What is an Idol?

Is there a Greek grammarian that coulld tell us if idolatry, in this passage, only relates to coveteousness or does it include the others? (fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire)?

Hello crossnote;

Yes, both idolatry and coveting falls in the mix (and more to the desire of sinful passions). I feel the passage in Colossians 3:5 that you shared previously is already a profound teaching and warning to us from God.
Hello crossnote;

Yes, both idolatry and coveting falls in the mix (and more to the desire of sinful passions). I feel the passage in Colossians 3:5 that you shared previously is already a profound teaching and warning to us from God.
So, in Col 3:5 would you say idolatry includes the others as well as coveteousness?
Hey crossnote;

Absolutely. In Colossians 3:5, 5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: - KJV
Hey crossnote;

Absolutely. In Colossians 3:5, 5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: - KJV
I was sort of wondering because it doesn't say 'which ARE idolatry'.
I just read an article that mentions these 10 things as idols. I think we tend to think of STATUES as the main culprit... and although some religions/sects do engage in this form of false worship... I believe in our modern society... this list is more accurate regarding Idolatry.

I just read an article that mentions these 10 things as idols. I think we tend to think of STATUES as the main culprit... and although some religions/sects do engage in this form of false worship... I believe in our modern society... this list is more accurate regarding Idolatry.

Those things you mentioned resemble a list of symptoms for a disease. They all relate to the disease of selfishness, which is in itself a form of worship--self worship.
In today's world what would you consider an idol to be?
What would it have in common with the OT idols of stone and wood that could neither hear or speak?
I have given considerable thought to this question. In todays world, (my world) what is an idol, what are my idols, past or present? I have been a born again, baptized Christian for many years. Several years ago this question tugged at my heart. I realized that I allowed the world with its allure ( and shallow promises) to creep into my desires. To spare much of the story, let me close with some simple observations. An idol is anything in your life that causes you to walk off the path of faith in Christ. We live in a world that is at war with Christian virtues. We have a slippery and shrewd enemy who presents himself as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11.14 records this. Friends, contend for the faith. Ask the Lord to multiple your love for him and ask the Lord to dethrone any idols that you have in your life. Freedom is a beautiful thing! He who the Son sets free is free indeed.- John 8.36.
I have been a born again, baptized Christian for many years. Several years ago this question tugged at my heart. I realized that I allowed the world with its allure ( and shallow promises) to creep into my desires. To spare much of the story, let me close with some simple observations. An idol is anything in your life that causes you to walk off the path of faith in Christ. We live in a world that is at war with Christian virtues. We have a slippery and shrewd enemy who presents himself as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11.14 records this. Friends, contend for the faith. Ask the Lord to multiple your love for him and ask the Lord to dethrone any idols that you have in your life. Freedom is a beautiful thing! He who the Son sets free is free indeed.- John 8.36.

Hello FortWright65;

You wrote; "Friends, contend for the faith. Ask the Lord to multiple your love for him and ask the Lord to dethrone any idols that you have in your life."

Excellent post and testimony. Thank you for sharing. It definitely aids me in keeping my guard up.

God bless
you, FortWright65, and your entire family.
YEP.... and now we have a thing called "Influencers" .... Companies send FREE products to these people on social media who have large followings... It's CRAZINESS.
I believe YouTube is a big culprit of this 'influencers' sort of thing, yet many of the 'Christian influencers' on YouTube will compromise their faith in order to get more 'views', 'subscribers' and 'goodies'. This 'compromising' (I believe) is a type of idolatry.
Don't get me wrong, there are some Christian YT influencers who remain faithful to the Gospel.
Is there a Greek grammarian that coulld tell us if idolatry, in this passage, only relates to coveteousness or does it include the others? (fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire)?
if it comes between us and the lord its a Idol anything if we have too ask then we already know it can even be a forum a computer a cell phone favorite t.v show and yes a girlfriend or boyfriend on the side even if married

1 John 5:21

King James Version

21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.
what about a legitimate spouse, can they be an idol?

Hello crossnote;

Yes. When a marriage between husband and wife become the priority, making God secondary.

I know this sounds calloused in the marital love and years between husband and wife, but our spouse is entrusted to us by God to have companionship, raise children, build a life of care and support with each other during our lifetime. But not the way of a worldly obsession, instead in the Way of God as our guidance and reliance.

When we look and depend on our spouse for everything instead of relying on God first, it can become unbearable when one goes ahead of the other to be with their Maker. My soulmate may be gone but God still remains as our first love.

I feel anyone who follows Christ and reading this answer can make sense of the rest.

The narrow meaning of idol is an image used as an object of worship. (Literal meaning). But in 2nd Corinthians, Bible through Paul, includes anything that commands ones spiritual allegiance (Figurative meaning).

In the case of the Corinthians, it was whether to eat meat that had been used in a sacrifice to another 'god'.

In Jewish law (not necessarily meaning the Old law, but its interpretation by ancient rabbis), if one does anything that enables or causes anyone else to violate what IS the Old Law then the enabler shares in the guilt of the offender. Thus, if one eats meat that was used in sacrifice, he participates in that sacrifice and violates the having no God before Him commandment.

But Paul explains in 2nd Corinthians many things about this:

First, since we know that idols and the gods to which they are dedicated are meaningless, eating meat or not eating meat reguardless of whether it was previously used in sacrifice is permissable provided:

> That you (the eater) understand that there is no god in the idol.
> That those who see you or are otherwise aware of your eating do not misunderstand and connect you and your inner self with that god and thus is not judging the body of Christ.

The sum of this is in 2 Corinthians 10:31-32.

So a literal rendering of Idol is limited to statues or other representations (to us non-existant) gods, a figurative use of the word includes anything that takes HIS place.

A related but distinct issue came in later years over religious icons, which, among other issues resulted in a separation between the Western church and the Eastern Orthodox church.
The narrow meaning of idol is an image used as an object of worship. (Literal meaning). But in 2nd Corinthians, Bible through Paul, includes anything that commands ones spiritual allegiance (Figurative meaning).

In the case of the Corinthians, it was whether to eat meat that had been used in a sacrifice to another 'god'.

In Jewish law (not necessarily meaning the Old law, but its interpretation by ancient rabbis), if one does anything that enables or causes anyone else to violate what IS the Old Law then the enabler shares in the guilt of the offender. Thus, if one eats meat that was used in sacrifice, he participates in that sacrifice and violates the having no God before Him commandment.

But Paul explains in 2nd Corinthians many things about this:

First, since we know that idols and the gods to which they are dedicated are meaningless, eating meat or not eating meat reguardless of whether it was previously used in sacrifice is permissable provided:

> That you (the eater) understand that there is no god in the idol.
> That those who see you or are otherwise aware of your eating do not misunderstand and connect you and your inner self with that god and thus is not judging the body of Christ.

The sum of this is in 2 Corinthians 10:31-32.

So a literal rendering of Idol is limited to statues or other representations (to us non-existant) gods, a figurative use of the word includes anything that takes HIS place.

A related but distinct issue came in later years over religious icons, which, among other issues resulted in a separation between the Western church and the Eastern Orthodox church.

Good morning, Siloam;

It's always good to get good insight from reading your posts. What you share goes to show that idols, and sin, are not limited but can festor in so many different areas of our lives, thus a silent killer.

God bless you, brother, and thank you for sharing.