Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Psalm 1 to 150)

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Psalm 109:21 (NLT)
BUt deal well with me, O Sovereign LORD,
for the sake of your own reputation!
Rescue me
because you are so faithful and good.
Psalm 109:28 (NLT)
Then let them curse me if they like.
But you will bless me!
When they attack me they will be disgraced!
But I, your servant, Will go right on rejoicing!
Psalm 110:1
The LORD said to My Lord,
"Sit in the place of honor at my right hand
until I humble your enemies,
making them a footstool under your feet."
Psalm 110:3 (NLT)
When you go to war,
your people will serve you willingly,
you are arrayed in holy garments,
and your strength will be renewed
each day like the morning dew.
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