I used to think colouring in you weren't really learning anything when I did Bibles in schools, as it was extra just to keep children occupied but now I think people need to doodle and colour in or knit or do something while listening.
I'm very happy just to sit and read a book from the Bible (and can read a lot faster on my own) or do Bible reading with others where everyone takes turns reading out loud.
I don't think church needs to entertain me but I find sometimes the services can be a bit too predictable, like it will often go like this -
sharing time
offering song
slow song
prayer song
short reading (sometimes not related to the sermon)
sermon (15-20 minutes) - one preacher with a power point
fellowship and cup of tea
Does anyone do anything different? We don't get to pick the songs and sometimes the preacher just follows a lectionary so after going there a few times I hear the same sermon again!
At quaker meetings its just an hour of quiet time, (and anyone can speak if they want to, but most often it's silent) then maybe some notices and then fellowship.
I like singing although I'm not a muscian, but sometimes I feel like we lack a bit of unison because the musicians out perform the congregation. They have the mics, they are out in front, we in the pews don't. Some churches I'm sure still have choirs, but I've never really been to any that had an actual choir. Its more like 3 piece bands are in.
I'm very happy just to sit and read a book from the Bible (and can read a lot faster on my own) or do Bible reading with others where everyone takes turns reading out loud.
I don't think church needs to entertain me but I find sometimes the services can be a bit too predictable, like it will often go like this -
sharing time
offering song
slow song
prayer song
short reading (sometimes not related to the sermon)
sermon (15-20 minutes) - one preacher with a power point
fellowship and cup of tea
Does anyone do anything different? We don't get to pick the songs and sometimes the preacher just follows a lectionary so after going there a few times I hear the same sermon again!
At quaker meetings its just an hour of quiet time, (and anyone can speak if they want to, but most often it's silent) then maybe some notices and then fellowship.
I like singing although I'm not a muscian, but sometimes I feel like we lack a bit of unison because the musicians out perform the congregation. They have the mics, they are out in front, we in the pews don't. Some churches I'm sure still have choirs, but I've never really been to any that had an actual choir. Its more like 3 piece bands are in.