What Paul received was meant to teach us or equip us to walk out our lives as God has intended for us to do. He taught us salvation and the blessing and so forth.
Now then with that said - we as modern day born again spirit filled believers, there is nothing that says that Paul other 5 fold ministries over the centuries or any one have received revelation & prophetic words, teachings etc that are beyond what we receive.
What we receive from God is up to us. Why is it that some get more insight then others or some seem to have a much deeper and closer walk with God in Christ then others ? Simply Put - they put more into their walk and time with the Father.
Acts 10:34...Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
and again in Romans 2:11...For there is no respect of persons with God.
This tells us that anyone can gain spiritual insight from God - it tells us that our names or background or influence in this life does not matter - but what does matter is how serious you take you relationship with the Father.
To limit what God can and will and does with Believers today is in error.
God the Father will move mountains to do so if you will simply make a quality choice to Go after His heart.
The only other thing that would make this belief of yours true would be those who simply Refuse to accept the truth that has been given to many of men from God in these days.
Have a wonderful week end Marilyn and you do well to remember that You Marilyn are Blessed and HIghly Favored of the Lord.
God Bless
James W
Thank You James for taking the time to post this understanding. I fully agree with you and pray that @Marilyn C receives the very fact that she is blessed and highly favored of our Lord Yehovah
Something i wanted to add to what you said is luke 8:17 ~ For nothing is hidden which shall not become open nor concealed which shall not be known and should come into the open. And God reminded me that the Word of God and the Kingdom of God and the Mysteries are not hidden from us but they are hidden for us. This verse goes along with Luke 8:10 and Deuteronomy 29:29John 16:13-15 and 1 Corinthians 2:9-14, 16 The mysteries of the Kingdom of God are revealed in His Word and are by revelation knowledge discerned. One has to have a reborn spirit, in order to receive the mysteries. And one can only receive them by asking God to reveal them in HisWord, and then that person has to have an open heart to be able to recieve the Word as He gives it.
To the one whom asks it shall be given to them, to the one who seeks they will find, and to the one who knocks the door will be opened. Luke 11:10.
Luke 11:13says if then you being wicked ones know to give good gifts to your children, how much more the Father from Heaven shall give Holy Spirit to the ones asking. .... And the Holy Spirit according to what was written in John 16:13-15is the one who leads and guides us into all truth. And takes what He hears from Jesus and gives it to us. And thus is the one who reveals the mysteries of the Written Word of God to those who ask of God who gives unto all men without berating them or upbraiding them...which means to shame them (James 1:5)
God bless you with an abundance of grace and peace