Hello DavyP;
When you posted, "so those who like to argue against the KJV are often just using their bias." reminded me 10 years ago when we got large turnouts on Friday evenings while I was teaching. Many were new believers and came with their KJVs, NKJVs, GNBs, NIVs, ESVs, the Message, etc...We didn't argue because one translation was this and another was that. We made it work but at some point we invested in ESV pew Bibles and everyone was using the same translation.
As a result, many of those who attended have grown in their ministries be it street witnessing, volunteering, church leadership, etc...and are prepared using the 2 Timothy 4:2 discipline and have narrowed the Bible or cross reference Bibles that they use for their personal study, ministry, teaching and preaching.
I do understand studying a translation being closest to the Hebrew and Greek, but I have also encouraged disciples that not everyone is on the same level of grasping the Word as others, but press on because our potential is there. Most translations are acceptable so we can choose a translation that works and challenges our academic discipline.
Getting back to your post, the ones who argued exposed their bias but also grumbled, “this is a hard saying. Who can listen to it?” using the John 6:59-66 reasoning and ended up church hopping as a casual option of finding a church that was easy. Today most of them aren't really doing anything. It breaks my heart when Christians lose faith because many of Jesus’ teachings are difficult.
God bless you, DavyP.