THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Ezekiel Chapter 1 to 40)

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Ezekiel 3:23 (NLT) - 23 So I got up and went, and there I saw the glory of the Lord, just as I had seen in my first vision by the Kebar River. And I fell face down on the ground.
Ezekiel 3:24 (NLT) - 24 Then the Spirit came into me and set me on my feet. He spoke to me and said, “Go to your house and shut yourself in.
Ezekiel 3:26 (NLT) - 26 And I will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so that you will be speechless and unable to rebuke them, for they are rebels.
Ezekiel 3:27 (NLT) - 27 But when I give you a message, I will loosen your tongue and let you speak. Then you will say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says!’ Those who choose to listen will listen, but those who refuse will refuse, for they are rebels.
Ezekiel 4:1 (NLT) - 1 “And now, son of man, take a large clay brick and set it down in front of you. Then draw a map of the city of Jerusalem on it.
Ezekiel 4:2 (NLT) - 2 Show the city under siege. Build a wall around it so no one can escape. Set up the enemy camp, and surround the city with siege ramps and battering rams.
Ezekiel 4:3 (NLT) - 3 Then take an iron griddle and place it between you and the city. Turn toward the city and demonstrate how harsh the siege will be against Jerusalem. This will be a warning to the people of Israel.
Ezekiel 4:4 (NLT) - 4 “Now lie on your left side and place the sins of Israel on yourself. You are to bear their sins for the number of days you lie there on your side.
Ezekiel 4:5 (NLT) - 5 I am requiring you to bear Israel’s sins for 390 days—one day for each year of their sin.
Ezekiel 4:7 (NLT) - 7 “Meanwhile, keep staring at the siege of Jerusalem. Lie there with your arm bared and prophesy her destruction.
Ezekiel 4:9 (NLT)
Now go and get some wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, emmer wheat, mix them together in a storage jar. Use them to make bread for yourself during the 390 days you will be lying on your side.
Ezekiel 4:12 (NLT)
Prepare and eat this food as you would barley cakes. While everyone is watching bake it over a fire using human dung, and then eat the bread."
Ezekiel 4:13 (NLT)
Then the LORD said, "This is how Israel will eat defiled bread in the Gentile lands to which I will banish them!"
Ezekiel 4:14 (NLT) -14 Then I said, “O Sovereign Lord, must I be defiled by using human dung? For I have never been defiled before. From the time I was a child until now I have never eaten any animal that died of sickness or was killed by other animals. I have never eaten any meat forbidden by the law.”
Ezekiel 4:15 (NLT) -15 “All right,” the Lord said. “You may bake your bread with cow dung instead of human dung.”
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