'But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit,
if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.
Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ,
he is none of His.
And if Christ be in you,
the body is dead because of sin;
but the Spirit is life because of righteousness'.
(Rom 8:9,10)
Hi Noblemen,
Christ-spirit, is the new nature which makes us 'sons of God' as He is 'the Son of God'. It is another name for the 'sonship spirit' (Gal.4:6).It is the new creation within us (Rom.8:16,17). We, 'in Christ', are renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created us (Col.3:10). Praise God!
We are conformed to the image of His Son (Rom.8:29). We are complete in Christ (Col.2:10), and are not only heirs of God but joint heirs with Christ, because we share in His sufferings, and therefore will share in His glory. Praise His Holy Name!
We experience His rejection, because 'the world knoweth us not', but sadly Christendom also rejects us, because we do not conform to the holiness teaching which is of the flesh, which seeks self improvement, instead of believing God when He says that the old nature cannot be changed, for -
'That which is born of the flesh is flesh;
and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.'
(Joh 3:6)
It was partly this that brought me out of the denominations: for holiness teaching is so subtle and so insidious, I was fearful of losing sight of the fact of our completeness in Christ, and imbibe teachings which had the appearance of godliness but denied the power thereof.
The knowledge of the indwelling Christ-spirit has emboldened me,'in Christ', and has given me an assurance and confidence, not in myself, but in Christ, in God, and set me free from man's dogma, religion's bondage and the futility of attempting to improve what cannot be changed.
I do not know whether I have answered your question very well, I know that there is more that can be said, but this is all that will come at the moment.
Thank you for the question though, Noblemen.
In Christ Jesus
Yes, and the dividing of soul and spirit, the bible makes no sense without it.
Science, atheists, and others have long professed that we believe a book that contradicts itself.
There is no dividing, especially if they are not born-again.
How do you explain 1John for example that says we sin as believers, and a couple chapters over it says we have no sin.
If we are not dividing soul and spirit properly, we have no answer.
We have to tiptoe around such areas in the scriptures when we have no answer.
That contradicts the scriptures that says be ready to give every man an answer. We need to know "how to" study to show ourselves approved.
It takes a lifetime of training, by the Spirit, to know how to study the scriptures.
I call it "The school of the Spirit," Jesus said He, the Holy Spirit, would be our teacher.
That doesn't mean our Father won't need to use men/women, but they better know or your in for a struggle.
There are people all over this world that I personally know, who know.
You know them by the spirit, in other words, when you come across them you will know.
It's a Spirit thing, and you will cross paths with them when and if you get hungry enough, our Father will see to it.