Oh, thank you Jim, that's great! Wow, you sure covered a lot of different areas to evangelise down there! (I'm married, have 4 grandkids, and am 72!)
I then went and read all of the website. Sounds like a wonderful work, and very Scriptural. Why we don't disciple is something that's stunned me for many decades. I'm so pleased that God taught me over 40 years ago to - DISCIPLE!! (and it's something I absolutely LOVE!!)
This quote on the site I found quite fascinating:
George Baarschers, Director of Discipleship International says, " In my 21 years of ministry I have asked hundreds of believers this question; "Can you quote to me five of God's promises you are standing on right now?" To date, no one has ever quoted five. We are in danger of no longer standing in faith and on the promises of God. We are too preoccupied with leaning on our own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5-6).
The last statement is absolutely true! What an appalling commentary on the church that people don't even know 5 things that underpin their daily walk with the Lord!! Only 5, and yet they still can't manage.... (That's not a smile on God's face I don't think...)
Finally, would you mind telling me how you evangelise Spanish-speakers? Use a translator, or do you have an English-speaker who also speaks fluent Spanish?
God bless you mightily, my friend!!
- BM