The bill of human rights.

You're right about Americas founding fathers DUMPSTER.. They were Jesuit controlled free masons. The great seal of the United States tells us who their god was! It's funny how we get the illusion that they were Christians and stood for freedom; all the while murdering natives and enslaving Africans! Our history is revised and gives the illusion of "democracy", but in essence teaches anarchy towards the true God
Woa slow down there Coop - before you get into the slave thing I suggest you do a Real research on this and you will find that it was the spaniards and africans who owned and ran and protected this slave trade. Your facts are not 100 percent correct.

Welcome to the forum Coop and be careful how you reply in this forum. It is not your every day internet forum and rules are enforced.
God Bless
James W
Woa slow down there Coop - before you get into the slave thing I suggest you do a Real research on this and you will find that it was the spaniards and africans who owned and ran and protected this slave trade. Your facts are not 100 percent correct.

Welcome to the forum Coop and be careful how you reply in this forum. It is not your every day internet forum and rules are enforced.
God Bless
James W
Is that a threat fish catcher james? Rules enforced ok lol! Be careful of what? Don't manipulate and sound as if you're sincere about dialog, after you threaten me with being dealt with for not agreeing with you. Sounds like you didn't like a little truth about your Masonic founding fathers being controlled by Romes Jesuits is what I'm getting rt? So you can say that they were godly men and not be dealt with? But I might be dealt with for saying they weren't godly men, but enemies of the the true gospel of Christ?? Sounds very arrogant! Spaniards I know were among the African slave trade along with Africans who betrayed their own countrymen. But does that take away from the fact that our founding fathers were hypocritical and did the same as white Anglo Saxon Europeans? What about the genocide and murder of the native Americans? You seem to want to justify their behavior. "Bill of rights"? For who? Not the African or native rt?? So you can justify reservations for natives and Jim Crow laws for blacks?This country has never been a Christian nation! Although there were true believers here, this nation has been an illusion of "freedom", all the while enslaving the masses under the Babylonian luciferian romish system of tyranny! The false gospel that comes out from these lands, for the most part, is Romes "free will" works gospel. The gospel of Gods Sovereign grace in salvation, is hated and practically unheard of in these lands today!! So you tell me how godly that is? Unless perhaps u promote anti Christ?! You need to do a research on these founding fathers and see their masonic connection. Your "welcome" onto this forum is hypocritical and fake. Everyday Internet forum? Lol! And please do a research on christ MASS. Unless u to think that that's godly as well?! Glory be to Christ Alone!
Is that a threat fish catcher james? Rules enforced ok lol! Be careful of what? Don't manipulate and sound as if you're sincere about dialog, after you threaten me with being dealt with for not agreeing with you. Sounds like you didn't like a little truth about your Masonic founding fathers being controlled by Romes Jesuits is what I'm getting rt? So you can say that they were godly men and not be dealt with? But I might be dealt with for saying they weren't godly men, but enemies of the the true gospel of Christ?? Sounds very arrogant! Spaniards I know were among the African slave trade along with Africans who betrayed their own countrymen. But does that take away from the fact that our founding fathers were hypocritical and did the same as white Anglo Saxon Europeans? What about the genocide and murder of the native Americans? You seem to want to justify their behavior. "Bill of rights"? For who? Not the African or native rt?? So you can justify reservations for natives and Jim Crow laws for blacks?This country has never been a Christian nation! Although there were true believers here, this nation has been an illusion of "freedom", all the while enslaving the masses under the Babylonian luciferian romish system of tyranny! The false gospel that comes out from these lands, for the most part, is Romes "free will" works gospel. The gospel of Gods Sovereign grace in salvation, is hated and practically unheard of in these lands today!! So you tell me how godly that is? Unless perhaps u promote anti Christ?! You need to do a research on these founding fathers and see their masonic connection. Your "welcome" onto this forum is hypocritical and fake. Everyday Internet forum? Lol! And please do a research on christ MASS. Unless u to think that that's godly as well?! Glory be to Christ Alone!
double post.
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Is that a threat fish catcher james? Rules enforced ok lol! Be careful of what? Don't manipulate and sound as if you're sincere about dialog, after you threaten me with being dealt with for not agreeing with you. Sounds like you didn't like a little truth about your Masonic founding fathers being controlled by Romes Jesuits is what I'm getting rt? So you can say that they were godly men and not be dealt with? But I might be dealt with for saying they weren't godly men, but enemies of the the true gospel of Christ?? Sounds very arrogant! Spaniards I know were among the African slave trade along with Africans who betrayed their own countrymen. But does that take away from the fact that our founding fathers were hypocritical and did the same as white Anglo Saxon Europeans? What about the genocide and murder of the native Americans? You seem to want to justify their behavior. "Bill of rights"? For who? Not the African or native rt?? So you can justify reservations for natives and Jim Crow laws for blacks?This country has never been a Christian nation! Although there were true believers here, this nation has been an illusion of "freedom", all the while enslaving the masses under the Babylonian luciferian romish system of tyranny! The false gospel that comes out from these lands, for the most part, is Romes "free will" works gospel. The gospel of Gods Sovereign grace in salvation, is hated and practically unheard of in these lands today!! So you tell me how godly that is? Unless perhaps u promote anti Christ?! You need to do a research on these founding fathers and see their masonic connection. Your "welcome" onto this forum is hypocritical and fake. Everyday Internet forum? Lol! And please do a research on christ MASS. Unless u to think that that's godly as well?! Glory be to Christ Alone!
brother there was no threat and I forgive you for accusing me of this. I only said be careful because you are new and came in all harsh. Other then that God Bless you and merry Christmas.
James W.
I disagree brother. Most of the information available today about the founding fathers was altered by the Wilson administration to pervert their beliefs. The most quoted source made by the founding fathers was the word of God. Because of this alteration, the result is we have the corrupt system because the people do not do their own homework and their civic duty. We end up voting on the lesser of the two evils. We are getting what we deserve.

I wouldn't be surprised if many administrations altered history.

As for research, I have done a fair amount and I'm very skeptical about what I find. I've even run into other researchers. One of which researched for 40 years. He even searched through gov't archives getting certified copies of documents to back up his findings.

I don't have any faith in voting, especially for the higher up positions. For president, it isn't the popular vote that picks president. I figure you know about the electoral college. To me, voting just gives the illusion people get to decide and make a choice.

If voting was truly on the up and up, IMO, every ballot should have a choice for 'none of the above'. Then if the people didn't like any of the candidates, and picked that option, they'd have to do away with those candidates and get new ones for another election. (No electoral college)
Thanks for the reply,
Now then here is the deal
You Have The "Right" to beleive anything you wish
You Have the "right" to say what ever you wish until it goes against a rule or violates anothers "Rights"
You have the "Right" to choose Life or Death
You have the "Right" to choose Gods way or any other way you desire.

No one can stop you or force you to think or beleive anything you dont want to because you have that "Right"

If you decide to get serious with this and do a thorough research and dig way past history books and religous writings you will find the truth about the founding of this country and what motivated the founding men and their love for God.

With that said I bid you a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed new year
God Bless
James W

I don't want a part of 'the deal'. And like I mentioned in my first comment, 'rights' were fabricated. By man. It's a deception to give the illusion we're getting something. It's imaginary. We have free will to do as we want. We don't need some 'man' made piece of paper with writing on it.

We were told the country was founded for religious freedom. Now lets say a bunch of people I know, and myself go to a piece of land. A small portion of this people write down some guidelines and sign this paper without everyone else even knowing about it. What does that make? Nothing. It would require faith.

Man was meant to guide himself appropriately, without one or a few men reining over the masses. To answer only to God Almighty and the immediate community.

Please read the warning in 1 Samuel 8:10So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking for a king from him.11He said, "These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots.12And he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some a to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots.13He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers.14 He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants.15He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants.16He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men and your donkeys, and put them to his work.17He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves.18And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day."
I wouldn't be surprised if many administrations altered history.

As for research, I have done a fair amount and I'm very skeptical about what I find. I've even run into other researchers. One of which researched for 40 years. He even searched through gov't archives getting certified copies of documents to back up his findings.

I don't have any faith in voting, especially for the higher up positions. For president, it isn't the popular vote that picks president. I figure you know about the electoral college. To me, voting just gives the illusion people get to decide and make a choice.

If voting was truly on the up and up, IMO, every ballot should have a choice for 'none of the above'. Then if the people didn't like any of the candidates, and picked that option, they'd have to do away with those candidates and get new ones for another election. (No electoral college)
They do have a "none of the above" - it's called a write-in candidate. I suggest you check out as he actually bought a lot of the original writings of the founding fathers because he didn't trust the copies in the archives. They paint a very different view. Trash the current system, it has failed, because the system is built on the population taking responsibility for their own actions and holding the politicians accountable. Since society has collapsed, the government has collapsed. Nothing you can do about that. Our system of government is terrible, but it's still the best one out there.

Most (I didn't say all) of the founding fathers were Christians through and through. "If you ask any American, who is his master? He will tell you he has none, nor any governor but Jesus Christ." [The Committees of Correspondence]. The cry across the colonies was "No King by King Jesus!" The first prayer in Congress in Philadelphia ended with this: "All this we ask in the name and through the merits of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and Saviour, Amen." The first printed bible (King James) was by the Congress.

"The highest glory of the American Revolution, said John Quincy Adams, was this: it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity." John Wingate Thorton.

"From the day of the Declaration ... the (the American people) were bound by the laws of God, which they all, and by the laws of The Gospel, which they nearly all, acknowledge as the rules of their conduct."
John Quincy Adams, July 4, 1837.

"You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. These will make you a greater and happier people than you are." George Washington

"I am a real Christian – that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ." Thomas Jefferson

A lot more here:

My favorite founding father was Patrick Henry.

God rose up, blessed and used the United States in a way that only can be compared to that of Israel. The lives of the founding fathers were beyond exemplary in how men should live. Where they perfect, by no means, they were like us, men of sin. But their dedication and sacrifice have no equal in all of history except those written in the word of God. It sickens me to the core how evil our society and the government it represents all too well have become. Compare France to America - we each had a revolution almost at the same time. Which and why did they diverge so much the truth? The men and women that lead it.
I wouldn't be surprised if many administrations altered history.

As for research, I have done a fair amount and I'm very skeptical about what I find. I've even run into other researchers. One of which researched for 40 years. He even searched through gov't archives getting certified copies of documents to back up his findings.

I don't have any faith in voting, especially for the higher up positions. For president, it isn't the popular vote that picks president. I figure you know about the electoral college. To me, voting just gives the illusion people get to decide and make a choice.

If voting was truly on the up and up, IMO, every ballot should have a choice for 'none of the above'. Then if the people didn't like any of the candidates, and picked that option, they'd have to do away with those candidates and get new ones for another election. (No electoral college)
P.S. The USA is not a democracy (popular vote) but a Republic (electoral college). It's function is to ensure that all states have a fair vote in the presidential election. There's nothing wrong with the electoral college, for one man (the President) is not the force of the government, Congress is. Each branch is built to keep the other two in check. When one fails, the others step in. The issue today is that they are all bought and paid for by lobbyists thanks to the 17th Amendment which the senators of each state are now influenced by other states. Before, the senate was filled with representatives from each state's senate. If that senator didn't represent that state well, the state senate could replace him. Today, the people vote for the congressional senator which allows lobbyists to influence them. This amendment fundamentally changed our government from "We the people" to "We the lobbyists" and why the system is so broken today. To get a senator out of their seat today almost requires a revolution in their state.
P.S.S. The next "freedom" to go will soon be the 1st Amendment - Freedom of Speech. The press used to be a "fourth" entity to keep the government isn check (it unseated Nixon) but today they're owned by the same lobbyists that are controlling the senate and presidency. You must watch ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC and CNN just to get 10% of the truth, if even that much.
I don't want a part of 'the deal'. And like I mentioned in my first comment, 'rights' were fabricated. By man. It's a deception to give the illusion we're getting something. It's imaginary. We have free will to do as we want. We don't need some 'man' made piece of paper with writing on it.

We were told the country was founded for religious freedom. Now lets say a bunch of people I know, and myself go to a piece of land. A small portion of this people write down some guidelines and sign this paper without everyone else even knowing about it. What does that make? Nothing. It would require faith.

Man was meant to guide himself appropriately, without one or a few men reining over the masses. To answer only to God Almighty and the immediate community.

Please read the warning in 1 Samuel 8:10So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking for a king from him.11He said, "These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots.12And he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some a to plow his ground and to reap his harvest, and to make his implements of war and the equipment of his chariots.13He will take your daughters to be perfumers and cooks and bakers.14 He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive orchards and give them to his servants.15He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants.16He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men and your donkeys, and put them to his work.17He will take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves.18And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day."
The deal in Samuel is a reach - God did not want them to have a king and yet the kept on pushing until God allowd them a king. God had other plans.

The founding men of this country repsected God even if you dont want to beleive this. In Gods word we find many times where He has instructed us to pray for our leaders and to obey the laws of the land or goverment and so forth. If it was as you say and not of God then God would not tell us to obey. Obeying the laws of the land has nothing to do with putting anything above God so please dont go there.
