The Perfection of Guiltlessness

My wife shared with me this morning her devotion from Spurgeon's writings, in that he addressed the murderer, after his execution, is freed from the law, and were he brought back to life, he would remain free from the guilt of his murders. As it is, however, that murderer, as J. Vernon McGee once stated on one of his recorded broadcasts, that murderer is sent to God for His judgement.

Christ, on the other hand, through the power of His guiltlessness, and taking our sins upon Himself and becoming sin for us, He perfectly freed us from the power of guilt that would otherwise lead us all into the penalty for that guilt! I mean, the sheer magnitude of HIs guiltless state, His having not sinned nor ever having known sin, dare one meditate upon that, and do so deeply, the enormity of that reality may begin to dawn upon one's awareness of the vastness of the importance. Wow! Very profound indeed.

The conversation then lapsed into talking about Satan, which led me to remember the many, many ministers and commentators I have heard through the years assuming Satan did not understand the ramifications of Isaiah 53 when it was written. This tendency to sell short the massive intelligence of Satan, and therefore underestimating him, as far too many people tend to do, it pleases him and his plans that mortals underestimate him. That's one reason why so many live within the arena of his kingdom.

Keep this in mind: Satan is utterly weak and powerless to do anything other than what the power of his nature dictates that he do. He is powerless to repent, he cannot abstain from remaining a slave to his nature. He is weaker than any powerless human when it comes to changing his ways, and therefore abstaining from evil. THAT is his weakness. His failure in this respect is absolute.

Now, let us think upon these things:

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.

Isn't this marvelous what the Lord has done for us?
