Texas School District Removes Bible from Libraries for ‘Sexually Explicit’ Material


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12/23/2024 United States (International Christian Concern) — A Texas school district has removed the Bible from its libraries’ shelves for the 2024-2025 school year, citing a Texas law restricting sexually explicit materials in public schools.
12/23/2024 United States (International Christian Concern) — A Texas school district has removed the Bible from its libraries’ shelves for the 2024-2025 school year, citing a Texas law restricting sexually explicit materials in public schools.

Ridiculous, the most laughable excuse ever. They couldn't think of a valid excuse.
This is going to sound controversial, but as long as they are consistent with censoring sexual content across the board, I don't mind. If they are singling out the Bible then, I'd question it. And I'd investigate if they were allowing other religious books with similar content.

I say this as a parent of a 9yr old and 7yr old. I go over scripture with them children and I find myself, uh... not ready to fully explain adultery or r*pe, fornication, or what it really means when "Adam knew Eve". So I have to find a way to explain in an age appropriate way and I as a parent, I wouldn't want to be caught off guard.

And honestly, if some kid wanted to see what it was all about, they'll find away.
12/23/2024 United States (International Christian Concern) — A Texas school district has removed the Bible from its libraries’ shelves for the 2024-2025 school year, citing a Texas law restricting sexually explicit materials in public schools.
Well, just when you think that liberalism couldn't get more absurd, they outdo themselves again! If they're going to be fair, though, the Quran should be removed for advocating violent behavior.
And I'd investigate if they were allowing other religious books with similar content.
I did just that, and asked Google..."Did the Canyon Independent School District in Texas also ban other religious material besides the bible?"

and got back this answer...

"No, Canyon Independent School District (ISD) in Texas did not ban other religious material besides the Bible. The district's decision to remove the Bible was reversed after it was determined that the law it cited did not prohibit religious texts."

You'd think they would have thought of that before passing such a ridiculous law.
So good thinking cocoa