THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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BM, I was reading in John 15:27, And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning."

What does that mean? We have been with Him since the beginning. It's almost like the Mormons believe, that we were spirit children and always were. ?? I know, I know, I need to get the Mormon thoughts outa my mind. But, they are the first thing I believed in and they seem to be haunting me.
BM, I was reading in John 15:27, And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning."

What does that mean? We have been with Him since the beginning. It's almost like the Mormons believe, that we were spirit children and always were. ?? I know, I know, I need to get the Mormon thoughts outa my mind. But, they are the first thing I believed in and they seem to be haunting me.

It's only natural that you have 'Mormon thoughts', and the task of changing over to the TRUTH is a task you will be on for some time. But you're doing well I think.

Starting from in John Chapter 13, through Chapters 14, 15, and 16, Jesus is speaking directly to His disciples. In Ch 17 is recorded His special prayer just to His Father.

Therefore in saying: "You have been with me from the beginning," He means that you (my disciples) were with me from the beginning. THEY stuck with Him. True, right!

But maybe it occurs to you to ask, well then, if all of the words in Chapters 14-16 were to His disciples, how come WE take them as spoken to us also? This is part of the understanding of the Scriptures that the Holy Spirit blesses the church with by those He has given to understand TRUTH that He imparts. By this means, we know that the Spirit is saying, "These truths are for you also!!" What a blessing that is!!!

Also when He speaks to the disciples about the coming of the Holy Spirit (the Comforter, the Paraclete) in Chapters 14 and 15, the Spirit DID come (at Pentecost, beginning of Acts), right! He DID!! And blessed the disciples then - AND He is still here today blessing us and revealing truth to us, and much, much more. The above also helps us to understand what words are for just the Disciples and what are for us ALL.

- BM
Man, I knew it had to be something simple like that. In fact, I think someone else told me that once. And I still didn't get it in my head . Thanx, Bo. I'm glad I didn't ask this on the main forum. I should have pm'd you. :eek:
Man, I knew it had to be something simple like that. In fact, I think someone else told me that once. And I still didn't get it in my head . Thanx, Bo. I'm glad I didn't ask this on the main forum. I should have pm'd you. :eek:

I'm not sure anything is EVER simple in the Scriptures, Sweets! In fact it's incredibly easy to get it wrong - something we ALL do! I for one am NEVER gonna stand up and reckon I've got it all correct, no way!! I try hard, but only GOD HIMSELF knows iT all with total perfection!

It was good to post it here - no problem with that at all, okay!

My hope is ALWAYS that where I mess up someone will LOVE me enough to TELL me - so I can correct it!!

Oh, and just so we don't get confused, 'Bo' that you wrote in your post is my friend Boanerges, whereas I am 'BM', *I realise we're both very handsome gentlemen that you could easily confuse, hehe!*



1 Peter Ch 2: 9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God's] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
10 Once you were not a people [at all], but now you are God's people; once you were unpitied, but now you are pitied and have received mercy.

As those who belong to Jesus, WHO ARE WE REALLY? Sometimes we can feel so knocked down and belted around around by life that about all we're feeling is confused and hurt!

So BEFORE that happens is maybe a good time to REMIND ourselves who GOD sees us as! He starts off in verse 9 by telling us that "we are a chosen race," where "race" is Greek genos, with the meaning of kind, kindred, offspring, family (some of you may well have thought genos, hmm, "gene", and if you did, you're right!) But this is SO WONDERFUL: we ARE a FAMILY of people!" Man, I think I LIKE the sound of that! What's more: "A CHOSEN family of people", chosen by THAT GREAT GOD OF OURS! - that sure sounds pretty special to me!

We're also "a royal priesthood!" Thus we may speak to people with authority about the Lord – AND BE THE ONES to help them to reach out to touch Him. What an incredible PRIVILEGE! No need to go through some other religious person to connect with God. As Revelation 1:6 says "And [Jesus] has made US kings and PRIESTS to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever for ever. Amen."

Also He shows HIMSELF to the world THROUGH US. Wow! He called us out of the darkness of sin into His marvellous LIGHT. By walking daily In this Light we may actually learn personal righteousness (right living) and holiness - in HIM!

But perhaps we have too many things to COPE WITH at the moment - things that are just too HARD! And at that point, we may well need to WITHDRAW back into ourselves for personal PROTECTION. Very natural and reasonable. So long as we don't also withdraw from the Lord too, that is!

Because HE LONGS TO BE THE ONE TO WHOM WE RUN FOR COMFORT AND AID. Verse 10 says that once (previously) we did NOT belong to God - but hallelujah, NOW WE DO!! We have Someone to turn to: we’re NEVER on our own any more! And as we turn to Him in our need, one of the marvellous things we receive from Him as our Father and God is MERCY – His quite undeserved LOVE and FAVOUR towards us!!

So who are we really? GOD’S PEOPLE! His SPECIAL PEOPLE! PURCHASED by JESUS’ SHED BLOOD! He wants to be OUR GOD. He LOVES and CARES FOR US - day and night, WITHOUT CEASING!! Rest in Him always, dear ones!

- BM, with his Beloved


Thanx for the encouraging word, BM. I know God used you to write that, as some do need that right now. Heavenly Father is such a place of refuge to me. I don't know what I'd do without Him.
I have edited that silly post 4 times now, and it still wont capitalize the word!!! What gives? :{
If I may recommend this- run your adware removers and virus scans. That should clear up the problem.



The traditional way to pray goes something along these lines:

1. Start with the introduction, e.g., "Dear Father" or "Oh God."
2. Say some sentences (asking for things or whatever).
3. End with something like, "I pray in Jesus' name, Amen."

Now there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with any of that! But what I want to say is that it's certainly NOT the 'only' way to truly pray. Thus you can leave out 1. if you wish, and certainly leave out 3. And most importantly of all when you're doing 2. you can make it very, very INFORMAL!! Jesus says that He calls us FRIENDS! John Ch 15:15. And God is our 'Abba Father'! Romans Ch 8:15. So, for example, I may have spoken to the Lord like this, "I dunno what I should do, truly I don't. Am I sposed to tell him about this, or not? Maybe I should just pray about it. Need You to show me which, Lord - cos at this moment I'm stuck, truly I am!"

Now I perfectly understand why many folks may find it hard to pray as informally and "every day" as that, including thinking that it's really not respectful enough when speaking to Almighty God. That's one reason why formal praying started. But I would say that if you truly want a CLOSE and PERSONAL relationship between you and the Lord in the 21st Century, you need to learn INFORMAL PRAYER!

Please note that the short conversation I had above could easily enough have gone on for 10 minutes or much more, as I continued to consider in my mind what was right to do, shared more with the Lord about what I was FEELING about it all, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY all the while aiming to be as aware and sensitive as I could, in case the Lord broke in with an ANSWER for me!! Wow, sure don't want to miss THEM!!

We could perhaps call this way of PRAYING: "CHAT PRAYER", totally INFORMAL, lots of THINKING ALOUD as it were, as you're continuing to commune with Almighty God, or with the One Who is Lord of all!!! What an utterly ASTONISHING PRIVILEGE!! I GET TO PERSONALLY TALK WITH THE LORD WHO DIED FOR ME ON THE CROSS!!! OR I GET TO PERSONALLY SPEAK WITH FATHER GOD!!! I normally pray lying down (for obvious reasons), and I can easily spend an hour chatting with the Lord like the above. Oh and closed eyes are NOT an essential EITHER!! (try both, and chose what suits you best).

So maybe we had better ask: is this really "prayer"? Sure is! And I will always aim to chat ALOUD, either voiced or whispered.** Very POWERFUL, this, very powerful indeed!! As long as you can HEAR what you're saying, then you're right on track! What I'm doing in 'chat prayer' is SHARING MY LIFE, my FEELINGS, my THOUGHTS, in fact all of me, with my God! He's also MY FRIEND. I LOVE Him lots! He loves me even more!! We're spending time together just like with ANY two good friends will. IMPORTANT: 1. SILENCES are fine. 2. Going off at A TANGENT is also fine - many at time He's led me to something very important this way! (I do normally tend to try and get back to where I started, but it's quite okay to 'drift' - just so long as you DO keep in mind that your PURPOSE in being here IS TO PRAY!!)

So there's certainly more than one way to pray! He's WITH you right now, and always. And He LOVES loves you to pray and chat!

God bless you in your prayer life!


** Please take note that the devil will ALWAYS do all that he possibly can to try and stop you praying aloud, cos he KNOWS how powerful it is!! Try praying this way and you'll soon see what I mean!

- BM, with his Lady


Thanks Bo! I'll be interested to see how you gals get on with this. My Message seems to have gone in without problem.

Computers......!!!! Ahhhhhh.....
Do you think it's useful for me to do Scripture exposition like that? Better, or not as good as 'regular' Messages - or similar? Or what?

I say just keep chatting with the Lord and let him continue to show you.. They are both great ways of sharing his love with all of us! We are blessed to have you!

Hey Bondman and all,
I was looking through my writings trying to find one I wrote when chatting in the Lord in the bathtub. I could not find that one, but I did find this one:

Oh how this morning I want it all
what do you want
tell me,tell me it all
I want it all to go away
the hurt the pain the sadness
the confusion, the anger
the feeling of that brick wall
I can’t stand it
I hate it, I hate it all
why must life be so hard
the challenges, the struggles
the fear
oh so many feelings
take it,take it all
for so long
I believed it was him
that was causing it all
well it could be
could be him
but did you ever think
that it was the you
the you from within?
have you really looked
I mean really searched
what is it you want
you say you want it all
how long are you going
to sit or stand around
not knowing
or maybe knowing
how to get over the wall
you can sit there and think
until you are blue in the face
the clock is ticking
taking time away from your life
I believe my dear child
you know what you want
you are a smart woman
now get off to that start
to accomplish a journey
whether it be by foot, plane or car
you must take the your life out of park
and move forward with ease
give thought to the steps
and have a plan
and please know
it will not be easy
but noone promised us life would be
you can have it
you can have it all
but remember
it is your choice
your choice alone
Isn’t it wonderful
knowing there is a way
a way to have it
have it all
and not die
from all the pain
Buffy 8/6/05
I wrote that back in 2005! Little did I know then that the way not to die from the pain was to really have the Lord in my life! It is amazing when I look back now at my old writings, the Lord was right there guiding me.
Your messages on hardship, living right. all of your messages and everyone else has really helped guide me. Thanks to all of you! We can get over the brick walls of life ... we just need him!

PS.. Buffy was my nickname...
If I'm sitting or lying down, I like to close my eyes when I pray because it keeps me focused. If my eyes are open, I have a tendency to go 'off tangent' and wander off. (those dishes need to be washed...look at that floor!...what should I fix for dinner?)
But I also pray while working or driving and you should keep your eyes open when you do those things! ha! But its amazing how deeper I can get into prayer when my body is busy doing some kind of manual labor, and my mind is focused on Him.
And you are so right, Bondman! Informal is so much better!
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