United Methodists are breaking up in a slow-motion schism

198 churches leave North Alabama Conference in Arkansas the same thing is going on. God is not the author of confusion. the united Methodist conference board will stand in judgment . :speechless: this puts a black eye on the Body of Christ.. But the gates of hell will not break up the true Church 👍👍👍

The UMC turmoil has been in a slow boil for several years because of the activity of the pro-homosexual forces within it. The problem for many Bible-believing UMC local churches is the fact that the UMC denomination owns the title deeds to the real property of most local bodies, so the inevitable schism has been retarded by real estate considerations. Conservative, Bible-believing members have no physical places to go for worship if they walk away from the main apostate UMC body. We need to pray that the Lord will provide his people in that body with places to meet together so they can walk away from the satanic, apostate doctrines of demons which have gained ascendancy in the UMC.
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many have joined up with global Methodist
The UMC turmoil has been in a slow boil for several years because of the activity of the pro-homosexual forces within it. The problem for many Bible-believing UMC local churches is the fact that the UMC denomination owns the title deeds to the real property of most local bodies, so the inevitable schism has been retarded by real estate considerations. Conservative, Bible-believing members have no physical places to go for worship if they walk away from the main apostate UMC body. We need to pray that the Lord will provide his people in that body with places to meet together so they can walk away from the satanic, apostate doctrines of demons which have gained ascendancy in the UMC.

Good morning, forgiven and BibleLover;

You notice that when I reply to your posts I'll address your names? It's like sitting together and having a cup of coffee (which forgiven ends up buying lol!) while discussing this topic.

I'm just sharing my thoughts. The words I
red-lighted are disappointing and not representative of the true purpose of the Church. I think of the Upper Room and how far we have gotten away from Acts 1:13-14.

Yes, there is an autonomous governance of operating our Churches under One Body, an example is in Acts 2:42-47.

My wife and I are Southern Baptists because we truly felt called by God where we would serve Him. My problem with denominations is this: Do we belong to our denomination as if we will go through an elite, privileged Heavenly Gate?

Of course not.

If a Bible-believing member has no physical place to worship because of the changes in their denomination they should pray and seek what God says first, then step down and find the new Church where God calls them regardless of the denomination.

Much of the Church has turned into a labeling, sin condoning, political, business minded organization instead of a one sole purpose Church, and that's bringing people to Christ Jesus. Again, re-read and reflect on the model Upper Room in Acts 1:13-14.

We need to continue praying for the "denominational" Methodist, Pentecostal, Baptist, Lutheran, Church of God, etc...including the independent non-denominational Churches (which is a form of denomination as well.)

Include (with love) and pray for those who won't go to Church for these reasons I shared. Pray for them and continue loving them.

Next, the serious Believer is encouraged to stay on top of the Church where they worship. Make an appointment with your pastor (that's their job) and ask the tough questions.

These are all Christ's Churches who will one day sort it all out. Woe to the corrupters. They cannot hide from God and His judgment.

God bless everyone.
It's like sitting together and having a cup of coffee (which forgiven ends up buying lol!)
possible only i dont drink coffe i have read some what on the global Methodist. the one in my home time i managed to preach several times. i did about a month there while they was waiting for a pastor under the umc conference which is very Liberial