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The First Question, does it still exist?
Second, why do many discourage those with the gift of tongues from using their Gift?
Hrt4Christ said:Thank you and I agree, I believe there are false tongues and people may use that to their advantage for their own good (purpose).
Why do so many believe they have this gift? Now a lot of people may have this gift, and I'm not saying they don't, but it would just seem that if this gift is given to so many people that our Father through the Holy Spirit would provide the gift on interpretation as well?
1Cr 12:10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
Sorry for the confusion, yes I meant the gift of tongues spoken of in 1 Cor 12:10, 1 Cor 12:30, 1 Cor 14:5, 1 Cor 14:22, and of course Acts 2:4, Acts 19:6
I never read that everyone has or can get the gift of tongues? That's interesting. In the Bible there are many gifts that we can be given through the Holy Spirit. By reading this last statement (I could be wrong, my interpretation), it's like saying that everyone has the gift to heal, or prophecy, or interpret tongues etc. And we know that's not the case or because that's not Biblical, everyone has different gifts. Solomon had the gift of wisdom, Samson had the gift of strength, Paul had the gift to prophecy etc. so why is tongues the exception? I was never given the gift of tongues, but yet I can stand in a room of strangers and preach the Gospel with out fear and in boldness spread the Good News of the Gospel. Not everyone can stand in a room of strangers and do this. Is that a gift? I believe so. I would have never done it before I was saved LOL. I was always the kid in the back of the room in school. I hated to speak in front of anyone I did not know. I would blush tremendously, but since I was saved I can go with passion and yell it from the roof tops (figurative speaking of course).
Some denominations believe that it is a definitive sign of salvation, and some even state that unless you speak in tongues, then you never received the Holy Spirit and therefore have not received salvation.
The main problem I see with speaking in tongues is simply that it's a very simple thing to fake. Yet, what I do not see in any modern church is the type of speaking in tongues that was mentioned in Acts when the Holy Spirit was first received. I have yet to see anyone speak in one language, and be understood by others speaking in various other languages. While I have had "similar" experiences, nothing whatsoever on this magnitude.
faith said:The gift of tongues was a supernatural ability to speak an earthly foreign language without special training. Tongues comes from the word glossa, so the word glossalalia means "to speak in tongues." The word tongues (glossa), when used in the New Testament, either refers to the physical tongue and its basic meaning or to the language that the tongue speaks.
To begin a study of tongues, get a concordance and look up theword tongue (glossa), and look at all the places it is used and how it is used. In the following references (not a complete list) every time the word tongue (glossa) is used, it always refers to an earthly foreign language: Revelation 5:9; 7:9; 10:11; 11:9.
faith said:The present day phenomenon called "speaking in tongues" (glossalalia) is characterized by indiscernible sounds. Since that could not be called a foreign language that is understandable by some group today, glossalalia cannot be validly called Biblical tongues.
The sounds are not indiscernible, the "language" is what is not readily identified... Can we really know for certain that tongues may not be an obscure known language?