Definitely on the right road here- "Christians" are supposed to be DIFFERENT- to be pursuing / 'following after' / 'learning of' Jesus Christ / God.
So that's why in this "do what you want" attitude in modern Christianity- because of the false doctrine of 'being free from the law' giving us a right to do what we want / what feels good- Baby Christians fall by the wayside over the silliest of things like: modest clothing, piercings, tattoos, exercise, diet, working on the 'Sabbath', etc etc... It is of he same spirit as the world-not the Holy Spirit.
YES! clothing, getting tattoos, piercings, your job etc...matter because if you are not pursing 'what is Holy'; you are not pursing what is RIGHTEOUS in the sight of God. We are only 'free from the law' IF/ WHEN we are "walking in the (Holy) Spirit"; which is far to few and far between for most "Christians" (self included).
We are supposed to be the weirdos walking among the lost casting salt and light about us drawing them into the Savior's love. We ARE NOT supposed to be 'blending in'; so camouflaged that the lost see no difference between us and them. We are are sons and daughters of the Most High-maybe we should act like it. Maybe we should ACT like SAINTS?
We are ONE in the Spirit-we ARE Paul, Peter, John, Moses, David, Abraham, Mary, Esther, Ruth, ----> JESUS! Maybe "Christian Saints" should be more recognizable....