True Service

Bob Wille (Family)

Passed on, November 6, 2022
The King will answer them, ‘I can guarantee this truth:
Whatever you did for one of my brothers or sisters,
no matter how unimportant {they seemed}, you did for me.”
Matthew 25:40

True service is love in working clothes.
[Our Daily Bread]

Naturally, God Speaks
Web 845.JPG
The whole chapter of Matthew 25 speaks to Christian service.

The 10 Virgins parable stressing the importance of always being ready and watchful.
Parable of the talents in which God gives us various talents which must be exercised rather than buried.

The Judgment Matt 25:31-46
Our actions of faith and love matter in this world. The Holy Spirit leads us to do good and in doing good for others we are showing our love for God.
We, as Christians already know where we will be...and most importantly,
Who we will be with...our blessed Savior and Lord.
So, in one way, we are in the process of counting down the time
until what has been promised to us will become reality.
Ironically, in dealing with the subject of death...
my mother-in-law died this morning. And, yes, she had put her
complete faith and trust in Christ many years ago.