Welcome Christian ant to cfs!
Thank youWelcome Christian ant to cfs!
Please take a moment to read through the policies and procedures of this forum. It will ensure your time here is a very pleasant experience. We look forward to fellowshipping with you in the coming days.
Of you should need any assistance please don't hesitate to contact any member of the staff, and they WI be sure to help you in any way they can.
God bless you
Welcome Christian ant,
Hello there any welcome to our lovely community of Christians.
You're in for a lot of fun! You will:
You can still cry with joy though and that what we want
- Laugh
- Think
- Discuss
- Study
- Read
- Cry - yes you will...we have some sad stories and heartbreaking stories
I know you're itching to get involved and probably are bored by reading this, for that reason I'll shut up and let you explore.
If you need anything, feel free to start a thread here.
Have fun!
Thanks nice to meet youHi and welcome!
Likewise you will enjoy it here, it's a great place to connect and fellowship with Christ-like peopleThanks nice to meet you