The Aramaic Translation

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I am sure you are just having a brain fart. RC means Roman Catholic. Surely when I mention the pope it should have twigged!
I am sure you are just having a brain fart. RC means Roman Catholic. Surely when I mention the pope it should have twigged!
Yea that must be it because I just enjoy going around asking questions for no reason...........
Funny thing is I did not say anything along those lines and would not have thought too but it seems you read them in....hmmmmm rofl............
Yes, you did, which is what I was addressing in order to clarify. Of course it was inadvertent.
If this is what you saw then so be it. I spoke of what is written in John 1:42 and you spoke from matthew 16:18. That was the only difference. I said nothing about any one being pope or this or that. I simply spoke what is written in John....Edit add in...........obtw.....I do not go by doctrines and such. If it says it is His written word then it is so. I have no use for all these denominational doctrines. ;)
God Bless
Look back and see what I quoted from your post. I' m not arguing with you. I am in agreement with you, but just accept that I was clearing up what could be easily misconstrued.

That's all. Let's move on already.
I really do apologize it really was an accident. I did not intend to put anything before the Holy Spirit. With that said the verse that i copied and pasted is from the kjv, so in my Bible it says guide. In fact i checked several translations and they all say guide except tyndalenversion from 1858. Maybe yours reads differently, and that is then where our misunderstanding is.

Ok lets look at several things here.
1...I spoke from John and you spoke from Matthew.
2.. John puts Jesus saying this at first meeting with Simon - Matthew puts it more then a year later.....
So neither of us can claim to be 100 percent correct there.

Now then.............Jesus did change Simons Name to Cephas which means Peter or Rock and then Jesus said I will build my church upon this rock..............

We know Jesus only spoke what the Father said and only Did what the Father showed Him to do.........So Jesus simply was prophesying or saying what God said which is what a prophet does...........God was speaking through Jesus to what He was going to do through Peter and that was build His church.......

Amen for-
It was the early apostles which turned this world upside down as they went forth building the early or first church !!
Amen for-
It was the early apostles which turned this world upside down as they went forth building the early or first church !!
Ok lets look at several things here.
1...I spoke from John and you spoke from Matthew.
2.. John puts Jesus saying this at first meeting with Simon - Matthew puts it more then a year later.....
So neither of us can claim to be 100 percent correct there.

Now then.............Jesus did change Simons Name to Cephas which means Peter or Rock and then Jesus said I will build my church upon this rock..............

We know Jesus only spoke what the Father said and only Did what the Father showed Him to do.........So Jesus simply was prophesying or saying what God said which is what a prophet does...........God was speaking through Jesus to what He was going to do through Peter and that was build His church.......

The two events you speak of ,One in Mathew and one in John though recording to separate events . Can be perfectly relied upon .
For each compliments the other .
The first says "Blessed are thou Simon ........"
The second "Thou art Simon ,the son of Jona thou SHALT be called Cephas (future tensxe?) which is by interpretation A STONE ."
You may argue the future tense . But a stone is not a ROCK but a small bit of a rock . It is not the rock that came out of the MOUNTAIN that destroyed the great
Amen for-
It was the early apostles which turned this world upside down as they went forth building the early or first church !!
If this is what you saw then so be it. I spoke of what is written in John 1:42 and you spoke from matthew 16:18. That was the only difference. I said nothing about any one being pope or this or that. I simply spoke what is written in John....Edit add in...........obtw.....I do not go by doctrines and such. If it says it is His written word then it is so. I have no use for all these denominational doctrines. ;)
God Bless

Sound doctrines are the bones of the body as it were and give it strength and help it stand .
If you read in rev it speaks of the WORKS of the Nicolayitans that in the nest becamse the DOCTRINE of the Nico layitin .
A false work then became a false doctrine that you had to obey .
Jesus Himself said "if any man doeth my doctrine thney will know if it is of God or not"

The church of Rome has many false doctrines which they mix with true ones . But as Jesus said opf others aslo applies ot that church and all who hold to them, "Ye have by your traditions made the Word of God of noen effect"
She now claims she is infallible as such then as a church she will nto change or can do so . Individuals may indeed can or may repent of them. But to do so they have to put their faith in Christ and remove it from the Roman church and all her ways .

The Roman doctrine of the Peter beign the rock was on the face of it stated and some may have been misled by such a badly worded post. If that is waht ti was.
So you should not take offence by others seekign clarification so that the truth is more clearly stated.

in Christ
The two events you speak of ,One in Mathew and one in John though recording to separate events . Can be perfectly relied upon .
For each compliments the other .
The first says "Blessed are thou Simon ........"
The second "Thou art Simon ,the son of Jona thou SHALT be called Cephas (future tensxe?) which is by interpretation A STONE ."
You may argue the future tense . But a stone is not a ROCK but a small bit of a rock . It is not the rock that came out of the MOUNTAIN that destroyed the great

Sound doctrines are the bones of the body as it were and give it strength and help it stand .
If you read in rev it speaks of the WORKS of the Nicolayitans that in the nest becamse the DOCTRINE of the Nico layitin .
A false work then became a false doctrine that you had to obey .
Jesus Himself said "if any man doeth my doctrine thney will know if it is of God or not"

The church of Rome has many false doctrines which they mix with true ones . But as Jesus said opf others aslo applies ot that church and all who hold to them, "Ye have by your traditions made the Word of God of noen effect"
She now claims she is infallible as such then as a church she will nto change or can do so . Individuals may indeed can or may repent of them. But to do so they have to put their faith in Christ and remove it from the Roman church and all her ways .

The Roman doctrine of the Peter beign the rock was on the face of it stated and some may have been misled by such a badly worded post. If that is waht ti was.
So you should not take offence by others seekign clarification so that the truth is more clearly stated.

in Christ
What are you talking about ? who took offence ? really bro enough already..........Edit add on...........There are as many doctrines out there as denominations. However there is One God - One Son - Ohe Holy Spirit with One written word. If it is not found in His word I have no use for it.

You are making a mountain out of a mole hill with this stone rock pebble stuff. Jesus is the Chief corner stone.
Another words take away that stone and it all crumbles.
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In my opinion even the Roman Catholics are apart of the Body of Christ. And the verse in Ephesians 2:20 settles everything for me. It's in the written Word of God and being that the Bible is my doctrine....its all that i need.
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