That which i highlighted in bold speaks to me pretty well..Take heart. Doubt, questioning, and wandering are normal stages of maturity for every child of God. We all experience what are called faith crises (aka Calvinist Crises) common to all Christians at some point. It is during such crises that we learn the significance of our relationship with God and we begin the journey toward spiritual maturity. If you haven't experienced a faith crisis, you will. Anyone who never has the experience needs to determine whether he/she has a real relationship with God. If you want to read a good first person account of this experience read John Bunyan's autobiography.
Up to the other day i realised my walk was mostly wishy washy even though i had a couple of break throughs. i also sense now, slightly, that the more mature one gets the greater the trials and the more faith one needs to get through them, and im feeling a little scared because i dont think i am ready for anything too drastic to happen because of my disability...