What Ails You?

ok, I have been thinking...Can we actually ask God to bless us with extra qualities in heaven, like.... I wouldn't mind bionic limbs things, and I would love to be like wonder woman...I really don't know why though, I think that could be faithless thinking, coz there won't be any real need for supermen and women, we would all be sooo loving and there would be no villains there. ok forget that lol

😊 just askin'
While I am grateful for the Lord's enabling me to overcome the cancer, I look forward to not being an ostomate and having to deal with associated issues.

I also know that our Lord has tasks for us to perform in continued service to Him, and I will be raised fully equipped to perform such in all joy.

Our thoughts will be forever centered on Him and not on ourselves.
While I am grateful for the Lord's enabling me to overcome the cancer, I look forward to not being an ostomate and having to deal with associated issues.

I also know that our Lord has tasks for us to perform in continued service to Him, and I will be raised fully equipped to perform such in all joy.

Our thoughts will be forever centered on Him and not on ourselves.
'Ostomate', ok, had to look that one up and will be praying for you.
'Ostomate', ok, had to look that one up and will be praying for you.
As far as 'issues' go, not having a bladder is not as overwhelming as problems others live with, just an additional complication to living. It is much better than disease taking over my body! I thank God for my supporting wife, as well as the skill of my surgeon. No self centered wailing about life here.