Very Disheartened And Tired

I didn't mean to imply that God won't help you with physical problems but you can't just forward a light bill to heaven.

If it is a need, we can bring anything to God. He can and does take care of what others may consider minor needs, but to us can be very pressing---even a light bill. God has put a spanking brand new ten dollar bill in my husband's pants when he had to go buy diapers and formula when he was on strike and was at the checkout counter trying to figure which one he could put back and do without.

God is good to His kids like that.
Friends, God is all powerful. He can put a $10 bill in your hand. The BIG question is will he? ONLY the Lord knows. I would not wait for that to happen. We are like little children left alone in a big house. What a self made mess this world is in. In a Good christian world we wouldn't even need money. It is filthy.

I feel the Lord has made himself scarce for a while. Who knows for how long. In the mean time there are blessings to be thankful for every day even if you do not want to be in the mix. It is gut wrenching how talking to the Lord can seem so disconnected. I will admit one thing. I have set my own priorities on how life is suppose to be laid out. That was done without really checking if it is in GOD's will. Again the phone seems dead. Maybe it is dead on my end. I am the type that needs to have things laid out so a dummy can understand. Subtle hints from the Lord seem to bounce off my thick scull.

DavidG and all thank you for taking time to reply. I hope others can benefit from your wisdom. BTW good call, software engineering is how I earn a living when there is work. It is not a part of who I am **
Well at least one thing is true, you're tired of playing "christian". This will be long and I hope you read it. It will change your life.

I've been where you are. I know what I'm talking about. By this time I had been a christian for over 11 years and attended many churches but now I was on my own in a foreign country (first of currently 46) and I had found this little church. Within a year I was teaching Wednesday nights. I loved it. But when I came to Matt 10 I thought all was going well. But I couldn't explain to anyone any personal experiences as described in Matt 10. So I asked everyone for their thoughts. No one had any. I thought for sure someone would have something since I thought I was a young Christian. I went home and literally cried all night to God asking "Is this all there is? Is there nothing more to Christianity?" The next Wednesday, so very dejected, I admitted I didn't have anything and asked if anyone had anything to say. Oddly, to me, the lady that volunteered to watch the kids on Sundays was there. She wasn't even a member and had never attended any other functions let alone come on Wednesday night.

She spoke up. She said "I've been anointed all day to tell you of God's glory and power." She continued to explain how her husband prays for their kids and they'd be healed. She gave more and more examples and I was totally enthralled! I was so excited because this had been an answer to my prayer! When she finished, the pastor said in the coldest voice I had ever heard: "Thank YOU for YOUR testimony." WOOOOOOOSH! It was gone! That feeling, that joy, that excitement was GONE! The Holy Spirit had been grieved and I knew it!! I had NEVER knew it was possible to literally FEEL God Almighty, but I knew I had!

I said a short prayer and everyone dashed for the donuts and coffee. I sat there just pondering what had happened. The woman came over and told me that God had heard my prayer and that she wanted me to meet her husband. I was terrified! Yes! She got in her car and I in mine and I followed her. On the way there all kinds of scripture was coming to mind about false spirits and I was growing in terror. I had never EVER did this before but I asked the Lord for a sign. I said "If she is from you let her hand lift up into the air and stay there." Before I could finish my prayer, she did it! She didn't adjust the mirror, play with her hair, nothing, just uplifted hand!

All my religious doctrine was falling away! When I got to her house and met her husband, we sat on the sofa for a bit and chatted. Then the woman got up and started to praise the Lord and raised her hands. He husband then did the same thing, but I was literally stuck to the sofa. He came over and asked why I didn't join them and I told him I was stuck, that I felt like I had 200 lbs of lead in my pants. He took my hand and I found I was standing - now he didn't pull me up, nor did I push up, I was standing there! They continued to pray and told me to do the same. I did and she put her hand on my chest and he put his hand on my back and I could feel "something" swelling up in my chest. It began to move up to my throat and I thought I was going to throw up and she she said "don't repress it. Let it out." HOW DID SHE KNOW!?! So I did and out came this heavenly voice and a strange language. OH I FELT SO WONDERFUL!

Then I felt oil being poured over my head and I didn't care. I thought maybe this was something they just did as a matter of course. After the Spirit subsided and we came back to earth (that's what it felt like) I went to "fix" my hair thinking it must be a mess from the oil, but it was DRY!!! I know what I felt! I had been baptized by the fire of the Holy Spirit and anointed! Glory to God! He heard my cry. I had been anointed with the gift of teaching because when we sat down the husband out of the blue asked "I wonder why God spoke everything into existence?" and without thinking or pondering these words came out of my mouth "because, like an arrow launched, so does the word have power and cannot be taken back!"

In your case there are three things as play here:
  • Full-scale demonic assault
  • Self-focus
  • Lack of faith
God does love you and He's died for you so it's up to you. You got saved in faith, you now have to live in faith. Cry out to God for Him to move in your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to baptize you in fire. Use your imagination to focus on Him and the wonders written in the word of God as an example of things that have happened to others and claim them for yourself. All of the word of God is an example for us. We read and see it filled with spiritual events yet most christians do not live in the spirit! I know what I'm talking about, I was there too! Reject the thoughts the devil brings from the seeds that have been planted by TV, movies and music and believe the word of God. Your mind is the garden of thoughts and if you don't weed it out you'll only thing on weeds.

Galatians 6:7-9 (KJV)
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Because you have all these weeds the devil has filled your mind with garbage reaping all these negative thoughts and feelings which causes you to focus on yourself and your situation. Jesus died for you and has filled your heart with His presence but you have to allow Him to rule in your life, and that takes faith. I hope you made it this far. It is the answer to your cry. Now direct it to God and He WILL answer!

Hebrews 4:16 (KJV)
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
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Hey Ken,

I will be candidly honest, I don't really know what you are talking about, I've heard people talking about the winter seasons in their walk with the Lord, but I must say I haven't really experienced them that much even if at all.

When the Lord reached down into the septic tank of humanity and pulled out this putrid, smelly mass of solid matter He was reaching deep down to the bottom, He washed me, cleansed me, gave me new life and a fresh start, ...I read His Word with hesitant awe, could it be, was it possible?

I was hearing at church that God talked to people, He healed people, He provided for people, God was alive and active in their lives, ...would it, could it be the same for me? I read through the Bible, then I read through the Bible again, I must say my walk with the Lord started the day I read where Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell everything and give it to the poor, you see I was wealthy, I started selling everything I had, first my properties, then personal things, things that I had two, three of, during this time the verse, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of my needs would be met," kept turning through my head, then He called me to Tahiti, gave me conditions that were physically impossible, but yet here I am, I hit the shores penniless, I didn't have one penny in my pocket, no place to lay my head, no way of providing for myself, all I had was what I had read in my Bible, but He had brought me to Tahiti when it was an impossibility, I was standing on foreign soil, 5000 miles from home, I looked up at the stars and didn't recognize any constellations, didn't have the slightest idea what I was going to do tomorrow...., however, what I did have was a verse, I will never leave you or forsake you my dear child, I took a walk, around the island, after walking about 10 minutes, there was a man my age building a house, it was exactly like what I had built as a carpenter back home, I stopped to watch and he spoke to me in English, surprise! he asked some questions, I asked some questions, I helped him with his house and he fed me lunch, during lunch he told me he had a job to do the next day, he worked as a handyman, but he was a surfer and surf was up, asked me if I wanted the job, sure, I took the job, the client was a doctor, spoke perfect English, he gave me lots more work to do, even referred me to his friends, I wasn't paid much, just enough to fed myself, some times I didn't have enough money to buy some bread for breakfast, a baguette cost 35 cents, I had maybe 30 cents, the verse of David would go through my head, I have never seen the righteous begging bread, I felt led by the Spirit to go to the store and along the way I would find a penny here a couple more there, I was getting more and more work, I rented an apartment, the Lord supplied me with a scooter, years went by and then Father introduced me to my Eve, however she was living on another island, He brought me to her...., I could go on and on and on, I could fill pages, books with what Father has done for me, how He has blessed me, but I will spare you the boring details.

I've read your posts, I've listened to what you have said, but I haven't heard you cite one verse Father has given you, one verse for you personally, ...we call them life verses, man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, you refer to Him as God, yes He is my God, but He is also my Savior, He is my Lord, He is my friend, He is my brother, He is not distant from me, I'm seated with Him at the right hand of the Father in Heaven, but more important is He lives inside of me, something I don't think you have grasped yet, what you have is head knowledge, now you need to turn it into heart knowledge.

You say you are tired of the clichés, but how many of them have you tried from your heart, how many of them have you put into practice, how many of them have you actually appropriated into your life?

Faith, faith is what makes real the things we hope for, it is proof of what we cannot see, faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God, ...however, without faith, it is impossible to please God, for those that seek Him must believe He is and that He rewards those that sincerely seek Him.

Yes it's a cliché, but it's a living cliché, so tell me, what has Father told you to do and you have stepped out in faith and done it? Anything, something, ...nothing?

Here's another living cliché, the just shall live by faith, Hab 2:4, Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38, truthfully, frankly, in love my brother, you need to start living by faith, once you start the dark clouds will go away and your strength will be renewed, you will mount up with wings as eagles, you will run and not be weary, you shall walk and not faint, taste of the Lord and see if He is not Good.

In His Love,

Hey Ken,

I will be candidly honest, I don't really know what you are talking about, I've heard people talking about the winter seasons in their walk with the Lord, but I must say I haven't really experienced them that much even if at all.

When the Lord reached down into the septic tank of humanity and pulled out this putrid, smelly mass of solid matter He was reaching deep down to the bottom, He washed me, cleansed me, gave me new life and a fresh start, ...I read His Word with hesitant awe, could it be, was it possible?

I was hearing at church that God talked to people, He healed people, He provided for people, God was alive and active in their lives, ...would it, could it be the same for me? I read through the Bible, then I read through the Bible again, I must say my walk with the Lord started the day I read where Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell everything and give it to the poor, you see I was wealthy, I started selling everything I had, first my properties, then personal things, things that I had two, three of, during this time the verse, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of my needs would be met," kept turning through my head, then He called me to Tahiti, gave me conditions that were physically impossible, but yet here I am, I hit the shores penniless, I didn't have one penny in my pocket, no place to lay my head, no way of providing for myself, all I had was what I had read in my Bible, but He had brought me to Tahiti when it was an impossibility, I was standing on foreign soil, 5000 miles from home, I looked up at the stars and didn't recognize any constellations, didn't have the slightest idea what I was going to do tomorrow...., however, what I did have was a verse, I will never leave you or forsake you my dear child, I took a walk, around the island, after walking about 10 minutes, there was a man my age building a house, it was exactly like what I had built as a carpenter back home, I stopped to watch and he spoke to me in English, surprise! he asked some questions, I asked some questions, I helped him with his house and he fed me lunch, during lunch he told me he had a job to do the next day, he worked as a handyman, but he was a surfer and surf was up, asked me if I wanted the job, sure, I took the job, the client was a doctor, spoke perfect English, he gave me lots more work to do, even referred me to his friends, I wasn't paid much, just enough to fed myself, some times I didn't have enough money to buy some bread for breakfast, a baguette cost 35 cents, I had maybe 30 cents, the verse of David would go through my head, I have never seen the righteous begging bread, I felt led by the Spirit to go to the store and along the way I would find a penny here a couple more there, I was getting more and more work, I rented an apartment, the Lord supplied me with a scooter, years went by and then Father introduced me to my Eve, however she was living on another island, He brought me to her...., I could go on and on and on, I could fill pages, books with what Father has done for me, how He has blessed me, but I will spare you the boring details.

I've read your posts, I've listened to what you have said, but I haven't heard you cite one verse Father has given you, one verse for you personally, ...we call them life verses, man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, you refer to Him as God, yes He is my God, but He is also my Savior, He is my Lord, He is my friend, He is my brother, He is not distant from me, I'm seated with Him at the right hand of the Father in Heaven, but more important is He lives inside of me, something I don't think you have grasped yet, what you have is head knowledge, now you need to turn it into heart knowledge.

You say you are tired of the clichés, but how many of them have you tried from your heart, how many of them have you put into practice, how many of them have you actually appropriated into your life?

Faith, faith is what makes real the things we hope for, it is proof of what we cannot see, faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God, ...however, without faith, it is impossible to please God, for those that seek Him must believe He is and that He rewards those that sincerely seek Him.

Yes it's a cliché, but it's a living cliché, so tell me, what has Father told you to do and you have stepped out in faith and done it? Anything, something, ...nothing?

Here's another living cliché, the just shall live by faith, Hab 2:4, Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38, truthfully, frankly, in love my brother, you need to start living by faith, once you start the dark clouds will go away and your strength will be renewed, you will mount up with wings as eagles, you will run and not be weary, you shall walk and not faint, taste of the Lord and see if He is not Good.

In His Love,


Amazing chain of events in your life. If I understand correctly you did an remarkable thing. You ditched the worldly life and moved on to higher things then started a new and better life. It is wonderful that you are and feel blessed.

I am not mature enough to quote scripture yet. Most of it overloads my little brain. There is nothing wrong with a cliche if it is relevant and true. Right now some common terms like "faith" are used like a cure all. I do not know exactly how to apply faith. If you drive your scooter with your helmet on backwards down a freeway will faith get you to the store and back?? Yes it could if it is GOD's will and you do your part. Dummy [me] here does not know what GODs will is.

It sounds like you are a wonderful servant of the Lord and he cleared a path for your brave journey. I truly admire your efforts. With my stupid luck I would sell everything, wash up on shore and get arrested for vagrancy. You never know what the "plan" really is. I'm not saying this to challenge anyone or start a petty debate. I just am not getting a strong reading from the Lord as to what concepts like faith REALLY mean. Thank you for listening.
Friends, God is all powerful. He can put a $10 bill in your hand. The BIG question is will he? ONLY the Lord knows. I would not wait for that to happen. We are like little children left alone in a big house. What a self made mess this world is in. In a Good christian world we wouldn't even need money. It is filthy.

I feel the Lord has made himself scarce for a while. Who knows for how long. In the mean time there are blessings to be thankful for every day even if you do not want to be in the mix. It is gut wrenching how talking to the Lord can seem so disconnected. I will admit one thing. I have set my own priorities on how life is suppose to be laid out. That was done without really checking if it is in GOD's will. Again the phone seems dead. Maybe it is dead on my end. I am the type that needs to have things laid out so a dummy can understand. Subtle hints from the Lord seem to bounce off my thick scull.

God is not scarce! If he appears scarce to anyone, then it is something in that individual's life that makes Him appear to be distant. God promises to draw near to those who would draw near to Him. His nature is to be present always! that is one of His very names---Jehovah Shammah---The Lord, I Am Present!

James 4:8
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

Hebrews 13:5
Let your
conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

God doesn't want us setting our own priorities about how our lives are going to be. Making oneself the captain of one's own ship is a problem for the Christian. Matthew 6:33 says that we are to seek God and His righteousness before all else, and then we will see our needs being met. God is to be our first priority, loving Him above all things, before ourselves and our families. If God seems distant it very well could be that one has a "divided heart", one foot in the Kingdom and the other in the world. God doesn't reign in that kind of heart, and a crisis of faith would be the result, and could be the catalyst to one making a decision for Christ as not only Saviour, but LORD---once and for all.
Amazing chain of events in your life. If I understand correctly you did an remarkable thing. You ditched the worldly life and moved on to higher things then started a new and better life. It is wonderful that you are and feel blessed.

I am not mature enough to quote scripture yet. Most of it overloads my little brain. There is nothing wrong with a cliche if it is relevant and true. Right now some common terms like "faith" are used like a cure all. I do not know exactly how to apply faith. If you drive your scooter with your helmet on backwards down a freeway will faith get you to the store and back?? Yes it could if it is GOD's will and you do your part. Dummy [me] here does not know what GODs will is.

It sounds like you are a wonderful servant of the Lord and he cleared a path for your brave journey. I truly admire your efforts. With my stupid luck I would sell everything, wash up on shore and get arrested for vagrancy. You never know what the "plan" really is. I'm not saying this to challenge anyone or start a petty debate. I just am not getting a strong reading from the Lord as to what concepts like faith REALLY mean. Thank you for listening.
I can't wait for Gene to reply to you on faith! I've been having the same doubts about faith since I've become a believer and can't wait to finally have this question answered since I think it might be the difference between a fruitful or wasted life!
I have been under a VERY dark cloud for decades. I was saved years ago and desire to know GOD but I can not feel his presence. Just fear, punishment, regret, anger and loneliness. Most of the canned responses I have seen are along the lines of: "GOD has a plan" [really? what? where?, so far it is painful]', "You are loved"[don't feel it, just fear and shame], "Trust" [Trust is so vague. Things can still get worse].......

Please forgive me for being honest but:
Christian life seems full of suffering, battling given instincts, abstaining, being tested, loneliness. Everything is a sin. I could go on but the point is I do not see the joy in life. I do not want to be condemned for making the wrong choice in a life I never wanted. Intense praying and heartfelt repentance have not seemed to make a difference. There is no guarantee that tomorrow will not be much worse. Sometimes it is. Most of the responses/advice I see are worn out cliches.

I have accepted our LORD as my only savior and read the bible but I have felt cold, lonely and punished all my life. I'm just out of energy and SICK of hearing the same old cliches. Very sorry for negative ranting. Thank you for listening.

While I never enjoy reading of someone's distress and loneliness, I'm glad to hear total sincerity and honesty.

Bare with my response. I'll keep it simple and as brief as possible.
Growing up (and still many times these days), I hear that to be a Christian means to be joyful, for the most part always. Knowing truth, knowing mercy, and knowing God's peace and mercy does give us comfort and joy...but many times, and especially for those who really are face with dangerous opposition, it is not that is can be suffering.

Consider the Jews and even many Christians in the Nazi camps, attacked by the bolsheviks, or today--the Christians being ruthlessly tortured and killed in the Middle East. These are groups of devotees to God who, to them, it seems God just went silent. Hearing the phrase "God has a plan" can seem almost insulting when that plan has so far seemed so hurtful.

By no means is it that God has abandoned--He won't and doesn't. Nor does this mean that God doesn't have a plan--He does, though it can be frustrating when we just can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

One passage I remember is Matthew 16:24-25: Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

One piece of advice is to 1) strengthen your prayer life. I don't mean "Just pray the pain away" because it really is easier said than done...but regardless of how your feeling, continue to pray, and do it with total sincerity. Your closeness to God will indeed be a comfort, and even is to the suffering. 2) Try to connect with other Christians. Church groups, bible studies, etc. Fellowship, if one can swing it, often helps. I'm very introverted and can sympathize with people who are nervous or shy about it. Maybe just dip your toe in. See what is available at least. Many times, Bible study groups are so enthusiastic about newcomers that they become overwhelming. See what is there, and if you need to, approach it gradually. 3) Don't be afraid to ask others to pray for you.
Amazing chain of events in your life. If I understand correctly you did an remarkable thing. You ditched the worldly life and moved on to higher things then started a new and better life. It is wonderful that you are and feel blessed.

I am not mature enough to quote scripture yet. Most of it overloads my little brain. There is nothing wrong with a cliche if it is relevant and true. Right now some common terms like "faith" are used like a cure all. I do not know exactly how to apply faith. If you drive your scooter with your helmet on backwards down a freeway will faith get you to the store and back?? Yes it could if it is GOD's will and you do your part. Dummy [me] here does not know what GODs will is.

It sounds like you are a wonderful servant of the Lord and he cleared a path for your brave journey. I truly admire your efforts. With my stupid luck I would sell everything, wash up on shore and get arrested for vagrancy. You never know what the "plan" really is. I'm not saying this to challenge anyone or start a petty debate. I just am not getting a strong reading from the Lord as to what concepts like faith REALLY mean. Thank you for listening.

Well Ken, where to start, my life could be looked at like a chain of events to a nonbeliever, but I know them as a walk of faith with my God, just like the people mentioned in the Word, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Paul, Peter, John, not to mention those mentioned in the Hall of Faith, Heb 11, what's the difference?

After naming those in Heb 11, what does the last verse say,

God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. Heb 11:40

Do you see that, I'm included there too, and so can you be included in the Hall of Faith!

So, you have never heard Father speak to you and tell you to step out in faith and then do it?

What about your salvation? You say you are born again, that has to be a step of faith, Eph 2:8.

The just shall live by faith, that is the Truth, reality and a commandment for our lives, you just need to believe it, faith comes from hearing Father tell us to do something and we hear His voice through reading the Word , however, do not mistake presumption, a heresy that is filling the church today, with actual faith, presumption is saying, I'm going to do this in faith and God you have to bless it because I'm saying it in the name of Jesus, hogwash, that's just the carnal desire and God won't bless it, some other being might bless it, but not God, ........don't ever forget that!

Think about that Ken, I'm not promoting some pie in the sky prosperity doctrine, what I'm say is it's the faith of the Bible, just like when we read of Jesus telling the disciples to do something, all comes down to how big is your God, is He in a box that you have made for Him, He has the authority to do, preform the things you have put in the box with Him, or is he the God of the Bible, the God that says, nothing is to hard for me, nothing is impossible for me,

...which one do you believe He is?

I have to go to work now, if you're interested I talk with you later on today.

Be blessed,

WOW these replies are starting to zoom in on a chronic problem. You may have a path to the solution.
I often talk in front of GOD more than praying. I know he is listening even thought the conversation seems one sided. After last night's chat something became obvious. You can not hear the Lord shout at you if your spiritual ears are full of earthly wax. I believe I am guilty of putting my own priorities first and trying to solve things my way not HIS way. Too much isolation and chasing worldly things. Time to seek Christian fellowship. Time to hear what GOD has to say. I think he is saying go to church, connect with Christians. Being antisocial, this makes me bristle but it seems like being a Christian means taking the hard path.

These excerpts are brilliant, thank you for providing them. They should be a sticky:

God doesn't want us setting our own priorities about how our lives are going to be. Making oneself the captain of one's own ship is a problem for the Christian. Matthew 6:33 says that we are to seek God and His righteousness before all else, and then we will see our needs being met. God is to be our first priority, loving Him above all things, before ourselves and our families. If God seems distant it very well could be that one has a "divided heart", one foot in the Kingdom and the other in the world. God doesn't reign in that kind of heart, and a crisis of faith would be the result, and could be the catalyst to one making a decision for Christ as not only Saviour, but LORD---once and for all.

Matthew 16:24-25: Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

it all comes down to how big is your God, is He in a box that you have made for Him, He has the authority to do, preform the things you have put in the box with Him, or is he the God of the Bible, the God that says, nothing is to hard for me, nothing is impossible for me

3) Don't be afraid to ask others to pray for you.

connect with Christians.

I agree....
All power is under God.... government, authorities, even the power of prayer...
and there is this power of the collective...

The secular world, knows how to harness this power: insurance companies, banks, stock market, companies, military etc…

Paul himself, asking others to pray for him: surely this verses shows he acknowledge the power of the collective.

Romans 15:30-33
New King James Version (NKJV)
30 Now I beg you, brethren, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in prayers to God for me, 31 that I may be delivered from those in Judea who do not believe, and that my service for Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints, 32 that I may come to you with joy by the will of God, and may be refreshed together with you. 33 Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.

2 Thessalonians 3:1
English Standard Version (ESV)
Pray for Us
3 Finally, brothers,[a] pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored,[b] as happened among you,

Ephesians 6:19
New International Version (NIV)
19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,

1 Thessalonians 5:25
New International Version (NIV)
25 Brothers and sisters, pray for us.
WOW these replies are starting to zoom in on a chronic problem. You may have a path to the solution.
I often talk in front of GOD more than praying. I know he is listening even thought the conversation seems one sided. After last night's chat something became obvious. You can not hear the Lord shout at you if your spiritual ears are full of earthly wax. I believe I am guilty of putting my own priorities first and trying to solve things my way not HIS way. Too much isolation and chasing worldly things. Time to seek Christian fellowship. Time to hear what GOD has to say. I think he is saying go to church, connect with Christians. Being antisocial, this makes me bristle but it seems like being a Christian means taking the hard path.

These excerpts are brilliant, thank you for providing them. They should be a sticky:

God doesn't want us setting our own priorities about how our lives are going to be. Making oneself the captain of one's own ship is a problem for the Christian. Matthew 6:33 says that we are to seek God and His righteousness before all else, and then we will see our needs being met. God is to be our first priority, loving Him above all things, before ourselves and our families. If God seems distant it very well could be that one has a "divided heart", one foot in the Kingdom and the other in the world. God doesn't reign in that kind of heart, and a crisis of faith would be the result, and could be the catalyst to one making a decision for Christ as not only Saviour, but LORD---once and for all.

Matthew 16:24-25: Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

it all comes down to how big is your God, is He in a box that you have made for Him, He has the authority to do, preform the things you have put in the box with Him, or is he the God of the Bible, the God that says, nothing is to hard for me, nothing is impossible for me
Just be careful... you can easily substitute one void for another by filling it with something else - i.e. "church". With 41,000 denominations, if you're not careful you could get sucked into a dead one under the guise of spiritual entertainment. Ask the Lord to show you what to do. Maybe you need to immerse yourself into His word without others. Substituting "earthly wax" with the word of God in prayer and meditation. Replacing "earthly wax" for "church wax" won't do you any good. Just test the decision before acting on it. I'd do a word by word study of Psa 23, or 91 or 100 just to get you started and focused on Him instead of searching for other substitutions.
Prayer is another concept that is elusive right now. I must learn how to properly pray. Nothing should be done without 100% sincerity.

Church wax is very dangerous. I am attaching my self to the Church of the Good Shepherd in Binghamton. Father Matt is an amazing person who is immersed in the scriptures. He studies the history and people not just the words.
So much work to be done, thank you all.
I have been under a VERY dark cloud for decades. I was saved years ago and desire to know GOD but I can not feel his presence. Just fear, punishment, regret, anger and loneliness. Most of the canned responses I have seen are along the lines of: "GOD has a plan" [really? what? where?, so far it is painful]', "You are loved"[don't feel it, just fear and shame], "Trust" [Trust is so vague. Things can still get worse].......

Please forgive me for being honest but:
Christian life seems full of suffering, battling given instincts, abstaining, being tested, loneliness. Everything is a sin. I could go on but the point is I do not see the joy in life. I do not want to be condemned for making the wrong choice in a life I never wanted. Intense praying and heartfelt repentance have not seemed to make a difference. There is no guarantee that tomorrow will not be much worse. Sometimes it is. Most of the responses/advice I see are worn out cliches.

I have accepted our LORD as my only savior and read the bible but I have felt cold, lonely and punished all my life. I'm just out of energy and SICK of hearing the same old cliches. Very sorry for negative ranting. Thank you for listening.
If you were talking about your significant other I would say you sound like a tired boyfriend and not a husband.
Can someone please tell me what this "plan" is ? Who ever said there is a plan for every single person. That sounds like we are puppets with a pre-programmed algorithm to follow. Deviate from the code and -> you are a sinner. Worse yet, we are not even given a printout to read. What was the plan for the pharaoh, his army, the people who died in the passover, and everyone who is or will be condemned?????????? How about the nameless, faceless masses who suffer and die anonymously? Is it possible that life just happens for the most part? I mean if a tree branch smashes you on the head, did GOD plan that?

To sum things up I feel like prayer, faith and this plan all go into a black box. You do not know what is inside the box or what the immediate, short and long term result will be. You can cry, shake and pray for years for something. The big question is, what will come out of it????? Perhaps it will seem like your prayers were answered :) only to find out you were being taught a lesson
:(...or were you ??? All of this mystery and lack of knowledge is more than I can deal with in a life that I really can not stand. In short I would like to skip all the test, suffering and things I never asked for and proceed to the next stage. Very sorry for the negative rant. I am praying for GOD to forgive my challenging thoughts.

The moment we are saved our steps are ordered by God. Saved = submit to Him = give Him control to pre order our steps. We always retain our will. Our will can over ride His at any stage. Our will > submitting to His will = pride = rebellion = same shoes as Lucy = evil as God IS good!

We should know if we are in or out of God's will. Does a kid ever need to ask a parent for food? for medical care? for a hug? for any need?? NO! Christian prayers are all about knowing what the will of God is. There is no need for mystery for us. God is not hiding in the bushes. It is the complete opposite.
ASUK, thank you so much. Please do not be offended but your [wonderful] response is what I hear all the time. Even figuratively, UPS can not deliver to GOD. Our father is all powerful but I do not expect him to figure out how to pay rent, stay employed ..........I can't send him the bills. Sometimes earthly burdens just make you want to jump into the Lord's arms, problem is when I try I fall face first on the floor instead. I'm sure this is a common experience.

It is so easy for us to mix 1. relationship with God with 2. our earthly needs. But we do need to try and separate them! We will not get God's help from desperation. God only responds to Psalm 51:17. He is not dumb. He searches the depths of our minds and hearts Jer 17:9-10. He does NOT listen to prayers of sinners, only those who worship Him John 9:31.

I am not suggesting you are not saved. But scripture is crystal clear that 1. We are here to serve Him (we cannot serve Him if we are starving to death in Africa) and 2. those who love Him are encompassed by a peace that surpasses all understanding Phill4:7. Early Christians died gruesome deaths in the arena, but yet their plaques read 'died peacefully in Christ'. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went into the fire! All onlookers saw them IN the fire. YET Jesus was WITH them in the fire. They were at peace with Him in the fire!

A Christian may or may not be financially blessed and healed. We do have to enter into a rest (not be lazy) and just ignore worrying. We need to focus on ambassadorial duties for God where He has placed us.

Remember, one-day we will be sitting and having tea with God in Heaven. We will have the opportunity to accuse Him of anything. But I want to propose to you that you deal now with the reality that God will be blameless on that day. The shortfall is always our side.
The moment we are saved our steps are ordered by God. Saved = submit to Him = give Him control to pre order our steps. We always retain our will. Our will can over ride His at any stage. Our will > submitting to His will = pride = rebellion = same shoes as Lucy = evil as God IS good!

We should know if we are in or out of God's will. Does a kid ever need to ask a parent for food? for medical care? for a hug? for any need?? NO! Christian prayers are all about knowing what the will of God is. There is no need for mystery for us. God is not hiding in the bushes. It is the complete opposite.
Sorry if i'm misunderstanding you here, but are you saying that you believe we can lose our salvation? If you are:

Why do you think you are in control once you have given yourself to him? Do you think you are able to handle your sinful state? You can't be trusted anymore than a kid in a candy store, and God knows that. If your belief were true no-one would be going to heaven. Do you not agree that once you accept Jesus Christ as your savior you are saved? It's not anymore complicated than that.
It is so easy for us to mix 1. relationship with God with 2. our earthly needs. But we do need to try and separate them! We will not get God's help from desperation. God only responds to Psalm 51:17. He is not dumb. He searches the depths of our minds and hearts Jer 17:9-10. He does NOT listen to prayers of sinners, only those who worship Him John 9:31.

I am not suggesting you are not saved. But scripture is crystal clear that 1. We are here to serve Him (we cannot serve Him if we are starving to death in Africa) and 2. those who love Him are encompassed by a peace that surpasses all understanding Phill4:7. Early Christians died gruesome deaths in the arena, but yet their plaques read 'died peacefully in Christ'. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego went into the fire! All onlookers saw them IN the fire. YET Jesus was WITH them in the fire. They were at peace with Him in the fire!

A Christian may or may not be financially blessed and healed. We do have to enter into a rest (not be lazy) and just ignore worrying. We need to focus on ambassadorial duties for God where He has placed us.

Remember, one-day we will be sitting and having tea with God in Heaven. We will have the opportunity to accuse Him of anything. But I want to propose to you that you deal now with the reality that God will be blameless on that day. The shortfall is always our side.
You don't think desperation could be a broken and contrite heart? Btw, their are plenty of examples of God helping desperate people, read Exodus! You are right he searches the hearts of people, so really why even assume? You aren't God, you don't have a clue, might sound harsh but your putting yourself on a pedestal and judging others if you think you can tell their spiritual condition and whether they will be answered. Sorry to say but even though you mentioned in your post you are not trying to judge whether Cosmic is saved, it really doesn't appear that way by your message. Also I don't understand your first point on someone starving in Africa? Are you saying people who are poor/needy can't be saved?
Sorry if i'm misunderstanding you here, but are you saying that you believe we can lose our salvation? If you are:

Why do you think you are in control once you have given yourself to him? Do you think you are able to handle your sinful state? You can't be trusted anymore than a kid in a candy store, and God knows that. If your belief were true no-one would be going to heaven. Do you not agree that once you accept Jesus Christ as your savior you are saved? It's not anymore complicated than that.
I do believe we can lose our salvation and I don't believe it is as simple as simply accepting Jesus as our Savior.

If your belief were true all would be going to heaven and there would be no need to head the many warnings by Paul like this one Phil 2:12 or this one 1 Cor 11:31. The clearest is probably 1 Cor 10:12 So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall. I could quote many. But it is pointless as ultimately....we would both agree on this...

A person continuing in mortal sin is en route to hell as he was either 1. never saved (you / OSAS) or has 2. shipwrecked his salvation. We don't just lose our salvation, we need to shipwreck it. That takes steering a ship into very stormy waters (mortal sin) and keeping course (continuing with no '''sincere''' repentance) in those waters.

As for accepting Jesus. We can say that a million times and still not be saved. If we don't pass a session of God judging our heart and mind. God is not dumb. 1 Cor 12:3 Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. A Christian must know and believe that Jesus is Lord, not hold onto a catch phrase they repeated at an alter call.
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I do believe we can lose our salvation and I don't believe it is as simple as simply accepting Jesus as our Savior.
I used to believe as you do, but . . . well . . . :) And the church I work for believes this, with some caviats.

If your belief were true all would be going to heaven and there would be no need to head the many warnings by Paul like this one Phil 2:12 or this one 1 Cor 11:31. The clearest is probably 1 Cor 10:12 So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall. I could quote many. But it is pointless as ultimately....we would both agree on this...
The reformed doctrine and/or Calvinist doctrine, as I understand them, heeds the warnings in order to better obey G-d, not as a salvation issue. We just want to learn to do better in our love for Him. (Please correct me if I am wrong -- I still feel so new to this!)

A person continuing in mortal sin was either 1. never saved (you / OSAS) or has 2. shipwrecked his salvation. We don't just lose our salvation, we need to shipwreck it. That takes steering a ship into very stormy waters (mortal sin) and keeping course (continuing with no '''sincere''' repentance) in those waters.
I think some Arminians also believe this but not all. The church I once attended believed that any little sin caused one to lose their salvation . . . well, except the sins the leaders did, and those were not called sin; they were called errors. :D

As for accepting Jesus. We can say that a million times and still not be saved. If we don't pass a session of God judging our heart and mind. God is not dumb. 1 Cor 12:3 Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. A Christian must know and believe that Jesus is Lord, not hold onto a catch phrase they repeated at an alter call.
YES!! Agreed!