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The Gospel is for the Christian too.

Tired of all the 'systems', 'formulas' 'gimmicks' and 'techniques' offered in Christendom to get you to live that 'victorious Christian life', only to find you continually fail?

They call it sanctification, but much of it is simply a walk away from Mt. Calvary, and a climb back up Mt. Sinai.

We so easily lose our First Love, because we are drawn away from the Source of that Love to systems of self efforts, leaving off the Blood that cleanses our consciences down through the ages, leaving off God's Word, the essential faith-food for our soul, and leaving off prayer, where the Holy Spirit searches our hearts and minds, comforts, convicts, enlightens, strengthens heals, and encourages.

Most of all, we leave off the Gospel where we find that Christ has not only died for our sins, taking the punishment our sins, that is so much deserved, but also declaring us as righteous in His sight, endowing us with His Holy Spirit Who seals us as His unto that day, placing us into Christ, regenerates us granting us a new nature...(His), through the New Birth. And best of all, for those who are His, grace continues throughout eternity.

And all He asks is that we trust and thank Him.
Faith is perhaps the most important virtue on the vertical plane and forgiveness on the horizontal.
but how can we forgive from the heart if we don't truly believe Christ has forgiven us?

Luke 7:47 NASB
For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little."
Thoughts. Thankfully salvation doesn't rely on fallen humanity. All glory to Him who first loved us and we not him. God is not looking for super men simply because there are none. We all be from the same clay some look to successful careers be that religious, political or the business realm. But the reality be is that all can come crashing down in the blink of an eye for no apparent reason only known to God. Death be the great equaliser to king and pauper alike. It be the great release for mere mortals into immortality as we walk though that door into eternity ❤️
Good morning, crossnote;

Why did I overlook this thread, Thoughts? It's a good message and I agree with you.

The Gospel is for the introduction of Christ but also for the Christian's personal relationship and growth in Christ.

All the 'systems', 'formulas' 'gimmicks' and 'techniques' offered in Christendom to get you to live that 'victorious Christian life' can help give us direction but as you shared, we all fall short in our Love for Christ.

Our self efforts leave us inconsistent in the Greatest Commandment in Matthew 22:36-40. It's a relief knowing God is consistent, He knows each of us who strive to follow Him leading us back to the Greatest Commandment.

God bless
you, crossnote, and thank you for sharing.
