Very Bad Weekend Last Weekend, Through the Week and Into Yesterday

Warning, this will be very long.

I got a call while I was at work last Friday, the 16th from the police department where my mom lives. The officer stated that my stepfather and mom had gotten into an argument at the bank and my step-father who keeps a gun in the car pulled the gun out, cocked it, and put it back during the argument. This took place in the car. My mom and stepdad went into the bank and my mom was crying, they asked what happened and she told them. The bank called the cops and my step-dad was arrested. My mom just turned 71 and has onset dementia. So, they asked that I come and get her, but they ended up following her home as she drove. That was decided after I had left work early. My fiance also left work early to come and help.

We ended up spending the weekend with her to try and help. Plus, my stepfather has a no-contact order on him presently placed by the judge. We can talk with him and see him, but they cannot see each other. We had to help with getting my stepdad bailed out, we had to help her go over her finances and with the dogs. Staying there that weekend was an eye-opener on just how bad she is.

The argument was because "PayPal" called her and said that she had to go to Publix, get two $400 Apple cards, and deposit them to her account to bring the account current. My stepdad was arguing that it was a scam, but she wouldn't believe him. Thankfully, Publix wouldn't sell her the cards and she got upset and they started to argue. We have known that she was talking to random men on the internet and have tried many many times to tell her they are just scamming her. We even showed her their pictures on sites that show that the photos are being used in a scam. She wouldn't listen. She would say that she is talking to the real person, not the scammers. She claimed that she never sent money and my stepdad said he was keeping an eye on her. He is 10 years younger than her. A few weeks ago one of these "men" sent her a check for $19,200. I didn't know about it till this weekend. My stepdad told her it was fake. She wouldn't believe him again. So, he deposited it into their savings account and it of course bounced. He was smart enough to put it in their savings so that if the scammer was able to somehow get an account number, it was the savings that didn't have much in it. When I finally got to talk to him, he said that he had pretty much cleaned out his 401k because she kept saying that they needed more money for bills. More on that in a bit.

We tried explaining to her that they would have to file bankruptcy as even with my stepdad working and her SSI, they didn't make enough to cover all the bills, the mortgage, and living expenses. They are 60-70k in debt. We told her to stop making payments on the credit cards and instead focus on the mortgage, life insurance policies, utilities, and the like. We must have had to tell her 100 times or more not to worry about making payments. We talked with my stepdad and he agreed with us. The whole weekend was that and her talking to these guys. My stepdad has one condition for coming home after this is said and done and it is she has to choose between him or these men. She chooses the men because they have successfully placed a wedge between her and the family. She kept saying that they would take care of her.

On Monday, I had to make the difficult decision of having my mom placed on a psych hold. She was saying that she didn't want to live and that she wanted to end her life. I spoke with several people to be sure I was making the right decision. They all told me that I was. I called 911. EMS, fire and law enforcement came. EMS couldn't take her because she answered their questions and was considered alert and oriented. So, they couldn't take her against her will. However, the police did think she was a threat to herself based on what I and my fiance said and they took her. The whole time she is yelling that I have really done it this time and that I am going to regret this and I am done with her. EMS and the police tried to tell her that I was doing the right thing and that they agree with calling them. I also must act being an EMT myself, even if it is family.

Later that evening she called to tell me that they were releasing her in a bit and that the nurse agreed with her that she didn't need to be there. After she called, the psychiatrist called to ask me if I thought she should be let go. I stated no. I told her why. I also told her that we found other evidence that we had not known before the police took her. In one of the conversations with the men (yes, I snooped because I had to find out just how bad things were) she stated to him in writing that it is do or die time and she would rather die and that she wanted to end her life. I also told the doctor that I am an EMT. The doctor didn't know that I was an EMT and that she had written down that she wanted to end her life. She let me know that she is recommending that the full 72-hour hold be honored. They held her till yesterday.

The night that she was taken by the police, we found more evidence of her giving money to at least one man. It was at least $3000. It is in screenshots and writing. She was getting mad at my stepdad because the money he was pulling out of his 401k wasn't coming fast enough. We know that she talks to 5 or 6 all the time and there are at least 20 or 30 where they moved the chat to Google chat and we cannot access this.

We, my fiance and I talked with the social worker on Tuesday and told her the background and she had suggestions for us. We came up with taking the router away and disconnecting the internet and her cell phone so she has no access to these men. She would still have the landline phone if she needed to make calls out and cable TV. The social worker agreed with us that would be a good idea. So, we took the router and ethernet cords. My stepdad couldn't shut off her phone since the account was in her name. She also said that we need to get power-of-attorney over her finances and guardianship over her. She is getting close to the time when she will need to go into a care facility and we need to start making those plans and put her in one against her will if need be. That is where the guardianship comes in.

Yesterday, my fiance and I brought the dogs back to her from the kennel. I had to tell her to stop contacting my stepdad and she denied doing it and then she said that she just texted him. We told her to stop. She said she needed information and I told her I could not give it to her because of the no-contact order. She demanded the information and I held my ground. She then said she needed some information so she could pay the bills, I told her that we discussed this and that she was to stop making payments on the credit cards because they were going to file bankruptcy. She then yelled at us. She also said that the psychiatrist told her to stay away from me because I am nothing but trouble for her. That came as a surprise because I had talked to the psychiatrist a couple of times during the week. I told her to have a nice life and we left.

Later she called wanting the router back and threatened to call the police because I stole it. We told her we as a family decided it was best that she didn't have it. She stated that she needed it to pay the bills. I said no, you need it to talk to those men and she never denied it. She just reiterated the bills needing to be paid. She once again said that she was told to stay away from me by the psychiatrist I told her to have a nice life and hung up the phone. We tried to give the router back to Spectrum, but they wouldn't accept it unless I had POA over her for that kind of stuff. They also said that they wouldn't get involved if I kept the router and would just tell her that she needed to get a new one. So, we drove back out and I put the router on the porch and left. My fiance messaged her and told her it was there.

Today with a family friend, she is playing the victim. She is not taking any responsibility for any of this. Thankfully, the family friend already knows what happened because I talked with her yesterday. She knows that I love my mother and that I didn't make this decision lightly. She also agreed that I did the right thing and that other medical professionals also agreed with me enough to hold her. It still doesn't take away the guilt I feel though.

I finally went back to work on Wednesday. I had kept in touch with the big manager of our center because my direct manager had taken time off. I told him that I was worried about my job and losing it and he kept telling me that my family comes first. He is a big family man. The problem is I am 1 1/2 hours over the limit of hours you can go without being terminated. Especially, when you are still on probation. The probation is over on October 2, one year after I started with the State. I tried to talk to my direct supervisor on Wednesday and nearly broke down, she was extremely rude and told me she isn't my personal whatever. I told her that I was worried about my job and she said that if I was over the hours, I would be terminated. She told me to get out of her office. I had taken a day off a couple of weeks before because of my IBS and not being able to leave the bathroom and a week before that because I had pink-eye and was told by the doctor that I couldn't go to work and gave her a note. That is what ended up putting me over. She will not fight for me and say that I would have been there had it not been for extraordinary circumstances. My fiance's center would do that for her and when she discussed what my supervisor had said with her supervisor when she was explaining everything to her, her supervisor dropped her jaw and couldn't believe that my supervisor said what she said and would not fight for me. My fiance is going to see if we can somehow get a hardship transfer for me to her center based on a hostile work environment.

So, now on top of all that has happened and is happening, I may lose my job.

I am sorry that this is so long. I may have missed stuff and I know that it is disjointed. I just do not know where to go from here. My fiance has stayed with me all week and weekend and will likely stay with me next week as well. She's worried about me and doesn't want me to be alone. She keeps telling me and others keep telling me that I did the right thing, but I have my doubts. Plus, I may lose my job, which feels like a punishment because I did something wrong.

If you read through this whole thing, thank you! If you didn't, I completely understand.

Where do I go from here?
Warning, this will be very long.

I got a call while I was at work last Friday, the 16th from the police department where my mom lives. The officer stated that my stepfather and mom had gotten into an argument at the bank and my step-father who keeps a gun in the car pulled the gun out, cocked it, and put it back during the argument. This took place in the car. My mom and stepdad went into the bank and my mom was crying, they asked what happened and she told them. The bank called the cops and my step-dad was arrested. My mom just turned 71 and has onset dementia. So, they asked that I come and get her, but they ended up following her home as she drove. That was decided after I had left work early. My fiance also left work early to come and help.

We ended up spending the weekend with her to try and help. Plus, my stepfather has a no-contact order on him presently placed by the judge. We can talk with him and see him, but they cannot see each other. We had to help with getting my stepdad bailed out, we had to help her go over her finances and with the dogs. Staying there that weekend was an eye-opener on just how bad she is.

The argument was because "PayPal" called her and said that she had to go to Publix, get two $400 Apple cards, and deposit them to her account to bring the account current. My stepdad was arguing that it was a scam, but she wouldn't believe him. Thankfully, Publix wouldn't sell her the cards and she got upset and they started to argue. We have known that she was talking to random men on the internet and have tried many many times to tell her they are just scamming her. We even showed her their pictures on sites that show that the photos are being used in a scam. She wouldn't listen. She would say that she is talking to the real person, not the scammers. She claimed that she never sent money and my stepdad said he was keeping an eye on her. He is 10 years younger than her. A few weeks ago one of these "men" sent her a check for $19,200. I didn't know about it till this weekend. My stepdad told her it was fake. She wouldn't believe him again. So, he deposited it into their savings account and it of course bounced. He was smart enough to put it in their savings so that if the scammer was able to somehow get an account number, it was the savings that didn't have much in it. When I finally got to talk to him, he said that he had pretty much cleaned out his 401k because she kept saying that they needed more money for bills. More on that in a bit.

We tried explaining to her that they would have to file bankruptcy as even with my stepdad working and her SSI, they didn't make enough to cover all the bills, the mortgage, and living expenses. They are 60-70k in debt. We told her to stop making payments on the credit cards and instead focus on the mortgage, life insurance policies, utilities, and the like. We must have had to tell her 100 times or more not to worry about making payments. We talked with my stepdad and he agreed with us. The whole weekend was that and her talking to these guys. My stepdad has one condition for coming home after this is said and done and it is she has to choose between him or these men. She chooses the men because they have successfully placed a wedge between her and the family. She kept saying that they would take care of her.

On Monday, I had to make the difficult decision of having my mom placed on a psych hold. She was saying that she didn't want to live and that she wanted to end her life. I spoke with several people to be sure I was making the right decision. They all told me that I was. I called 911. EMS, fire and law enforcement came. EMS couldn't take her because she answered their questions and was considered alert and oriented. So, they couldn't take her against her will. However, the police did think she was a threat to herself based on what I and my fiance said and they took her. The whole time she is yelling that I have really done it this time and that I am going to regret this and I am done with her. EMS and the police tried to tell her that I was doing the right thing and that they agree with calling them. I also must act being an EMT myself, even if it is family.

Later that evening she called to tell me that they were releasing her in a bit and that the nurse agreed with her that she didn't need to be there. After she called, the psychiatrist called to ask me if I thought she should be let go. I stated no. I told her why. I also told her that we found other evidence that we had not known before the police took her. In one of the conversations with the men (yes, I snooped because I had to find out just how bad things were) she stated to him in writing that it is do or die time and she would rather die and that she wanted to end her life. I also told the doctor that I am an EMT. The doctor didn't know that I was an EMT and that she had written down that she wanted to end her life. She let me know that she is recommending that the full 72-hour hold be honored. They held her till yesterday.

The night that she was taken by the police, we found more evidence of her giving money to at least one man. It was at least $3000. It is in screenshots and writing. She was getting mad at my stepdad because the money he was pulling out of his 401k wasn't coming fast enough. We know that she talks to 5 or 6 all the time and there are at least 20 or 30 where they moved the chat to Google chat and we cannot access this.

We, my fiance and I talked with the social worker on Tuesday and told her the background and she had suggestions for us. We came up with taking the router away and disconnecting the internet and her cell phone so she has no access to these men. She would still have the landline phone if she needed to make calls out and cable TV. The social worker agreed with us that would be a good idea. So, we took the router and ethernet cords. My stepdad couldn't shut off her phone since the account was in her name. She also said that we need to get power-of-attorney over her finances and guardianship over her. She is getting close to the time when she will need to go into a care facility and we need to start making those plans and put her in one against her will if need be. That is where the guardianship comes in.

Yesterday, my fiance and I brought the dogs back to her from the kennel. I had to tell her to stop contacting my stepdad and she denied doing it and then she said that she just texted him. We told her to stop. She said she needed information and I told her I could not give it to her because of the no-contact order. She demanded the information and I held my ground. She then said she needed some information so she could pay the bills, I told her that we discussed this and that she was to stop making payments on the credit cards because they were going to file bankruptcy. She then yelled at us. She also said that the psychiatrist told her to stay away from me because I am nothing but trouble for her. That came as a surprise because I had talked to the psychiatrist a couple of times during the week. I told her to have a nice life and we left.

Later she called wanting the router back and threatened to call the police because I stole it. We told her we as a family decided it was best that she didn't have it. She stated that she needed it to pay the bills. I said no, you need it to talk to those men and she never denied it. She just reiterated the bills needing to be paid. She once again said that she was told to stay away from me by the psychiatrist I told her to have a nice life and hung up the phone. We tried to give the router back to Spectrum, but they wouldn't accept it unless I had POA over her for that kind of stuff. They also said that they wouldn't get involved if I kept the router and would just tell her that she needed to get a new one. So, we drove back out and I put the router on the porch and left. My fiance messaged her and told her it was there.

Today with a family friend, she is playing the victim. She is not taking any responsibility for any of this. Thankfully, the family friend already knows what happened because I talked with her yesterday. She knows that I love my mother and that I didn't make this decision lightly. She also agreed that I did the right thing and that other medical professionals also agreed with me enough to hold her. It still doesn't take away the guilt I feel though.

I finally went back to work on Wednesday. I had kept in touch with the big manager of our center because my direct manager had taken time off. I told him that I was worried about my job and losing it and he kept telling me that my family comes first. He is a big family man. The problem is I am 1 1/2 hours over the limit of hours you can go without being terminated. Especially, when you are still on probation. The probation is over on October 2, one year after I started with the State. I tried to talk to my direct supervisor on Wednesday and nearly broke down, she was extremely rude and told me she isn't my personal whatever. I told her that I was worried about my job and she said that if I was over the hours, I would be terminated. She told me to get out of her office. I had taken a day off a couple of weeks before because of my IBS and not being able to leave the bathroom and a week before that because I had pink-eye and was told by the doctor that I couldn't go to work and gave her a note. That is what ended up putting me over. She will not fight for me and say that I would have been there had it not been for extraordinary circumstances. My fiance's center would do that for her and when she discussed what my supervisor had said with her supervisor when she was explaining everything to her, her supervisor dropped her jaw and couldn't believe that my supervisor said what she said and would not fight for me. My fiance is going to see if we can somehow get a hardship transfer for me to her center based on a hostile work environment.

So, now on top of all that has happened and is happening, I may lose my job.

I am sorry that this is so long. I may have missed stuff and I know that it is disjointed. I just do not know where to go from here. My fiance has stayed with me all week and weekend and will likely stay with me next week as well. She's worried about me and doesn't want me to be alone. She keeps telling me and others keep telling me that I did the right thing, but I have my doubts. Plus, I may lose my job, which feels like a punishment because I did something wrong.

If you read through this whole thing, thank you! If you didn't, I completely understand.

Where do I go from here?
First let me say I have empathy for what is going on. And personal experience to some of these circumstances.
My wife has worked at a Memory facility for 25 years. My mom and Grandmother. Both had Dementia and ALZ.
My Mom is in a facility the last two years. We volunteer there each week and have as long as my wife has worked there.
And we have sadly had very bad circumstances come up.

When things compound like this. We want them all solved now. As its overwhelming.
I wont go into my own personal history too much, but I have seen my mom leading up to needing a facility.
And the destruction it leaves in its wake.
And police when they become involved and they will. Those with DEM/ALZ will cross paths with law enforcement.
some times. Frequently, when they never had before in their elder years.

Might I suggest SMALLS. I was here 3 years ago where you are now, everything fell apart and all because of memory issues.
You do not have to reply not prying.

Does your Mom have a diagnoses? If not this is important as state and federal help is there.
Depending on finances the state will intervene. If she has Medicaid depending on State there may be a local place for a worker.
The first thing to balance this is to get the weight off you and the family and get her help.
Its probably to late at this point, but a POA and or a Advanced Directive with medical can help as well.
And ADR with medical means you can help your mom get placement in a facility that specializes in Memory care.
The first key in my opinion is to get someone to help intervene. Because this is where based on your post stems from.

I read the post, and other then some some details was very familiar.
If it helps, dare I say. This Chaos is normal. Not every event you mention is. But it does get this bad.
I speak with my wife nightly about where she works. Its truly is a horrible situation. But you are not alone.
I spent close to 10K getting my moms bank, rent and so much more back in order. It was a nightmare.

I wont write a novel here. I hope this helped.

I will be praying that God gives you and your family strength and clarity.
I do not know how to respond to this... but please be assured that I am going to spend the REST of the day petitioning Father on your situation.
I do know that HE loves you... and that HE has a plan. Please do not despair.
First let me say I have empathy for what is going on. And personal experience to some of these circumstances.
My wife has worked at a Memory facility for 25 years. My mom and Grandmother. Both had Dementia and ALZ.
My Mom is in a facility the last two years. We volunteer there each week and have as long as my wife has worked there.
And we have sadly had very bad circumstances come up.

When things compound like this. We want them all solved now. As its overwhelming.
I wont go into my own personal history too much, but I have seen my mom leading up to needing a facility.
And the destruction it leaves in its wake.
And police when they become involved and they will. Those with DEM/ALZ will cross paths with law enforcement.
some times. Frequently, when they never had before in their elder years.

Might I suggest SMALLS. I was here 3 years ago where you are now, everything fell apart and all because of memory issues.
You do not have to reply not prying.

Does your Mom have a diagnoses? If not this is important as state and federal help is there.
Depending on finances the state will intervene. If she has Medicaid depending on State there may be a local place for a worker.
The first thing to balance this is to get the weight off you and the family and get her help.
Its probably to late at this point, but a POA and or a Advanced Directive with medical can help as well.
And ADR with medical means you can help your mom get placement in a facility that specializes in Memory care.
The first key in my opinion is to get someone to help intervene. Because this is where based on your post stems from.

I read the post, and other then some some details was very familiar.
If it helps, dare I say. This Chaos is normal. Not every event you mention is. But it does get this bad.
I speak with my wife nightly about where she works. Its truly is a horrible situation. But you are not alone.
I spent close to 10K getting my moms bank, rent and so much more back in order. It was a nightmare.

I wont write a novel here. I hope this helped.

I will be praying that God gives you and your family strength and clarity.

Thank you for the reply!

She has a diagnosis, yes. I have been told by both my stepdad and mom it is onset dementia. The psychiatrist told me that he could not pinpoint which type of dementia she has currently. She has been seeing a place that was using an experimental drug on her to test it (she was being paid to do so) and now they are waiting for it to clear her system so they can try another one. I do not think it is doing her any favors.

I have the medical POA of both my mom and stepdad if both are incapacitated. With the no-contact order in place, we figured that the POA was in effect. We may have been wrong about that, we're just not sure.

She is on my stepdad's private insurance currently because it was cheaper for them than having her on Medicare. I think between them they may make too much money for Medicaid to help with a long-term facility. Medicare only gives them I think 20 days in one. The social worker tried to get her a home health aide so she wouldn't be alone all day, but their insurance said no.

Much of this takes time during the work week to coordinate, talk to people, and get information by making phone calls, all of which also means taking time from work. If I get let go, I will have more time, but as it is, I don't plan on taking more time off for several months so I don't lose my job if I can somehow keep it. I know that sounds crude or cruel, but I still need to be able to support myself and pay my obligations including child support. I am not saying you told me to do that, but it is a running thought in my mind already.

I will show my fiance your suggestions and see what we can accomplish. She is currently fast asleep because sleep has been hard to come by, so while she is sleeping, I don't want to bother her.

Thank you for your prayers!

I may be misunderstanding what ADR with medical means. Can you elaborate?
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Thank you for the reply!

She has a diagnosis, yes. I have been told by both my stepdad and mom it is onset dementia. The psychiatrist told me that he could not pinpoint which type of dementia she has currently. She has been seeing a place that was using an experimental drug on her to test it (she was being paid to do so) and now they are waiting for it to clear her system so they can try another one. I do not think it is doing her any favors.

I have the medical POA of both my mom and stepdad if both are incapacitated. With the no-contact order in place, we figured that the POA was in effect. We may have been wrong about that, we're just not sure.

She is on my stepdad's private insurance currently because it was cheaper for them than having her on Medicare. I think between them they may make too much money for Medicaid to help with a long-term facility. Medicare only gives them I think 20 days in one. The social worker tried to get her a home health aide so she wouldn't be alone all day, but their insurance said no.

Much of this takes time during the work week to coordinate, talk to people, and get information by making phone calls, all of which also means taking time from work. If I get let go, I will have more time, but as it is, I don't plan on taking more time off for several months so I don't lose my job if I can somehow keep it. I know that sounds crude or cruel, but I still need to be able to support myself and pay my obligations including child support. I am not saying you told me to do that, but it is a running thought in my mind already.

I will show my fiance your suggestions and see what we can accomplish. She is currently fast asleep because sleep has been hard to come by, so while she is sleeping, I don't want to bother her.

Thank you for your prayers!

I may be misunderstanding what ADR with medical means. Can you elaborate?

I apologies. I should have typed a Advanced Directive with Medical. AD with medical . Sorry about that, please ignore the R.
A POA with medical are similar.
I have a POA with Medical and a AD with medical. I think depending on the state.
The POA with Medial we had needed them to be incapacitated. But the AD with medical
allowed me to made medical choices for her from a diagnoses. Its similar on how a parent decides choices for
a person that can not made them on their own. But is more specific then a Guardianship.
But where I live ( Oregon) the two together were acknowledged as Guardianship.

Sadly each state has different set ups.
Here in Oregon. You can have OHP which is Oregon Health Plan. And Medicaid.
But because they same offices are handled locally. I was able to file for Medicaid to cover 95% of my moms care.
But some states, Medicaid is handled at the federal level. You are correct the system is complicated and navigating it is difficult.
My mom did not have many assets as this also effects the care and what they pay for. Usually they make you sell all assets to cover cost.
Once evaporated then they cover most of it. And take most of their SS. From what I understand if a spouse is living in the home.
And a LO is in memory care. The home stays untouched. I would figure unless its a million dollar home.

Since my youngest son was 2. I have had to navigate, SSI, Heath offices. Hundreds of doctors.
Five years ago I had to start navigating my moms SS, Medicaid, Medicare etc.
I studied law ( not a lawyer) but was hard for me even to navigate. Is why I try and suggest taking smalls where you can.

I few ideas that may have some resources:
1. Ombudsman
2. Senior Services.
3. Find a well established Memory Care that takes SS they may help.
4. Depending on finances, apply for Medicaid. And hopefully during the process you will get a case worker to help.
I am hoping yours is state monitored. So much easy to work with.
5. Depending on your state there may be other services through the health department.
6. Depending of your state. A medical mental evaluation can be done. This is not a Doctor.
But a cognitive eval. Its basically tests and interviews. That are done under a doctors direction.
But can help greatly in having them placed in a memory care facility.
7. My opinion, if you can avoid it. Do not get a Guardianship. Unless you already are.
Again depending on the state. They will have a hearing and you would state why your Mom
need a Guardian and you are petitioning them to be hers. Once you submit the evidence.
They may grant Guardianship. To a court appointed. Not yourself. So its something to be aware.

This not advice as everyone's situation is different. I will ask my wife if she has any other ideas too.
I hope I was not prying. This is just very close to my own life. My Mom is 85 no health issues at all other then

I am praying, asking God to keep your family safe, and sound. And to give you some peace as you navigate the road.
Hi naomanos
I am so sorry that you are going through this.

You are doing everything you can, please be kind to yourself.
It is obvious that you love your mother, and there will be times that she realizes that.

I know it is a very hard time for you, but you are doing all you can.

Praying for you, your job your mother and all your family, and of course your fiance.

Praying God gives you wisdom and great comfort.
Many Blessings to you naomanos

Update: My mom is still choosing these men over her husband and family and is making it out to be our fault. My step-dad found that she sent over 2,000 dollars on September 2 and 3 to these men or one man. We know through our family friend that she is talking to still that she was told that she had to give one of them $500 to get the $10,000 that he said he would give her. It was some kind of fee to send that much money. She was told that she would get the money in 7-10 days.

Because of this, my step-dad who still isn't able to contact her or go near her, pulled all of his money out of their account as he's worried she will send it all to these people and they will lose the house and everything they own. I cannot say that I blame him and would have done the same if I were in his shoes. He is going to have the mortgage payment come out of his account from now on along with his life insurance policy payments.

He is as far as we can tell done. With her choosing these men over him, he doesn't want to be with her anymore. Again, I really cannot blame him. He knows it is dementia, but he cannot be with her knowing that she is having emotional and if given the chance physical affairs with these men. She too is done and thinks that these men will come and take care of her or move her to where they are. My stepdad is trying to keep the house so that he can finish fixing it up and sell it so he can move on.

I haven't talked with my mom in about two weeks at this point. She keeps telling our family friend that she is listening to the psychiatrist and keeping away from me since I bring her nothing but trouble like having her put on a 72-hour psych hold. At this point, I am happy that we're not speaking because it will devolve into yelling and screaming and my blood pressure is high enough. I will likely be put on blood pressure medication when I see my doctor next. At almost 50 years old, this stress is not something that I need. So, not talking to her keeps at least that stress from happening.

I still have my job. I am not sure what is going on there, but the supervisor over the whole center said that something is coming, but it's nothing to lose sleep over. He said me going over the 32-hour mark was an isolated event. My fiance and I are figuring out that they will probably extend my probation. My probation is supposed to end on October 1, 2024, which is also my birthday, and would have been a one-year probation. They may extend it three to six months. This is just us guessing based on what he said, but I am at least still there.
Update: My mom is still choosing these men over her husband and family and is making it out to be our fault. My step-dad found that she sent over 2,000 dollars on September 2 and 3 to these men or one man. We know through our family friend that she is talking to still that she was told that she had to give one of them $500 to get the $10,000 that he said he would give her. It was some kind of fee to send that much money. She was told that she would get the money in 7-10 days.

Because of this, my step-dad who still isn't able to contact her or go near her, pulled all of his money out of their account as he's worried she will send it all to these people and they will lose the house and everything they own. I cannot say that I blame him and would have done the same if I were in his shoes. He is going to have the mortgage payment come out of his account from now on along with his life insurance policy payments.

He is as far as we can tell done. With her choosing these men over him, he doesn't want to be with her anymore. Again, I really cannot blame him. He knows it is dementia, but he cannot be with her knowing that she is having emotional and if given the chance physical affairs with these men. She too is done and thinks that these men will come and take care of her or move her to where they are. My stepdad is trying to keep the house so that he can finish fixing it up and sell it so he can move on.

I haven't talked with my mom in about two weeks at this point. She keeps telling our family friend that she is listening to the psychiatrist and keeping away from me since I bring her nothing but trouble like having her put on a 72-hour psych hold. At this point, I am happy that we're not speaking because it will devolve into yelling and screaming and my blood pressure is high enough. I will likely be put on blood pressure medication when I see my doctor next. At almost 50 years old, this stress is not something that I need. So, not talking to her keeps at least that stress from happening.

I still have my job. I am not sure what is going on there, but the supervisor over the whole center said that something is coming, but it's nothing to lose sleep over. He said me going over the 32-hour mark was an isolated event. My fiance and I are figuring out that they will probably extend my probation. My probation is supposed to end on October 1, 2024, which is also my birthday, and would have been a one-year probation. They may extend it three to six months. This is just us guessing based on what he said, but I am at least still there.

You are in my Prayers. This has to be so difficult.
Take care of you first. I think that understanding you are powerless and doing everything you can do. You have to give yourself permission to be OK. With not being able to control things right now. My moms situation was similar but different was a nightmare for us.

Heavenly Father,
I come before You today, their hearts heavy with the struggles their family is facing. Lord, You know the pain and confusion they are going through. You see their mother’s choices and the effects they are having on their stepdad, on their family, and on their own heart. They are struggling, Lord, to understand how this has come to be, and The family and them, need Your strength to keep moving forward.

Father, I ask for Your protection over their family. Please, guard their stepdad’s heart and give him the wisdom to navigate this situation with love and grace. Guide him as he tries to protect what they have built, even though his heart is broken. Help him to make decisions that are rooted in Your will, not in anger or hurt.

Lord, lift up their mother to You. you know that her mind is clouded, and her heart is being led astray by people who do not have her best interests at heart. I pray that You break through the lies and deception that surround her. Please, bring clarity to her thoughts and guide her back to the truth. Let her see the love of her family, the love of her husband, and most importantly, Your love, Lord. Restore her mind and her heart to a place of peace and understanding.

Father, I also pray for Naomanos own heart. This situation has brought so much stress and sadness into their life, and they are weary. Help them to release the anger and frustration they feel, and instead fill them with Your peace. Protect their health, Lord, as they try to manage this burden. Let them find rest in You, knowing that You are in control, even when things feel out of control.

Lord, give them the wisdom to know how to handle their relationship with their mom. Right now, the distance is necessary, but I pray that You would heal the brokenness between them in Your time. Help them to honor her even when it is hard and to trust that You are working behind the scenes, even when they cannot see it.

Lastly, Lord, I pray for their job and future. Know that they are thankful for the opportunity to work, and ask for Your guidance as they continue forward. Please calm their anxieties about what lies ahead and give them confidence that You will provide for them, no matter what happens.

Thank You, Lord, for Your constant love through your grace, even in the midst of thier trials. They trust You with their family, with their health, with their job, and with their future. Help them to surrender it all into Your hands. In Christs name, we pray.

You are in my Prayers. This has to be so difficult.
Take care of you first. I think that understanding you are powerless and doing everything you can do. You have to give yourself permission to be OK. With not being able to control things right now. My moms situation was similar but different was a nightmare for us.

Heavenly Father,
I come before You today, their hearts heavy with the struggles their family is facing. Lord, You know the pain and confusion they are going through. You see their mother’s choices and the effects they are having on their stepdad, on their family, and on their own heart. They are struggling, Lord, to understand how this has come to be, and The family and them, need Your strength to keep moving forward.

Father, I ask for Your protection over their family. Please, guard their stepdad’s heart and give him the wisdom to navigate this situation with love and grace. Guide him as he tries to protect what they have built, even though his heart is broken. Help him to make decisions that are rooted in Your will, not in anger or hurt.

Lord, lift up their mother to You. you know that her mind is clouded, and her heart is being led astray by people who do not have her best interests at heart. I pray that You break through the lies and deception that surround her. Please, bring clarity to her thoughts and guide her back to the truth. Let her see the love of her family, the love of her husband, and most importantly, Your love, Lord. Restore her mind and her heart to a place of peace and understanding.

Father, I also pray for Naomanos own heart. This situation has brought so much stress and sadness into their life, and they are weary. Help them to release the anger and frustration they feel, and instead fill them with Your peace. Protect their health, Lord, as they try to manage this burden. Let them find rest in You, knowing that You are in control, even when things feel out of control.

Lord, give them the wisdom to know how to handle their relationship with their mom. Right now, the distance is necessary, but I pray that You would heal the brokenness between them in Your time. Help them to honor her even when it is hard and to trust that You are working behind the scenes, even when they cannot see it.

Lastly, Lord, I pray for their job and future. Know that they are thankful for the opportunity to work, and ask for Your guidance as they continue forward. Please calm their anxieties about what lies ahead and give them confidence that You will provide for them, no matter what happens.

Thank You, Lord, for Your constant love through your grace, even in the midst of thier trials. They trust You with their family, with their health, with their job, and with their future. Help them to surrender it all into Your hands. In Christs name, we pray.


Glad you called out for help @naomanus. You are getting good medical attention. Still praying, so keep us updated.
God will get you through everything.
Sending prayers and asking for blessings to you.
Glad you called out for help @naomanus. You are getting good medical attention. Still praying, so keep us updated.
God will get you through everything.
Sending prayers and asking for blessings to you.

If I lose my job, I am not sure what I am going to do. I don't have a ton of debt, just one credit card, but I still have to pay for utilities, gas for my car, car insurance, food, rent, and child support in the sum of $427.

I don't know if I can get a job fast enough to be able to cover my responsibilities. I will also be 50 on October 1. Ageism in the workforce is a thing, even though it is illegal.
Yes it's the same over here. But there are some places looking for people in your age bracket.
When will you know if they are going to do that? Do you have a contract naomanos s ?

Praying for you, for many things

God Bless
Yes it's the same over here. But there are some places looking for people in your age bracket.
When will you know if they are going to do that? Do you have a contract naomanos s ?

Praying for you, for many things

God Bless

It will have to be before October 1. That’s when my year probation ends. Once I’m past that they can still fire me, but it takes a long time and they have to have a good case against me. I do not have contract, no.

I know my mom tried for a couple years when she was still in her 50’s to find a job, and no one would take her. She at least was able to get disability, but I would have no such luck. I have nothing that could even be remotely used to get disability. My mom had depression and something else physical, and they approved her. She could still work, but just couldn’t get a job.
You are being tested, hold tight to your faith and put all your trust in God. He will see you through this. I know you are in a bad spot right now, but this too shall pass. When we are at our weakest then God's strength will carry us on. Turn to Him, pray constantly for His guidance and peace. He will deliver you from this.
It will have to be before October 1. That’s when my year probation ends. Once I’m past that they can still fire me, but it takes a long time and they have to have a good case against me. I do not have contract, no.

I know my mom tried for a couple years when she was still in her 50’s to find a job, and no one would take her. She at least was able to get disability, but I would have no such luck. I have nothing that could even be remotely used to get disability. My mom had depression and something else physical, and they approved her. She could still work, but just couldn’t get a job.
Why its not job solution, when I was in between Jobs. Temp Agencies. Might be a route. They do often hire experienced older people, because they need the position filled and the less amount they have to train the better. These can often be seasonal, and or limited to months or weeks.
Other jobs, like Security Guards often hire older persons as well. I know its no where near ideal. Just trying to think something that may help. If things go that way.