Still waiting for the scriptures quoting Jesus concerning soul sleep. Just plain scriptures not theology or philosophy. ThanksThe first thing to clarify is that "Sleep" is by its very definition a period of unawareness, a period of non-conciousness. Jesus merely has to use the word for sleep for sleep IS the state of not being concious or aware. Jesus refers to physical (flesh and blood) death as "Sleep" in John 11:11-14 when speaking of Lazarus (the real one). Note He did not say Lazarus is resting in Abraham's Bosom, He said he "sleepeth". Because it confused the disciples He had to explain that He means Lazarus was dead. Nor did He say that the BODY of Lazarus sleepeth but that LAZARUS himself sleepeth. Nothing in this passage declares Jesus was speaking of ONLY the body of Lazarus. Such a claim is not supported by the scripture.
As to 1 Thess this is not knowledge Paul could have EXCEPT that Christ revealed it to him. Considering Peter also referred to those who had died (eg King David) as being asleep it is safe to infer that ALL the apostles were conveying what Jesus had taught them, which is that those who die in the flesh are asleep until resurrection. NOTE it is referring to the period between physical (flesh and blood) death and resurrection, not the period AFTER resurrection. Why that is important to keep in mind will hopefully become clearer in a minute.
Firstly it should be noted that "a certain rich man" does NOT get a name. Strange ommission to name one but not the other especially as the other just happens to share the same name as somebody Jesus DID bring back from the dead. Even more sigificantly "a certain rich man" also features in the parable at Luke 12:16 and Luke 16:1. Indeed the parable at Luke 16:1 begins with the exact same words "There was a certain rich man ..."
But tell me where in the Bible does it declare that a parable shall not contain any proper names?? Jesus told many parables that were not recorded. By what authority do you declare that NONE of the parables told by Jesus, recorded AND UNRECORDED contained proper names EXCEPT this one?
Firstly lets deal with the "multitude". John does not see these until the 6th seal is broken - not before. Therefore there is a period of time when the multitude are NOT there, and then they are ALL there. But note what the elder says about them (Rev 7:15) Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. 16 They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. 17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Here he is telling John that THIS multitude are NOT in the Bosom of Abraham but are WITH Christ and the Lord serving them. BUT we know from 1 Thess that those who sleep in Christ and those still alive only join Christ and be with Him AT HIS COMING, to be with Him for ever more. We also know from John 14:3 that Christ Himself declared that He will RETURN to take us to be with Him, where He is. This accords with 1 Thess 4 (and 1 Cor 15:51-52) perfectly. Therefore contrary to your assertion, Revelation places the multitude in Heaven AFTER Christ returns and the "rapture"/resurrection, not before. Nor does it place them in the "bosom of Abraham". Indeed this "bosom of Abraham" is mentioned in one place ONLY in the entire Bible. And that is in the story of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus.
Now about those souls UNDER THE ALTAR (not in the Bosom of Abraham). We note these are noticed after the 5th seal but before the 6th seal. We also note they are NOT in the Bosom of Abraham. Something else we note is they are not EVERYBODY who has died in Christ but those who have been KILLED for their testimony. And they are waiting for those who will be LIKEWISE KILLED for their testimony. I note the Darby Literal translation says "until both their fellow-bondmen and their brethren, who were about to be killed as they, should be fulfilled." (Young's Literal Translation has "who are about to be killed -- even as they. ")
These are a special preordained group awaiting a special preordained time which requires they all be killed. THIS section of Revelation gives no indication of why this special group who are killed in a certain way are waiting. HOWEVER we do note from REV 20 that there is indeed a special group who are beheaded for their testimony of Christ who are raised in a special limited RESURRECTION before anybody else (the first resurrection) to reign with Christ for 1,000 years. There is nothing that prevents those under the altar from being this very same group awaiting those who are to shortly be beheaded and so join them.
As ONLY those beheaded for Christ are raised at that time and not everybody who has died in Christ and nobody else is raised until AFTER the 1,000 years are finished the Bible declares this 1,000 years occurs BEFORE His coming and this special limited resurrection BEFORE the "rapture".
But the bottom line is still that both Jesus and the Apostles declare as ASLEEP those who have died in Christ before He returns (or are otherwise resurrected) and both the living and the dead in Christ are raised to join with Him for the journey to the NEW Earth (the place He has prepared and returns to take us there).