The Word of God is the "Sword of the Spirit".
The "Sword of the Spirit" is two edged.
Why is the Word two edged?
To the born again, Spirit filled, blood bought, Holy Ghost taught Christian it is encouragement, enlightenment, an unveiling of Truth, hope, security, love, joy, gratification, thankfulness; the Holy Spirit within us bares witness of the Truth and is in agreement one with another.
To the hypocrite it cuts through the heart convicting the spirit of sin and they want to fight, persecute, afflict, point fingers, call you the devil, bare false witness against you, justify themselves......... full of doubt, negativity, deceit, hate, gossips, backbiting, lust, bitterness, double minded (two faced), self righteous, complainers, deceiving, contradict, debate...........
What lives in your heart?
If you have not experienced a heart changing experience in the Lord isn't it time to truly REPENT. John the Baptist said it best... "who has warned you vipers of the wrath to come? Now, bring forth gifts worthy of repentance CRYING OUT Abba Father."
He will take your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
Do you know Him?
Is Jesus alive in your heart?
All praise, glory, and honor be unto God. Amen
The Word of God is the "Sword of the Spirit".
The "Sword of the Spirit" is two edged.
Why is the Word two edged?
To the born again, Spirit filled, blood bought, Holy Ghost taught Christian it is encouragement, enlightenment, an unveiling of Truth, hope, security, love, joy, gratification, thankfulness; the Holy Spirit within us bares witness of the Truth and is in agreement one with another.
To the hypocrite it cuts through the heart convicting the spirit of sin and they want to fight, persecute, afflict, point fingers, call you the devil, bare false witness against you, justify themselves......... full of doubt, negativity, deceit, hate, gossips, backbiting, lust, bitterness, double minded (two faced), self righteous, complainers, deceiving, contradict, debate...........
What lives in your heart?
If you have not experienced a heart changing experience in the Lord isn't it time to truly REPENT. John the Baptist said it best... "who has warned you vipers of the wrath to come? Now, bring forth gifts worthy of repentance CRYING OUT Abba Father."
He will take your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
Do you know Him?
Is Jesus alive in your heart?
All praise, glory, and honor be unto God. Amen