The following I sent to my son as an encouragement. It is also for each of us. Our son was prophesied to us by Jesus. We were married 14 years and had no children. We could not. Doctors told us my wife's body killed my seed on contact. She was allergic to me! Then I was saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit. Jesus said he was sending us a son. Much happened, books full but two years later the Lord made good His promise. I've found by surprise that recipients of miracles are targets for the adversary. He wants to destroy the testimony. I daily send my son scriptures and encouragements. We all need lifting up. Take this as for you also.
Today, tonight is the first day of the rest of your life. I believe you will use it well. You really can do anything through Jesus. Whatever He has put in your heart. Don't let the world, the devil or your own self doubts hinder you from doing whatever God has for you. Life is short enough trust me. Yesterday I was a boy. Whatever good things God has put in your heart do, work toward them. No matter the difficulties go for it 100%. There will be setbacks and discouragements that come. That's the way it works. They might fight against you but will never overcome you. Not if you don't give up. You cannot give up since there is nowhere else to go but towards the thing God has called you to. As a Christian God has set us to walking on the path of life to the Heavenly city.
As we walk we can always see the cross. It is very big and towers above everything else. The cross is our perpetual waymark. As we journey it stands bigger than anything else. There is no time that it is out of sight. Something is wrong if it is not in our sight. It is empty for Jesus has completed His work there. The redemption of mankind, of you and I has been fulfilled. Jesus is not a baby in a stable manger or on the cross or in a tomb of rock. He has completed the round trip He made to earth to purchase us back from the sin we were sold into.
The same things fight against everyone. The biggest enemy I've had my whole life was me. Self is the enemy of every man. So get me out of the way. If God has put really put something into your heart then don't let anything stop you.
You will probably find as many do, that where you end up is different than where you thought you were going. But that's part of the journey. You've lived long enough to have seen this already. Never despise small beginnings because you have no idea what God will do with them. You will learn by everything you do, especially the failures. If you're not making mistakes then you're not trying anything. Failure is not seeing something you've tried be defeated. You'll try again and with God's help be rewarded with success. The city of success is built upon the foundation of past construction attempts. True failure is never attempting something because of fear. Hiding the talents instead of using them. God is pleased when we step out with nothing to plant our feet on but His words. Step into the realm where He dwells constantly.
God really has a perfect plan for your life. We are not the judge of how important a thing might be. Only God is. Things we consider a total failure are a perfect success in the eyes of God who sees not as man sees but with an eye to the eternal. Every generation God, Jesus, has to start all over He told me. We, you and I, are laborers in His fields in our generation. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might for God has set the thing before you and there is a wonderful sense of accomplishment, of being faithful to Him when we give our all to whatever we have set our hand to.
As Nehemiah, work with the one hand and keep the sword in your other. That is always be aware that an enemy just like a lion, watches from ambush waiting until you are tired, or weak, or discouraged. Then he attacks. So be attentive. Give your body the rest it needs, listen closely to what God is prompting you to do. The simplest things are the ones we tend to ignore and they can be the most important.
Walk in the anointing of His peace continually it is one of His most wonderful gifts. The world and those in it do not, cannot know His peace. It is for family only. Given to us adoptees by the Prince of Peace. I shout peace continually for before He came for me I had none. I lived in a dark land with no hope.
Isaiah 9:2 (NKJV) The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined.
I know that He has brought each of us into this life and there are no accidents of birth. We are not judges of what is most important to do. Whatever He has given you to do is most important. It might be carrying out the trash or sweeping the floor. God does not look at anything like we do. He allows us to see as He sees in many things as we come to know His ways better through experience. You can have peace and not toss it out at the turn of an emotion. Emotions are Liars. They will NEVER tell us to have a joyful thankful heart, we have to WILL to offer up the SACRIFICE OF PRAISE.
The old testament is filled with scriptures about the "heave offering of our hands". That's when your hands are so HEAVY just as your heart sometimes is, that you have to heave them into the air. Just barely able to make yourself lift them. But WHEN you do the blessing begins to come. Putting on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness is the wonderful key for inviting Jesus and His Holy Spirit to come and bring His wonderful refreshing of His presence into our life.
Throwing off the bonds of the habit of allowing a spirit of heaviness to come into our spiritual house and wreck the peaceful furnishings brings a huge liberty. I've talked myself into a hole more than once and the devil was right there helping me to dig the hole deeper. He has a judgement set upon him and so fights against men. Never say aloud anything but good about yourself.
Things such as; I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, this is a day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it, for God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind, greater is He that is in me than he who is in the world. Insert your name into these as you sag them. Encourage yourself in the Lord as king David did. This is pleasing to the Lord and builds up your spirit.
As I stood outside early the other morning as dawn was breaking I worshipped the Lord. It was chilly and a line cricket chirped nearby. The white moon was high and bright. As I looked up and praised the Lord and thanked Him I saw in the spirit part of an extension cord with a plug on it. Nearby I saw as a large flowing river. The Lord said "stay plugged in son"! I knew what the river was. The grace of God. His peace, joy, righteousness. All the components of the kingdom of God. The adversary will do everything to keep you from staying plugged in.
Romans 14:17 (NKJV) for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 11:12 (NKJV) And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.
It's always there for us. Always flowing, ever flowing. Always available to us, for us. An eternal river of life flowing from the throne of God. He never withholds it from us. We can deny ourselves by simply not staying plugged in. If we don't stay close to Jesus then we allow things to get between us and the river of life. Lord help me to be permanently plugged into the stream of life coming from you right by me.
We who have been plucked out of the fire by Jesus Christ can rejoice continually because we have been adopted by the master, the creator and savior. He does not want us to be cast down but to be lifted up. Be of GOOD Cheer it is His pleasure to give us righteousness, peace and joy, the very kingdom of God. When someone is an adopter then they choose who is adopted. Jesus chose you and He chose me. Thank God we have been adopted into His family.
These things I write unto you by urging of the Holy Spirit who wants you to walk in victory far more than you or I do. Cleave to Jesus with all your might and don't look to any man for your strength, joy or guidance. It is God and God alone who sustains you. He will send you edification and uplifting through others and never refuse it, never. It was sent because you, we, always need it. I'm certain you know these things but wanted to remind you of them again and send you a sincere message of love and encouragement from the Lord.
Acts 11:23 (NKJV) When he came and had seen the grace of God, he was glad, and encouraged them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord.
Hebrews 10:23-24 (NKJV)
23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,
Fear not I will never leave you nor forsake you is His word, a rock that anchors the ship of our life. All the words of His encouragement are as buckets of living water drawn from the river of life and poured into us.
Today, tonight is the first day of the rest of your life. I believe you will use it well. You really can do anything through Jesus. Whatever He has put in your heart. Don't let the world, the devil or your own self doubts hinder you from doing whatever God has for you. Life is short enough trust me. Yesterday I was a boy. Whatever good things God has put in your heart do, work toward them. No matter the difficulties go for it 100%. There will be setbacks and discouragements that come. That's the way it works. They might fight against you but will never overcome you. Not if you don't give up. You cannot give up since there is nowhere else to go but towards the thing God has called you to. As a Christian God has set us to walking on the path of life to the Heavenly city.
As we walk we can always see the cross. It is very big and towers above everything else. The cross is our perpetual waymark. As we journey it stands bigger than anything else. There is no time that it is out of sight. Something is wrong if it is not in our sight. It is empty for Jesus has completed His work there. The redemption of mankind, of you and I has been fulfilled. Jesus is not a baby in a stable manger or on the cross or in a tomb of rock. He has completed the round trip He made to earth to purchase us back from the sin we were sold into.
The same things fight against everyone. The biggest enemy I've had my whole life was me. Self is the enemy of every man. So get me out of the way. If God has put really put something into your heart then don't let anything stop you.
You will probably find as many do, that where you end up is different than where you thought you were going. But that's part of the journey. You've lived long enough to have seen this already. Never despise small beginnings because you have no idea what God will do with them. You will learn by everything you do, especially the failures. If you're not making mistakes then you're not trying anything. Failure is not seeing something you've tried be defeated. You'll try again and with God's help be rewarded with success. The city of success is built upon the foundation of past construction attempts. True failure is never attempting something because of fear. Hiding the talents instead of using them. God is pleased when we step out with nothing to plant our feet on but His words. Step into the realm where He dwells constantly.
God really has a perfect plan for your life. We are not the judge of how important a thing might be. Only God is. Things we consider a total failure are a perfect success in the eyes of God who sees not as man sees but with an eye to the eternal. Every generation God, Jesus, has to start all over He told me. We, you and I, are laborers in His fields in our generation. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might for God has set the thing before you and there is a wonderful sense of accomplishment, of being faithful to Him when we give our all to whatever we have set our hand to.
As Nehemiah, work with the one hand and keep the sword in your other. That is always be aware that an enemy just like a lion, watches from ambush waiting until you are tired, or weak, or discouraged. Then he attacks. So be attentive. Give your body the rest it needs, listen closely to what God is prompting you to do. The simplest things are the ones we tend to ignore and they can be the most important.
Walk in the anointing of His peace continually it is one of His most wonderful gifts. The world and those in it do not, cannot know His peace. It is for family only. Given to us adoptees by the Prince of Peace. I shout peace continually for before He came for me I had none. I lived in a dark land with no hope.
Isaiah 9:2 (NKJV) The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined.
I know that He has brought each of us into this life and there are no accidents of birth. We are not judges of what is most important to do. Whatever He has given you to do is most important. It might be carrying out the trash or sweeping the floor. God does not look at anything like we do. He allows us to see as He sees in many things as we come to know His ways better through experience. You can have peace and not toss it out at the turn of an emotion. Emotions are Liars. They will NEVER tell us to have a joyful thankful heart, we have to WILL to offer up the SACRIFICE OF PRAISE.
The old testament is filled with scriptures about the "heave offering of our hands". That's when your hands are so HEAVY just as your heart sometimes is, that you have to heave them into the air. Just barely able to make yourself lift them. But WHEN you do the blessing begins to come. Putting on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness is the wonderful key for inviting Jesus and His Holy Spirit to come and bring His wonderful refreshing of His presence into our life.
Throwing off the bonds of the habit of allowing a spirit of heaviness to come into our spiritual house and wreck the peaceful furnishings brings a huge liberty. I've talked myself into a hole more than once and the devil was right there helping me to dig the hole deeper. He has a judgement set upon him and so fights against men. Never say aloud anything but good about yourself.
Things such as; I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, this is a day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it, for God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind, greater is He that is in me than he who is in the world. Insert your name into these as you sag them. Encourage yourself in the Lord as king David did. This is pleasing to the Lord and builds up your spirit.
As I stood outside early the other morning as dawn was breaking I worshipped the Lord. It was chilly and a line cricket chirped nearby. The white moon was high and bright. As I looked up and praised the Lord and thanked Him I saw in the spirit part of an extension cord with a plug on it. Nearby I saw as a large flowing river. The Lord said "stay plugged in son"! I knew what the river was. The grace of God. His peace, joy, righteousness. All the components of the kingdom of God. The adversary will do everything to keep you from staying plugged in.
Romans 14:17 (NKJV) for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 11:12 (NKJV) And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.
It's always there for us. Always flowing, ever flowing. Always available to us, for us. An eternal river of life flowing from the throne of God. He never withholds it from us. We can deny ourselves by simply not staying plugged in. If we don't stay close to Jesus then we allow things to get between us and the river of life. Lord help me to be permanently plugged into the stream of life coming from you right by me.
We who have been plucked out of the fire by Jesus Christ can rejoice continually because we have been adopted by the master, the creator and savior. He does not want us to be cast down but to be lifted up. Be of GOOD Cheer it is His pleasure to give us righteousness, peace and joy, the very kingdom of God. When someone is an adopter then they choose who is adopted. Jesus chose you and He chose me. Thank God we have been adopted into His family.
These things I write unto you by urging of the Holy Spirit who wants you to walk in victory far more than you or I do. Cleave to Jesus with all your might and don't look to any man for your strength, joy or guidance. It is God and God alone who sustains you. He will send you edification and uplifting through others and never refuse it, never. It was sent because you, we, always need it. I'm certain you know these things but wanted to remind you of them again and send you a sincere message of love and encouragement from the Lord.
Acts 11:23 (NKJV) When he came and had seen the grace of God, he was glad, and encouraged them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord.
Hebrews 10:23-24 (NKJV)
23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,
Fear not I will never leave you nor forsake you is His word, a rock that anchors the ship of our life. All the words of His encouragement are as buckets of living water drawn from the river of life and poured into us.