The strongest He ever spoke to me

There have been many times I've heard from the Lord and in many different ways. On two occasions as I slept He spoke to me and I heard His voice as the sound of many waters. I cannot describe it except it was crackling with energy like all of life was right there and truly it was.

Once as I slept He said something funny and I could hear the obvious mirth in His voice. It had been a dry time, a time of testing and desert places. With the idea that we are prophets as John, and I have by His grace prophesied in church and to individuals as the spirit prompted me.

As I slept one night He spoke, and our spirit man never sleeps, and said "that hair shirt gets itchy when it gets dry doesn't it"? I awoke out of a sound sleep chuckling. My wife awakened asked "what us it"?
"the Lord just told me a joke" was my not so normal reply.

But the strongest, most moving time he ever spoke was one night as I prayed on the back of our place where our home is now. It's a high place 100 feet above a river on a ridge. The view looks over miles of the Ouachita Mountains. I used to walk back there to pray before we put our house there.

I had been praying awhile that night and the Lord was silent as He is many times. I decided to go back to our home which at the time was a few hundred yards distant. As I turned to leave He spoke. The words were in the midst of me just like a strong vibration and I actually felt them inside. He said "Every generation I have to start all over and begin again".

I've been a Christian nearly forty years and baptized in the Holy Spirit all that time but never has Jesus spoken that strongly to me, with so much emotion. It was no trouble to feel His love and concern over these new generations. People. He has to be intimately concerned with every one while you and I maybe just deal with a few people in a generation or two. Only God can bear such things.

I'll never know why He told me this. Sometimes I remember it and wonder. It made me consider something that I would never have thought of by myself. Which is the chief way I realize he has shown me something.