The Old Man

God is not looking at our old man.
Consider God talking to Satan, bragging up Job. God knowing the beginning to the end.
Then Satan lays a lickin on Job and we see in chapter 38 it is like God chastising Job, whom he bragged up, because of Job's complaining. Because, nothing takes God by surprise surely that side of Job is not what God was talking about. So the real Job (Christian) is not what we see. Scripture says that God had known His from before the foundation of the world. So let us not be discouraged when we see our failing, for God does not see that but He is looking at the sacrifice.
God is not looking at our old man. Consider God talking to Satan, bragging up Job. God knowing the beginning to the end. Then Satan lays a lickin on Job and we see in chapter 38 it is like God chastising Job, whom he bragged up, because of Job's complaining. Because, nothing takes God by surprise surely that side of Job is not what God was talking about. So the real Job (Christian) is not what we see. Scripture says that God had known His from before the foundation of the world. So let us not be discouraged when we see our failing, for God does not see that but He is looking at the sacrifice.

Good morning, 2404;

The Old Man
is a good reminder. I battle with negative thoughts some mornings when I wake up. Thoughts of my past mistakes will spin in my head with no answers. They already happened and there were lessons. It's just one of my demons that I battle with.

In the past I would entertain these thoughts and feel exhausted. But I learned to stop what I'm thinking and go into prayer especially if it's in the middle of the night. If a thought is a conviction then God is faithful and will search my heart, whether I need to repent or make right with someone I may have been at odds with.

But whether in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning; after I get prayed up I feel better, it's out of my mind and can get on with my new day. Praise God.

As a man of God any sacrifices on my part is all given to God. I don't want to puff my ego. I believe He sees my heart and what God decides is up to Him.

God bless you, 2404, and thank you for sharing.

Good morning, 2404;

The Old Man
is a good reminder. I battle with negative thoughts some mornings when I wake up. Thoughts of my past mistakes will spin in my head with no answers. They already happened and there were lessons. It's just one of my demons that I battle with.

In the past I would entertain these thoughts and feel exhausted. But I learned to stop what I'm thinking and go into prayer especially if it's in the middle of the night. If a thought is a conviction then God is faithful and will search my heart, whether I need to repent or make right with someone I may have been at odds with.

But whether in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning; after I get prayed up I feel better, it's out of my mind and can get on with my new day. Praise God.

As a man of God any sacrifices on my part is all given to God. I don't want to puff my ego. I believe He sees my heart and what God decides is up to Him.

God bless you, 2404, and thank you for sharing.
Hello Bob.
I expect we are on the same page but just to clear the air. When I referred to sacrifice I was referring to Jesus Christ's atonement.
As in the O.T. when a man brought his sacrifice to the priest, the priest never inspected the man but the sacrifice had to be 'perfect'.
God bless you my friend.
Hello Bob.
I expect we are on the same page but just to clear the air. When I referred to sacrifice I was referring to Jesus Christ's atonement.
As in the O.T. when a man brought his sacrifice to the priest, the priest never inspected the man but the sacrifice had to be 'perfect'.
God bless you my friend.

Hello 2404;

Amen and I understand what you were sharing. This thread led me to add what was on my heart.

God bless you, too, 2404.