Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Jeremiah Chapter 1 to 52)

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Jeremiah 16:12 (NLT)
And you are even worse than your ancestors! You stubbornly follow your own evil desires and refuse to listen to me.
Jeremiah 16:13 (NLT)
So I will throw you out of this land and send you into a foreign land where you and your ancestors have never been.
There you can worship idols day and night__ and I will grant you no favors!"
Jeremiah 16:14 (NLT)
"But the time is coming, says the LORD, "when people who are taking an oath will no longer say, 'As surely as the LORD lives, who rescued the people of Israel from the land of Egypt.'
Jeremiah 16:15 (NLT)
Instead, they will say, "surely as the LORD lives, who brought people of Israel back to their own land back from the land of the North and all the countries to which he had exiled them.' For I will bring them back to this land that I gave to their ancestors.
Jeremiah 16:16 (NLT) -16 “But now I am sending for many fishermen who will catch them,” says the Lord. “I am sending for hunters who will hunt them down in the mountains, hills, and caves.
Jeremiah 16:18 (NLT) -18 I will double their punishment for all their sins, because they have defiled my land with lifeless images of their detestable gods and have filled my territory with their evil deeds.”
Jeremiah 16:19 (NLT) -19 Lord, you are my strength and fortress, my refuge in the day of trouble! Nations from around the world will come to you and say, “Our ancestors left us a foolish heritage, for they worshiped worthless idols.
Jeremiah 16:21 (NLT) - 21 The Lord says, “Now I will show them my power; now I will show them my might. At last they will know and understand that I am the Lord.
Jeremiah 17:1 (NLT) - 1 “The sin of Judah is inscribed with an iron chisel—engraved with a diamond point on their stony hearts and on the corners of their altars.
Jeremiah 17:2 (NLT) - 2 Even their children go to worship at their pagan altars and Asherah poles, beneath every green tree and on every high hill.
Jeremiah 17:3 (NLT) - 3 So I will hand over my holy mountain—along with all your wealth and treasures and your pagan shrines—as plunder to your enemies, for sin runs rampant in your land.
Jeremiah 17:4 (NLT) - 4 The wonderful possession I have reserved for you will slip from your hands. I will tell your enemies to take you as captives to a foreign land. For my anger blazes like a fire that will burn forever.”
Jeremiah 17:5 (NLT) - 5 This is what the Lord says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord.
Jeremiah 17:8 (NLT)

8 They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.
Jeremiah 17:9 (NLT)
 "Thuman heart is the most deceitful of all things,
and desperately wicked.
Who really knows how bad it is?
Jeremiah 17:10 (NLT)
But I, the LORD, search all hearts
and examine secret motives.
I give all people their due rewards,
according to what their actions deserve."
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