“The Visit” ( Based on a dream )
1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.
I went to a hospital to visit a relative. While I was in the waiting room, I saw a very sickly person sitting on a gurney waiting to be checked in. Suddenly, the Lord laid it on my heart to speak to this person. As I drew near, I realized that it was a very old man. I stepped forward, smiled and said “hello”…
Surprisingly, the old man said, “ I cannot have fellowship with you”. Perplexed, I asked him why he said this and what he meant, and he answered, “ You are one of them born again people aren’t you?” I said yes, but as soon as I said it I realized that he might carry a misconception about what “born again” really means. With this in mind I added, “though I guess that depends on what you mean by being born again.”
He just looked at me and asked me to explain it to Him.
I said, “There are at least three things that happened to me when I was born again. Actually, there may be more, but I do know of these three for sure. "The first is that all of my sins were forgiven, each and every one. Do you believe that this is possible. He nodded and said, “yes, I suppose that is possible with God”.
I continued, “The second thing that happened was I became a brand new person. I am not the same person I used to be. I don’t love the things that I used to love, I don’t do the things that I used to do, I don’t desire the things that I used to desire, for God Himself has come to live in my heart and has made me a new creation“.
Suddenly he protested. “How can God come and live in a heart full of sin?!”
I answered, “Because the blood that Jesus shed when he died for me cleanses me from all sin!" ( 1 John 1:7 )
He thought about this for a moment, then said, “ You don’t know about the terrible things I’ve done”.
I asked him if he had ever heard of Paul, the man who was the great missionary of Jesus and who had written almost half the books of the New Testament. I told him how Paul had once been a hater of Jesus, how he had arrested and killed Christians, and how Paul had called himself the “chief of sinners. I told him "if God can forgive Paul and make him a new person, He can forgive and change you and I just as well." I also told him that I too had done many bad things, but that Jesus died for every sin committed by every person who has ever lived.
I was about to tell him about the third thing, when they came to take him to his room. As they rolled him away, I quickly said, “ Remember what I told you. If you call out to God and ask Him to forgive you He will“. ( Romans 10:9-10)
A nurse entered and told me that the person I had come to visit was ready to see me. As I stood up, I noticed a young nurse standing by who had been listening to our conversation. I suddenly wished in my heart that I could have told her and the old man about the third thing that happened when I was born again, that I become a child of God, and that they could too. I said I silent prayer for both her and the elderly man.
At that moment, I realized what God was calling me to do.
When I awoke from this dream, it had a profound effect on me. The initial reaction was that God was reminding me of my calling to tell everyone, young and old about Jesus. In a real sense, we are all called to be evangelists.
Later, upon reflection, it occurred to me that this dream had a secondary meaning, for it seemed both the evangelist and the old man may actually be different sides of ME. You see, I know God has forgiven me, but my heart still struggles with guilt and condemnation of the past. Often I need to remind myself what Christ had alreadydone for me. Lord, help my heart to fully understand what my mind already knows.
Lord, unite my heart to fear and to trust your name.
1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.
I went to a hospital to visit a relative. While I was in the waiting room, I saw a very sickly person sitting on a gurney waiting to be checked in. Suddenly, the Lord laid it on my heart to speak to this person. As I drew near, I realized that it was a very old man. I stepped forward, smiled and said “hello”…
Surprisingly, the old man said, “ I cannot have fellowship with you”. Perplexed, I asked him why he said this and what he meant, and he answered, “ You are one of them born again people aren’t you?” I said yes, but as soon as I said it I realized that he might carry a misconception about what “born again” really means. With this in mind I added, “though I guess that depends on what you mean by being born again.”
He just looked at me and asked me to explain it to Him.
I said, “There are at least three things that happened to me when I was born again. Actually, there may be more, but I do know of these three for sure. "The first is that all of my sins were forgiven, each and every one. Do you believe that this is possible. He nodded and said, “yes, I suppose that is possible with God”.
I continued, “The second thing that happened was I became a brand new person. I am not the same person I used to be. I don’t love the things that I used to love, I don’t do the things that I used to do, I don’t desire the things that I used to desire, for God Himself has come to live in my heart and has made me a new creation“.
Suddenly he protested. “How can God come and live in a heart full of sin?!”
I answered, “Because the blood that Jesus shed when he died for me cleanses me from all sin!" ( 1 John 1:7 )
He thought about this for a moment, then said, “ You don’t know about the terrible things I’ve done”.
I asked him if he had ever heard of Paul, the man who was the great missionary of Jesus and who had written almost half the books of the New Testament. I told him how Paul had once been a hater of Jesus, how he had arrested and killed Christians, and how Paul had called himself the “chief of sinners. I told him "if God can forgive Paul and make him a new person, He can forgive and change you and I just as well." I also told him that I too had done many bad things, but that Jesus died for every sin committed by every person who has ever lived.
I was about to tell him about the third thing, when they came to take him to his room. As they rolled him away, I quickly said, “ Remember what I told you. If you call out to God and ask Him to forgive you He will“. ( Romans 10:9-10)
A nurse entered and told me that the person I had come to visit was ready to see me. As I stood up, I noticed a young nurse standing by who had been listening to our conversation. I suddenly wished in my heart that I could have told her and the old man about the third thing that happened when I was born again, that I become a child of God, and that they could too. I said I silent prayer for both her and the elderly man.
At that moment, I realized what God was calling me to do.
When I awoke from this dream, it had a profound effect on me. The initial reaction was that God was reminding me of my calling to tell everyone, young and old about Jesus. In a real sense, we are all called to be evangelists.
Later, upon reflection, it occurred to me that this dream had a secondary meaning, for it seemed both the evangelist and the old man may actually be different sides of ME. You see, I know God has forgiven me, but my heart still struggles with guilt and condemnation of the past. Often I need to remind myself what Christ had alreadydone for me. Lord, help my heart to fully understand what my mind already knows.
Lord, unite my heart to fear and to trust your name.
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