Dear Rpmsey get Gods word in your heart it alone will produce fruit worthy of His Name.
I don't think Paul got rid of the thing, the overall impression when the passage is read as a whole is that after asking three times, he accepted it, and God was revealed through Pauls accepting of it. The other things he mentions (infirmities, in damages, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses), which are grouped together with this specific thing, we know from the rest of Pauls writing, that they were normal for him to experience and he seemed to glory in them, he certainly didn't ask for them to be removed as well. This thorn in the flesh seems to be something that hindered his work, some folk think it was a vision impairment or something similar, and he attributed it to satan, but I don't think that's significant, I think it's normal for satan to attack Christians, and the more effective they are, the more powerful the attacks I guess.
Hi everyone-
On the contrary, Scriptures clearly show what this "Thorn" was-
12:7- "there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure."
The "thorn in the flesh- "the messenger of Satan"-
The word "messenger" tranlates to someone who brings a message. Paul was ministering to groups the Gospel. This "messenger of Satan" was a doctrinal' demon or or speech type demon, sent to influence or possess a person to follow Paul around and cause verbal disruptions during his ministering.
Some have taught this "thorn" was a deformity, a disease, an affliction of other sort. No, Scriptures do not support such beliefs.
Rather Scriptures support it being a fallen Angel sent by Satan to "buffet"- (irritate) Paul by pointing out his infirmities. probems with teachings, etc.
If were a deformity or affliction or disease of some sort, it would not have been a "messenger of Satan".
Don't forget Gabriel, God's highest level "Messenger Angel" who visited Daniel and other of God's Children.
This is why Paul speaks of how this "thorn" was to keep him from being exhaulted above measure.
Also, most people back in those days, had little to do with or paid much attention to those who were seriously sick, deformed or otherwise. (Read in God's Word about the blind man and others who were claimed not to have really been aflicted, but only decievers, etc).
Also, Early Church documentaries have also spoken of this "thorn" being some speech specialized demon influencing or possessing a person to afflict Paul during his ministry.
Not to mention, if were a disease or deformity, they had doctors back then who could've done something to an extent to help- (Luke the physican). But no, Paul saught God 3 times to remove the "Thorn".
"Buffet"- Grk. 2852- "to strike with a fist, beat, torment- (verbal), etc...."
"Thorn [in] the flesh"- most likely a demon possessing a person since the thorn is "in" the flesh. When the Disciples once asked Christ who would betray Him, He declares- "haven't I chosen you twelve and one of you is "Diabolis"?- (translated means- the devil in human flesh).
So, the "buffeting Paul recieved could've been physical as well as verbal abuse from this "Messenger of Satan".
So, this proves it wasn't a disease or deformity or otherwise, but abusive treatment by that demon thru a human being.
God Bless!!