What Else Do I Do?

Hello there, @ThomasA,

I live in the UK, and mental health issues are high on the agenda at the moment here, because of so much that has come to light in the media, regarding the failure of the system to provide adequate care and provision.

I also have a grandson who has Asberger's Syndrome, and who, following a psychotic episode in his last year in school, has been finally diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder. He is now 20 years old, and has been through an horrific time. He feels it deeply, and struggles to cope on a daily basis. I just praise God, that he is also able to laugh, and joke about his condition to a degree: because it prevents the terrible prospect of falling into deep despair, and it's outcome.

The family around him have all suffered as a consequence: for his illness has affected the course of their lives . Frustrations and shear weariness can make everyone react badly on times; but, Praise God! Love does win through.

Trust in God, and don't give up.
His strength is made perfect in your weakness.
With love, in Christ Jesus
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Hello there, @ThomasA,

I live in the UK, and mental health issues are high on the agenda at the moment here, because of so much that has come to light in the media, regarding the failure of the system to provide adequate care and provision.

I also have a grandson who has Asberger's Syndrome, and who, following a psychotic episode in his last year in school, has been finally diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder. He is now 20 years old, and has been through an horrific time. He feels it deeply, and struggles to cope on a daily basis. I just praise God, that he is also able to laugh, and joke about his condition to a degree: because it prevents the terrible prospect of falling into deep despair, and it's outcome.

The family around him have all suffered as a consequence: for his illness has affected the course of their lives . Frustrations and shear weariness can make everyone react badly on times; but, Praise God! Love does win through.

Trust in God, and don't give up.
His strength is made perfect in your weakness.
With love, in Christ Jesus
Wow, that sounds horrible. At least like you said, he still finds light in this darkness. I really struggle at times, but do finally find the light with this. I think today while I'm writing this has been the best day I've had since that day in January. I really hope it continues to get better. I'm always scared that the relief is only temporary, but I am hopeful and still praying.