow[ful]. From praise God coming down teaching. His death will bring [the] poor consolation.
This is part of the complexity of the word of God. There are gems for the taking. Study is the only way. The word of God (written and nature) all point to Jesus, one way or another, you just have to believe.
Here's some more examples:
Priestly Course Names - 1 Chronicles 24
Jehovah challenges [us to choose life], and knows how to make holy through the tempest.
My King is Jehovah and from the right hand to harvest.
Jehovah is my father and He will save.
Jehovah has dwelt and made His habitation with man.
God restores and renovates man.
He will raise the upright and set His canopy of protection.
He sits down with the Father.
He will return and invade with destruction and will put a stop to it all.
The Lamb will disperse and separate and dividing into parts.
Jehovah has opened [His ears to hear His] and will strengthen and establish His by making a new creature.
He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
Jehovah my deliverer.
Jehovah has rescued.
Each letter in Hebrew and Greek have a numeric value A=1, B=2, C=3, etc. The name given to Moses as God's name has a numeric value of 26. Looking at all the words that have the same value of 26 in Hebrew reads:
great; hand; look; sin; stretch; exalt; bear; live; glory; David; hold; take; praise; despise; spoil; high
Praise to the Son of
David; Who
took away of our
sin, being
despised of men,
stretched out His
hand to
bear our iniquity so we could
live; and having
spoiled principalities and powers, sits in
great glory on the right
hand of God and is
exalted on
Pi in Genesis 1:1 and
e in John 1:1, the two most used mathematical tools used today. There are so many things to study and we're just scratching the surface.