The use of precedent in the bible.

The use of precedent in the bible.

Being that it is commonly accepted that the bible has within it many covenants and promises, the implication has always been that the relationship between God and man is of a legalistic nature with both blessings and requirements involved.

God both establishes and folllows precedent within scripture, that is, once an action is taken for a given situation, God tends to follow that same example throughout the bible.

1. An example of the believer invoking precedent is that of Elisha.
He invokes the law where it states that the firstborn is to recieve the double portion that represents his share among his siblings, even when he is the son of a despised woman.

He invokes this law to inherit the prophetic ministry of Elijah.

Most of us are more familiar with the phrase, "calling on the promises", the invocation of precedent is but a more technical name for the same.

2. A more significant application is that of using precedent to understand prophecy.
IS 29's description of Tyre is an example of prophetic precedent.
Whereas Isaiah's companions looked at Tyre and saw a neighboring economic giant, Isaiah saw into the future.
Revelations later reveals an economic giant by the name of Babylon the great.

3. Deborah, Samuel, Hulda and other prophets are examples of people that understand precedent to see the past, understand the present and inspire with the future.

You might be more familiar with situations where a person who is sick and once prayed for he/she is healed.
its just a formal description.
Its another way of looking at a situation you are facing and recognizing it as being something described in the bible.
The next step is to decide on whether you think God will help you on that basis or not. If you by faith decide to go ahead and face it, it's called invoking precedent, - if God did it before, he will always do it the same way.
Prophecy works under the same principle.
When God does something in Genesis and you later find the same situation later in the bible, you will probably find the end of the same theme in Revelations, thats why Revelations is full of references straight from the old testament.