Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Jeremiah Chapter 1 to 52)

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Jeremiah 15:13 (NLT)
At no cost to them
I will han
d over your wealth and treasures
as plunder to your enemies
For sin runs rampant In your land.
Jeremiah 15:14 (NLT)
I will tell your enemies to take you
as captives to a foreign land.
For my anger blazes like a fire
that will burn forever.
Jeremiah 15:15 (NLT)
Then I said
"LORD you know what is happening to me.
Please step in and help ne. Punish my persecutors!
Please give ne time; don't let me die young.
It's for your sake that I am suffering.
Jeremiah 15:16 (NLT) - 16 When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies.
Jeremiah 15:17 (NLT) - 17 I never joined the people in their merry feasts. I sat alone because your hand was on me. I was filled with indignation at their sins.
Jeremiah 15:18 (NLT) - 18 Why then does my suffering continue? Why is my wound so incurable? Your help seems as uncertain as a seasonal brook, like a spring that has gone dry.”
Jeremiah 15:19 (NLT) - 19 This is how the Lord responds: “If you return to me, I will restore you so you can continue to serve me. If you speak good words rather than worthless ones, you will be my spokesman. You must influence them; do not let them influence you!
Jeremiah 15:20 (NLT) - 20 They will fight against you like an attacking army, but I will make you as secure as a fortified wall of bronze. They will not conquer you, for I am with you to protect and rescue you. I, the Lord, have spoken!
Jeremiah 15:21 (NLT) - 21 Yes, I will certainly keep you safe from these wicked men. I will rescue you from their cruel hands.”
Jeremiah 16:3 (NLT) - 3 For this is what the Lord says about the children born here in this city and about their mothers and fathers:
Jeremiah 16:4 (NLT) - 4 They will die from terrible diseases. No one will mourn for them or bury them, and they will lie scattered on the ground like manure. They will die from war and famine, and their bodies will be food for the vultures and wild animals.”
Jeremiah 16:5 (NLT) - 5 This is what the Lord says: “Do not go to funerals to mourn and show sympathy for these people, for I have removed my protection and peace from them. I have taken away my unfailing love and my mercy.
Jeremiah 16:9 (NLT)
For this is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies, the God of Israel, says: In your own lifetime, before your very eyes, I we'll put an end to the happy singing and laughter in this land. The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will no longer be heard.
Jeremiah 16:10 KJV
And it shall come to pass, when thou shalt shew this people all these words, and they shall say unto thee, Wherefore hath the LORD pronounced all this great evil against us? or what is our iniquity? or what is our sin that we have committed against the LORD our God?
Jeremiah 16:11 (NLT)
“Then you will give them the Lord's reply: ‘It is because your ancestors were unfaithful to me. They worshiped other gods and served them. They abandoned me and did not obey my word.
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