RTM thank you for explaining more on your constitution . And yes there has been add ons over the centuries I think the founding fathers expected some to occur. I think of the treaty of Tripoli 1797 with the Muslim Barbary pirates. Wherein in the interests of protecting American shipping they laid out to the Muslims in an agreement that the American constitution never singly represented solely the Christian religion. Not sure that one was a wise decision . But some do say there was much enlightenment thinking introduced even at the conception of your constitution. Even if a vast majority of early Americans were predominantly Christian.
View attachment 11963 Still for the most part your constitution has remained solid on many of the points you mentioned within your constitution. But as we have seen in the past 4 yrs just how quickly a constitution can be upended if the wrong people infiltrate the legal system such as the 6th amendment with the right to a speedy trial with Judge Engoron taking it upon himself to delay the the alleged verdict for 4 yrs until President is no longer in power as president so he can’t claim presidential immunity.
View attachment 11963. We also see in New York and a few other states where long standing laws have been changed like the statute of limitations whereas as now you can be brought to trial from people with crimes allegedly committed some 20 or 30 yrs ago. Such as Jean Carrol’s alleged sexual abuse case against president Trump in a department store some 20 yrs ago in the 90’s. There simply was no evidence just her word against Mr Trumps . When President Trump protested his innocence against Her accusations he was whacked another 80 + million dollars for supposedly slandering her so called reputation. Never mind that Mr Trumps reputation was being slandered and destroyed Go figure that I’ve never come across such a happier supposed rape victim than her.
View attachment 11963. RTM whilst it is true that all freedom has its boundaries. Yet we have seen the opposite in the past 4 yrs with the freedom of the press has be much controlled and abused. We have also see freedom of speech and your freedom of privacy being much abused also. Often ending in jail time by unconstitutional acts from government authorities . RTM I guess when evaluating everything our laws are only as good as the people that lay behind them and claim to uphold them in all truth.. I thank you for long detailed reply. I wish you much warm Christmas pudding tomorrow. For your Christmas in your America be much cold
yours Prim