Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Isaiah Chapter 1 to 66)

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Isaiah 14:11 (NLT)
Your might and power were buried with you,
the sound of the harp in your palace has ceased.
Now maggots are your sheet,
and worms your blanket.'
Isaiah 14:12 (NLT)
"How you are fallen from heaven,
O shining star, son of the morning!
You have been thrown down to the earth,
you who destroyed the nations of the world.
Isaiah 14:13 (NLT)
For you said to yourself,
'I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God's star.
I will preside on the mountain of the gods
far away in the north.
Isaiah 14:16 (NLT)
Everyone there will stare at you and ask,
'Can this be the one who shook the earth
and made the kingdoms of the world tremble?
Isaiah 14:17 (NLT)
Is this the one who destroyed the world and made it into a wasteland?
is this the king who demolished the world's greatest cities
and had no mercy on his prisoners?
Isaiah 14:19 (NLT)
but you will be thrown out of your grave
like a worthless branch,
like a corpse trampled underfoot,
you will be dumped into a mass grave
with those who died in battle.
You will descend to the pit.
Isaiah 14:21 (NLT)
Kill this man's children!

Let them die because of their fathers sins!
They must not rise and conquer the earth,
Filling the earth with their cities."
Isaiah 14:22 (NLT)
This is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies says:
"I, myself, have risen against Babylon!
I will destroy its children and its children's children."
Says the LORD.
Isaiah 14:23 (NLT)
"I will make Babylon a desolate place of owls,
filled with swamps and marshes
I will sweep the land with the broom of destruction.
I, The LORD of Heaven's Armies, have spoken."
Isaiah 14:24 (NLT)
The LORD of Heaven's Armies has sworn this oath:
"It will what happened as I have planned.
It will be as I have decided.
Isaiah 14:25 (NLT)
I will break the Assyrians when they are in Israel;
I will trample them on my mountains.
my people will no longer be their slaves
nor bow down under their heavy loads.
Isaiah 14:27 (NLT)
The LORD of Heaven's Armies has spoken __
Who can change his plans?
When his hand is raised
who can stop him?
Isaiah 14:29 (NLT) - 29 Do not rejoice, you Philistines, that the rod that struck you is broken—that the king who attacked you is dead. For from that snake a more poisonous snake will be born, a fiery serpent to destroy you!
Isaiah 14:30 (NLT) - 30 I will feed the poor in my pasture; the needy will lie down in peace. But as for you, I will wipe you out with famine and destroy the few who remain.
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