Traveling to the stars

As a child, I regularly traveled to distant stars, battling strange creatures, rescuing the helpless and just out seeking adventure. I traveled to these far off places with the help of Isaac Asimov, Andre Norton, EE "Doc" Smith, Arthur Clarke, Piers Anthony and a number of others.

Today I still dream of a far off place, but a much better reward. This hope is sure where as the the dreams spawned of Science Fiction are not likely at all. God has given a hope that is beyond imagination, wonder and so far superior to anything other authors can imagine. This hope is sure.

I never really got into sci-fi. I have just read a book classified as Sci-Fi called 'the Midnight Library' and it mentioned stuff like quantum physics and referenced Schrodinger's cat. It was about a suicidal 30 something year old woman who finds herself between lives and she has to choose which one she wants to live, or whether she wants to die. She gets the chance to hope in and out of different lives (kinda like Quantum Leap, or Sliding Doors) and experience them.
But I know when I shut the book that author person wrote it because he had mental health issues and didn't want anyone to feel hopeless. She ends up going back to the life she thought was so hopeless and learning to enjoy it and see that she does have value and that she does matter to someone. And that pain and suffering are part of the human condition, no matter what kind of life you have.