Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet

My old pastor used to say, "if you want to know God's will, read God's Word".

The Bible is our weapon against the enemy (what Jesus used to rebuke satan)

"Ps. 119 "how can a young man cleanse his ways, by taking heed thereto, according to Thy Word..." (kjv)

The early church committed themselves to four practices. Reading the apostles words was one of those...the result..."and The Lord added to their number daily" (acts 2)

My old pastor told me. If you go through a 'dry' Bible reading time, Discipline yourself to 10 mins per day, and the hunger will come back.

"Sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is truth"
numbers 6:24-26 xxx
Hello Choose Life;

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet

is an excellent thread! I agree with your former pastor. My wife and I read / study the Bible every evening then we discuss our thoughts and questions and lay it at God's feet. We truly believe He is speaking to the both of us and our reading is not in vain.

The result is the Lord added to our number daily and that's the growth in our marriage with Christ.

God bless you, Choose Life, and thank you for sharing.

Hello Choose Life;

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet

is an excellent thread! I agree with your former pastor. My wife and I read / study the Bible every evening then we discuss our thoughts and questions and lay it at God's feet. We truly believe He is speaking to the both of us and our reading is not in vain.

The result is the Lord added to our number daily and that's the growth in our marriage with Christ.

God bless you, Choose Life, and thank you for sharing.

You are blessed ☺