This is a Cool Story!


Set Free!

This is a Cool Story!

:-D This a cool story I read today and
would like to share it with you all!

Colombian musicians turn guns into guitars to
make music - as well as a point.

BOGOTA, Colombia - It's not long after you enter
the world of Cesar Lopez that you realize he doesn't
color inside the lines.

He is a classically-trained musician and composer
who studied at Colombia's best conservatory. But
instead of concert hall performances he chooses to
play his music on the streets of Bogota. He writes
all of his songs on air-sickness bags he collects
uring his travels.

But there's much more to the gun than its history:
six metal guitar strings stretch from the mid-point
of its wooden stock, across the loading chamber,
past the fret board threaded over the weapon's
barrel, ending at a guitar neck flaring
past the muzzle.

It was during the 2003 bombing of the El Nogal
nightclub which killed 36 people in the capital's trendy
Zona Rosa district that Lopez got the idea for turning
guns into guitars.

"We were playing our music on the streets near the
club," he says, "when I noticed that a soldier was
holding his rifle the same way I was holding
my guitar."

The prototype hangs on Lopez's wall, but the design
has evolved.

"In the first one," he says, pointing out the strings
suspended above the gunstock, "the guitar isn't well
integrated with the gun. But it's better now. The gun
is in service to the guitar, which is the idea."

Lopez says he gets the guns through an anti-land
mine group connected to Colombia's peace
commissioner's office. Most of the firing components
are removed so it can no longer be fired.

Then a guitar maker adds the fretboard, strings and
neck as well as an input for the electric amp.


"Violence fears love because it is stronger,"
Lopez says, strumming the gun guitar on a hammock
strung between two walls of his living room.
"Violence fears my voice because it goes
beyond death."

It's part of project in which Lopez transforms weapons
of war into instruments of killer sound, using them
in a kind of political performance art.

He and singer Adriana Luce demonstrate by
performing in his living room — an untitled, ethereal
work which belies the guitar's vestiges of its past.


Lopez says he just received a dozen AK-47 assault
rifles, the world's most ubiquitous automatic weapon,
from the peace commissioner's office, and is having
them made into guitars.

After reading this article today and 'listening' to the
artist's music I was immediately reminded of
these scriptures!

Isa. 2:4: And he shall judge among the nations,
and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords
into plowshares,and their spears into pruninghooks:nation shall
not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn
war any more.

No more hate, no more violence, no more injustice
when the Lord Jesus will physically rule and reign on
earth! .....neither shall they learn war
any more.

God Bless,
Also many countries are buying nuclear fuel for energy purposes which were otherwise used in nuclear bombs (worst nightmare). :smt035 to :smt070
Interesting story.