Hey Ken,
I will be candidly honest, I don't really know what you are talking about, I've heard people talking about the winter seasons in their walk with the Lord, but I must say I haven't really experienced them that much even if at all.
When the Lord reached down into the septic tank of humanity and pulled out this putrid, smelly mass of solid matter He was reaching deep down to the bottom, He washed me, cleansed me, gave me new life and a fresh start, ...I read His Word with hesitant awe, could it be, was it possible?
I was hearing at church that God talked to people, He healed people, He provided for people, God was alive and active in their lives, ...would it, could it be the same for me? I read through the Bible, then I read through the Bible again, I must say my walk with the Lord started the day I read where Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell everything and give it to the poor, you see I was wealthy, I started selling everything I had, first my properties, then personal things, things that I had two, three of, during this time the verse, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of my needs would be met," kept turning through my head, then He called me to Tahiti, gave me conditions that were physically impossible, but yet here I am, I hit the shores penniless, I didn't have one penny in my pocket, no place to lay my head, no way of providing for myself, all I had was what I had read in my Bible, but He had brought me to Tahiti when it was an impossibility, I was standing on foreign soil, 5000 miles from home, I looked up at the stars and didn't recognize any constellations, didn't have the slightest idea what I was going to do tomorrow...., however, what I did have was a verse, I will never leave you or forsake you my dear child, I took a walk, around the island, after walking about 10 minutes, there was a man my age building a house, it was exactly like what I had built as a carpenter back home, I stopped to watch and he spoke to me in English, surprise! he asked some questions, I asked some questions, I helped him with his house and he fed me lunch, during lunch he told me he had a job to do the next day, he worked as a handyman, but he was a surfer and surf was up, asked me if I wanted the job, sure, I took the job, the client was a doctor, spoke perfect English, he gave me lots more work to do, even referred me to his friends, I wasn't paid much, just enough to fed myself, some times I didn't have enough money to buy some bread for breakfast, a baguette cost 35 cents, I had maybe 30 cents, the verse of David would go through my head, I have never seen the righteous begging bread, I felt led by the Spirit to go to the store and along the way I would find a penny here a couple more there, I was getting more and more work, I rented an apartment, the Lord supplied me with a scooter, years went by and then Father introduced me to my Eve, however she was living on another island, He brought me to her...., I could go on and on and on, I could fill pages, books with what Father has done for me, how He has blessed me, but I will spare you the boring details.
I've read your posts, I've listened to what you have said, but I haven't heard you cite one verse Father has given you, one verse for you personally, ...we call them life verses, man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, you refer to Him as God, yes He is my God, but He is also my Savior, He is my Lord, He is my friend, He is my brother, He is not distant from me, I'm seated with Him at the right hand of the Father in Heaven, but more important is He lives inside of me, something I don't think you have grasped yet, what you have is head knowledge, now you need to turn it into heart knowledge.
You say you are tired of the clichés, but how many of them have you tried from your heart, how many of them have you put into practice, how many of them have you actually appropriated into your life?
Faith, faith is what makes real the things we hope for, it is proof of what we cannot see, faith comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God, ...however, without faith, it is impossible to please God, for those that seek Him must believe He is and that He rewards those that sincerely seek Him.
Yes it's a cliché, but it's a living cliché, so tell me, what has Father told you to do and you have stepped out in faith and done it? Anything, something, ...nothing?
Here's another living cliché, the just shall live by faith, Hab 2:4, Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38, truthfully, frankly, in love my brother, you need to start living by faith, once you start the dark clouds will go away and your strength will be renewed, you will mount up with wings as eagles, you will run and not be weary, you shall walk and not faint, taste of the Lord and see if He is not Good.
In His Love,